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Revisiona47ed1afefeef2d5cfd19dd685f75db9a356e3be (tree)
Time2022-05-17 00:10:49
AuthorAlbert Mietus < albert AT mietus DOT nl >
CommiterAlbert Mietus < albert AT mietus DOT nl >

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diff -r 073412a6dd1e -r a47ed1afefee CCastle/Design/syntax/2.grammar_code.rst
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CCastle/Design/syntax/2.grammar_code.rst Mon May 16 17:10:49 2022 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
1+.. _grammmar-code:
4+Grammar is code
7+.. post:: 2022/05/14
8+ :category: Castle, DesignStudy
9+ :tags: Castle, grammar, PEG
11+ In :ref:`Castle-CompilerCompiler` we have seen that we can define a grammar within a Castle-program. And we have
12+ argued that each grammars-rule can be considered as a function.
14+ In this post, we look into de details of how this works. And will confirm grammars is code ...
16+Let’s start with an example. The grammer below is a simplified description of how a (PEG) parsing-rule looks like. The
17+syntax in Castle is a bit more complicated, by having more details and options; but very simular. Most of the
18+Caste-grammers can be parsed by the grammer below!
20+.. code-block:: PEG
22+ PEG_rule <- rule_name '<-' expression ';' ;
23+ expression <- ordered_choice+ ;
24+ ordered_choice <- sequence ( '|' sequence)* ;
25+ sequence <- group | atom ;
26+ group <- '(' expression ')' ;
27+ atom <- rule_xref | str_lit | regexp ;
28+ str_lit <- '"' /[^"]* '"' ;
29+ regexp <- '/' /[^/]* '/' ;
30+ rule_name <- ID ;
31+ rule_xref <- ID ;
33+With this grammer we can read and check whether an a string is a valid rule by simply calling:
34+:math:`ast:=PEG\_rule(single\_line)`. When not, ``ast`` is :math:`False`, else ``ast`` has 4 children (or fields).
35+Where :data:`ast[0]` represent the ``rule_name``, :data:`ast[2]` is an ``expression``; which is a sequence of
38+As the rule has two constants :data:`ast[1]` and :data:`ast[3]` will always match the strings *‘<-’* and *‘;’*.
41+Grammar to code
44+Before we study how Castle *expands* a grammar to code, let examine how to do that by manually crafted code, or using a
45+external compiler-compiler. In both cases, we will focus on the “validation” part only. And we skip a lot of details;
46+assuming you know a bit of theory of (PEG) parser. When not, read Guido van Rossum’s excellent blog-series `PEG Parsing
47+Series Overview <https://medium.com/@gvanrossum_83706/peg-parsing-series-de5d41b2ed60>`__
50+Hand written code
53+Again, let’s suppost we like to verify a string contains a *peg-rule*. Then we need some functions [#func]_, which signature
54+are something like:
56+.. tabs::
58+ .. code-tab:: python
60+ def PEG_rule(text: str) -> ast : ...
61+ def expression(text: str) -> ast : ...
62+ def ordered_choice(text: str) -> ast : ...
63+ def sequence(text: str) -> ast : ...
64+ ...
66+ .. code-tab:: c
68+ ast PEG_rule(char* txt);
69+ ast expression(char* txt);
70+ ast ordered_choice(char* txt);
71+ ast sequence(char* txt);
72+ ...
74+Where we assume the type ``ast`` is defined in the chosen language and will be Null/None/Empty to signal :math:`False`:
75+not valid.
77+The implementation of ``PEG_rule()`` checks thats the input-string starts with a ``rule_name``, followed by the literal
78+string **“<-”**, then has an ``expression`` and finally the literal string **“;”**. When one of those (four) steps fail,
79+we return :math:`False`.
81+We follow this pattern for all rules.
83+This concept is easy to implement: each rule-function calls other rule-functions as defined by the grammar. When we
84+need to check for a literal string we use :func:`expect(txt: str, literal: str) -> bool`. Also, we need a function to find
85+an ID; again easy. Sometimes we need to implement a loop --to handle ``*`` and ``+``. Or we need an :math:`or`, to
86+implement alternatives (``|``). None of that is rocket science.
88+A real implementation is a bit harder, as we have to strip spaces (and comments), handle newlines, and need to keep
89+track of where we are. Typically that is (nowadays) done by embedding those functions in a class; then the “input text” can be
90+stored in the instance (instead of passing them constantly). That instance also has a ‘cursor’ to the current
93+More details
96+There are a lot of details that make writing a grammer complex. We mention a few, and what it effect is on the (manually
97+written) code.
99+When using alternatives (the ``|`` operator in the grammar), a PEG-parser will always try the first alternative first,
100+Only when that fails, it back-ups an try the next alternative. Sometimes means (almost) start again, and parse the same file almost
101+completely again. Therefore the *packrat* algorithm is usually used; using memoization.
103+This is not hard: just add a few lines of boilerplate before and after each call. To store intermediate partial-ast(s) in a
106+Sometimes, we like to use another parser-strategy, like LALR_ (used by Yacc_), GLR_ (e.g Bison, the successor of Yacc_)
107+or `LL(k)`_ (introduced by ANTLR, which was popular for a while); each one has it pros and cons. Still, all (or almost)
108+start with the same grammar (although smarter strategies may result is shorter, easier to maintain [#maintain]_
109+grammars) [#notation]_.
111+For a long time PEG-parsers where not able to handle left recursive rules [#leftStack]_. Until somebody discovered that is not
112+correct. Grammars in Castle can be left recursive! Both direct and indirect recursion is allowed. It is possible to
113+rewrite a grammar to remove the recursion. It makes the grammar however, more complex to maintain *(and for that reason
114+Castle will support recursion!)*
116+By example, an simple calculation as :math:`7-5-3` should result in :math:`((7-5)-3)` but that needs left
117+recursion. When rewriting it, you must be carefull not to get :math:`(7-(5-3))`!
119+This can be fixes, by adding an extra step. But it is better to use the update PEG-strategy: Just add more boilerplate code!
121+.. tabs::
123+ .. code-tab:: PEG Direct recursion
125+ expr <- expr '-' term | term
127+ .. code-tab:: PEG Indirect recursion
129+ A <- B "a" | "a"
130+ B <- A "b" | "b"
132+ .. code-tab:: PEG A rewritten grammar
134+ expr <- term ( '-' term )*
138+Generating the code
141+You might recognise the pattern: To make the grammer more useful, the algorithms become more complex and adds more
142+code. This “extra” code, however is not hard; you just need the same (or almost the same) lines at many places.
144+This begs for automation. And that is exactly what most compiler-compilers do.
146+A compiler-compilers read the grammar and generates the code. As shown above it will generate (C, C++, C#, Java,
147+Python, or ...) functions [#OrTables]_ that call each-other. It will also detect left-recursion, and might compensate for
148+that. The result: more boilerplate-code; but as it is automatically generated this is easy.
150+Classic tools
152+There are many tools, that we can use for inspiration. A short overview, and how it influences Castle.
154+Possible the most famous compiler-compilers is Yacc_. It was developed in 197X and generates C-code that can be compiled
155+and linked to your code. To parse a string, you had to call ``yyparse())``. It would however be relatively simple to
156+generate functions with the name of each rule, using the same machinery. In that decade however, the goal was
157+differently. Memory was limited, what we can also see in the used grammar: one had to craft it carefully as the was no
158+back-tracking an only a single token look-ahead.
160+Bison_ is Gnu reimplementation of Yacc_, but can use several parsing-algorithms.cLike Yacc_, it used a separate Lexer_:
161+*flex* (whereas Yacc uses *lex*). A lexer_ splits the input-string into a stream of *Tokens* using another (simpler,
162+but faster) algorithm. In that time that was relevant.
164+As a lexer_ can be implemented with a parsing-algorithm (but not the other-way around), and as the need for speed doesn't
165+demand a separate lexer_ anymore; modern parsings are often “scannerless”. This removes the need to use two meta-syntaxes
166+(for the lexer/scanner and the parser) and so is simpler to use.
168+Also Castle use a scannerless approach.
172+Also in Castle you can use grammars; but now directly in your program, using the Castle-syntax. And Castle will generate
173+“code”, Castle-functions that is. But now without an extra tool.
175+Actually, it probably will not generate code; nor ‘code as text’. Why should we generate code, to read & parse it back
176+and compile it directly? It easier to generate the AST, that would be the result of parsing the generated-code directly.
178+But the effect is the same. You create a set of function with this generic “text to tree” signature, by writing some
179+simle rule. Castle does the rest for you. Easy!
184+.. rubric:: Footnotes
186+.. [#func]
187+ Instead of a **function**, it can also be a *method, or any *callable*. We use ‘function’ a generic term, in the
188+ mathematical meaning: some input (parameters) and an output (return value).
190+.. [#maintain]
191+ This is not specially for grammers; all it valid for all programming-languages. New languages may introduce new
192+ concepts (like --once-- OO). When the compiler becomes smarter, the programmer can focus in the important bits!
194+.. [#notation]
195+ Aside of multiple parser-algorithms, there are also several notation to write the grammar itself; like `EBNF
196+ <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Backus–Naur_form>`__ `ABNF
197+ <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augmented_Backus–Naur_form>`__, and `YACC`_
198+ Most implementations of a given algorithm, use a dialect of a standard one, to enable :ref:`G2C-actions`, or ..
200+ Also Caste does this: We use the Caste-grammer, which is based on both EBNF and PEG; but using the classic ‘|’
201+ instead of the ‘\’ for ordered-choice.
203+.. [#leftStack]
204+ Without going into details left-recursion is hard for many parsing-algorithms. In the shown approach, a
205+ rule-function (for a rule that is direct left-recurse) will call itself as first step. In this way no progress is
206+ made, and the stack will quickly overrun.
208+.. [#OrTables]
209+ Some tools, like Yacc by example, use another approach. Instead of many functions it has a generic (run-time) library
210+ that used code-tables; which are generated by the tool. Still, that is just a implementation detail.
212+.. _LALR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LALR_parser
213+.. _LALR(1): LALR_
214+.. _GLR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLR_parser
215+.. _LL(k): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LL_parser
216+.. _YACC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yacc
217+.. _Bison: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Bison
218+.. _Lexer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexical_analysis
diff -r 073412a6dd1e -r a47ed1afefee CCastle/Usage/1.CompilerCompiler.rst
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CCastle/Usage/1.CompilerCompiler.rst Mon May 16 17:10:49 2022 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
1+.. _Castle-CompilerCompiler:
4+Compiler Compiler
7+.. post:: 2022/05/7
8+ :category: Castle, Usage
9+ :tags: Castle, grammar
11+ In Castle you can define a *grammar* directly in your code. The compiler will *translate* them into functions, using
12+ the build-in (PEG) **compiler-compiler** -- at least that was it called back in the days of *YACC*.
14+ How do one use that? And why should you?
16+Grammars, a short intro
19+A grammar is a collection of (parsing)-**rules** and optionally some *settings*. Rules are written in a mixture of EBNF
20+and PEG meta-syntax. Let’s start with an simple example:
22+.. code-block:: PEG
24+ castle_file <- ( import_line | interface | implementation )* ;
25+ import_line <- IMPORT_stmt ( STRING_literal | qualID ) ';' ;
26+ qualID <- '.'? nameID ('.' nameID )* ;
27+ IMPORT_stmt = "import" ;
28+ ...
31+This basically defines that a ``castle_file`` is either an ``import_line``, an ``interface``, an ``implementation``, or
32+sequence of them. Where an ``import_line`` starts with the ``IMPORT_stmt`` *(which is set to the string ‘import’, on
33+line 4)*, then comes either a ``STRING_literal`` (indeed a literal-string) or a ``qualID``, and ends with a semicolon
34+(`;`). Likewise, a ``qualID`` is a ``nameID`` *(a name that is used as ID, like in any programming language)*,
35+optionally followed by sub-names *(again like most languages: a dotted name, specifying a field (in a field, in
36+...)*. In Castle, that name may start with a dot --which is a shorthand notation for “in the current namespace”. You can
37+ignore that for know.
39+The grammer defines how one should read the input --a text--, or more formally: how to parse it. The result of this
40+parsing is twofold. It will check whether input conforms to the grammer; resulting a in boolean, for the mathematics
41+under us. And it will translate a sequential (flat) text into a tree-structure; which typically much more useful for a
44+A well known example is this HTML-file. On disk it’s nothing but text, which is easy to store and to transfer. But
45+when send to your brouwer, it’s *parsed* and to create the `DOM
46+<https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_Object_Model>`__; a tree of the document, with sections, paragraphs,
47+hyper-links, etc. By regarding it as a tree, it easy to describe (e.g. with CSS) how all parts, should be shown: all
48+headers have a background, the first row in a table is highlighed, etc.
53+Another well-known example is (the source of a) programm. As code, it is just text. But the compiler will parse it into
54+a parse-tree and/or an abstract-syntax-tree; which is build out of classes, methods, statements etc.
56+But also your favorite IDE will *parse* it; to highlight the code, give tooltips, enable you to quickly navigate and
57+refactor it, and all those conviant features that make it your favorite editor.
59+And even you are probably parsing text as part of your daily job. When you un-serialise data, you are (often) parsing
60+text; when you read the configuration, you are (or should be ) parsing that text. Even a simple input of the user might
61+need a bit of parsing. The text “42” is not the number :math:`42.0` -- you need to convert it; parse it.
63+There a many ways to *parse*. You do not need a full-fledged grammer to translate “42” into :math:`42` or
64+:math:`42.0` --a stdlib functions as ``atoi()`` or ``atof()`` will do. But how about handling complex numbers
65+(:math:`4+j2`) or fractions (:math:`\frac{17}{42}`)?
70+As proper passing used to hard, other similar (but simpler) techniques do exist, like `globing
71+<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)>`__ (``\*.Castle`` on the bash-prompt will result in all
72+Castle-files). Using `regular-expressions <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression>`__ is more powerfull, and
73+often used to highlight code; a pattern as ``//.*$`` can be used to highlight (single-line) comment. It often works, but
74+this simple pattern might match a piece of text *inside* a multi-line-(doc)string -- which wrong.
76+To parse a input-text its not a sound solution; although I have seen cunning regular-expressions, that almost always
77+work. But *reg-exps* have not the same power as a grammar-- That is already proven halve a century ago and will not be
78+repeated here.
80+Grammars are more powerfull
83+A grammar (even a simple one) is more powerfull. You can define the overal structure of the input and the sub-structure
84+of each *lump*. When a multi-line-string has no sub-structure, the parser will never find comments inside it. Nor other
85+way around; it simple is not hunting for it.
87+As most programming-languages do not have build-in support for grammars, one has to resort to external tools. Like the
88+famous `YACC <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yacc>`__; developed in 197X. YACC will read a grammar-file, and generates
89+C-code that can be compiled and linked to your code.
91+Back then, writing compiler-compilers was a popular academic research exercise (YACC stand for: Yet Another Compiler
92+Compiler). It was great for compiler-designers, but clumsy to use for average developers: The syntax to write a grammar
93+was hard to grasp, with many pitfalls, the interface between your code and the parser was awkward (you had to call
94+``yyparse()``; needed some globals; OO wasn't invented, no inheritance or data-hiding, which resulted in puzzling tricks
95+to use multiple parsers, etc).
97+Aside of that, more and better parsing strategies are developed; that is handles in another :ref:`blog <grammmar-code>`.
99+Unleash that power!
102+With those better parsing-algorithms, faster computers with a lot more memory and other inventions, writing grammars
103+has become more peaceful. Except that you still need an extra step, another sytax, as you still need to use an external
104+tool. That sometimes isn’t maintained after a couple of years ...
106+The effect is, most developers don’t use grammars; the write parser-like code manually, the settle for less optimal
107+result. Or are utterly not aware that grammer can provide a other (better, easier) solution.
109+Castle has build-in support for grammers, and is hiding the nasty details of parsing-strategies. There is no need to
110+generating, compiling, and use that code, with external tools. All that clutter is gone.
112+With a few lines, you define the structure of the input. Each rule is like a function: it has a name (the left-hand-side
113+of the rule, so the part before the arrow), and a implementation; the part after the arrow. That implementation “calls”
114+other rules, like normal code.
116+To use the grammar you simply call one of those rules as a function: pass the input (string) and it will return a
117+(generic) tree-structure.
119+When you simple like to verify the syntax is correct: use the tree as a boolean: when it not-empty the input is valid.
121+But typically you proces/use that tree: like you do in many situations. Read the configuration values, walk over the
122+tree, of traverse it as-if it is a DOM. You can even use Castle’s :ref:`matching-statements` to simply that.
124+Grammars makes reading text easy. Define the structure, call the “main rule” and use the values. Castle makes that simple!
diff -r 073412a6dd1e -r a47ed1afefee CCastle/Usage/CompilerCompiler.rst
--- a/CCastle/Usage/CompilerCompiler.rst Mon May 16 17:04:58 2022 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
1-.. _Castle-CompilerCompiler:
4-Compiler Compiler
7-.. post:: 2022/05/7
8- :category: Castle, Usage
9- :tags: Castle, grammar
11- In Castle you can define a *grammar* directly in your code. The compiler will *translate* them into functions, using
12- the build-in (PEG) **compiler-compiler** -- at least that was it called back in the days of *YACC*.
14- How do one use that? And why should you?
16-Grammars, a short intro
19-A grammar is a collection of (parsing)-**rules** and optionally some *settings*. Rules are written in a mixture of EBNF
20-and PEG meta-syntax. Let’s start with an simple example:
22-.. code-block:: PEG
24- castle_file <- ( import_line | interface | implementation )* ;
25- import_line <- IMPORT_stmt ( STRING_literal | qualID ) ';' ;
26- qualID <- '.'? nameID ('.' nameID )* ;
27- IMPORT_stmt = "import" ;
28- ...
31-This basically defines that a ``castle_file`` is either an ``import_line``, an ``interface``, an ``implementation``, or
32-sequence of them. Where an ``import_line`` starts with the ``IMPORT_stmt`` *(which is set to the string ‘import’, on
33-line 4)*, then comes either a ``STRING_literal`` (indeed a literal-string) or a ``qualID``, and ends with a semicolon
34-(`;`). Likewise, a ``qualID`` is a ``nameID`` *(a name that is used as ID, like in any programming language)*,
35-optionally followed by sub-names *(again like most languages: a dotted name, specifying a field (in a field, in
36-...)*. In Castle, that name may start with a dot --which is a shorthand notation for “in the current namespace”. You can
37-ignore that for know.
39-The grammer defines how one should read the input --a text--, or more formally: how to parse it. The result of this
40-parsing is twofold. It will check whether input conforms to the grammer; resulting a in boolean, for the mathematics
41-under us. And it will translate a sequential (flat) text into a tree-structure; which typically much more useful for a
44-A well known example is this HTML-file. On disk it’s nothing but text, which is easy to store and to transfer. But
45-when send to your brouwer, it’s *parsed* and to create the `DOM
46-<https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_Object_Model>`__; a tree of the document, with sections, paragraphs,
47-hyper-links, etc. By regarding it as a tree, it easy to describe (e.g. with CSS) how all parts, should be shown: all
48-headers have a background, the first row in a table is highlighed, etc.
53-Another well-known example is (the source of a) programm. As code, it is just text. But the compiler will parse it into
54-a parse-tree and/or an abstract-syntax-tree; which is build out of classes, methods, statements etc.
56-But also your favorite IDE will *parse* it; to highlight the code, give tooltips, enable you to quickly navigate and
57-refactor it, and all those conviant features that make it your favorite editor.
59-And even you are probably parsing text as part of your daily job. When you un-serialise data, you are (often) parsing
60-text; when you read the configuration, you are (or should be ) parsing that text. Even a simple input of the user might
61-need a bit of parsing. The text “42” is not the number :math:`42.0` -- you need to convert it; parse it.
63-There a many ways to *parse*. You do not need a full-fledged grammer to translate “42” into :math:`42` or
64-:math:`42.0` --a stdlib functions as ``atoi()`` or ``atof()`` will do. But how about handling complex numbers
65-(:math:`4+j2`) or fractions (:math:`\frac{17}{42}`)?
70-As proper passing used to hard, other similar (but simpler) techniques do exist, like `globing
71-<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)>`__ (``\*.Castle`` on the bash-prompt will result in all
72-Castle-files). Using `regular-expressions <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression>`__ is more powerfull, and
73-often used to highlight code; a pattern as ``//.*$`` can be used to highlight (single-line) comment. It often works, but
74-this simple pattern might match a piece of text *inside* a multi-line-(doc)string -- which wrong.
76-To parse a input-text its not a sound solution; although I have seen cunning regular-expressions, that almost always
77-work. But *reg-exps* have not the same power as a grammar-- That is already proven halve a century ago and will not be
78-repeated here.
80-Grammars are more powerfull
83-A grammar (even a simple one) is more powerfull. You can define the overal structure of the input and the sub-structure
84-of each *lump*. When a multi-line-string has no sub-structure, the parser will never find comments inside it. Nor other
85-way around; it simple is not hunting for it.
87-As most programming-languages do not have build-in support for grammars, one has to resort to external tools. Like the
88-famous `YACC <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yacc>`__; developed in 197X. YACC will read a grammar-file, and generates
89-C-code that can be compiled and linked to your code.
91-Back then, writing compiler-compilers was a popular academic research exercise (YACC stand for: Yet Another Compiler
92-Compiler). It was great for compiler-designers, but clumsy to use for average developers: The syntax to write a grammar
93-was hard to grasp, with many pitfalls, the interface between your code and the parser was awkward (you had to call
94-``yyparse()``; needed some globals; OO wasn't invented, no inheritance or data-hiding, which resulted in puzzling tricks
95-to use multiple parsers, etc).
97-Aside of that, more and better parsing strategies are developed; that is handles in another :ref:`blog <grammmar-code>`.
99-Unleash that power!
102-With those better parsing-algorithms, faster computers with a lot more memory and other inventions, writing grammars
103-has become more peaceful. Except that you still need an extra step, another sytax, as you still need to use an external
104-tool. That sometimes isn’t maintained after a couple of years ...
106-The effect is, most developers don’t use grammars; the write parser-like code manually, the settle for less optimal
107-result. Or are utterly not aware that grammer can provide a other (better, easier) solution.
109-Castle has build-in support for grammers, and is hiding the nasty details of parsing-strategies. There is no need to
110-generating, compiling, and use that code, with external tools. All that clutter is gone.
112-With a few lines, you define the structure of the input. Each rule is like a function: it has a name (the left-hand-side
113-of the rule, so the part before the arrow), and a implementation; the part after the arrow. That implementation “calls”
114-other rules, like normal code.
116-To use the grammar you simply call one of those rules as a function: pass the input (string) and it will return a
117-(generic) tree-structure.
119-When you simple like to verify the syntax is correct: use the tree as a boolean: when it not-empty the input is valid.
121-But typically you proces/use that tree: like you do in many situations. Read the configuration values, walk over the
122-tree, of traverse it as-if it is a DOM. You can even use Castle’s :ref:`matching-statements` to simply that.
124-Grammars makes reading text easy. Define the structure, call the “main rule” and use the values. Castle makes that simple!