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Released at 2012-03-31 22:59
SmartSection smartsection_220 (1 files Hide)

Release Notes

This package includes 2 modules.
- SmartSection 2.20
- SmartObject 1.10

*** SmartSection 2.20 ***

- upgrade from 2.14

- Improved : Migrating to PHP 5.3
(1) ereg
(2) Assigning the return value of new by reference is now deprecated.

- Improved : Migrating to MySQL 5.5

- Added : Japanaese language pack

- Improved : SmartSection 2.14 patch for XOOPS Cube Legacy ( Impresscms fourm )

(1) change "preferences" and "modules update" in admin memu.

- Improved : SmartSection 2.14 patch for upload multibyte filename

(1) I will attempt to change that the user can use Japanese or multibyte langugae for the upload file name.

- Improved : SmartSection 2.14 patch for Email button ( Impresscms fourm )

(1) mojibake (character garble) when use Email button

- Fixed : SmartSection 2.14 bugs and patches ( Impresscms fourm )

(1) enable "Print" and "PDF"
(2) Parse error and Notice in print
(3) wrong style in print template file
(4) Invalid argument when guest view
(5) Undefined variable in admin's category
(6) Missing argument when save file
(7) many Notice when "Disable comments"
(8) keyword "abc" match "abccccc"
(9) cannot show keyword in Japanese and multibyte language

- Fixed : undefined constant and index in addfile.php

*** SmartObject 1.10 ***

- upgrade from 1.0.1

- Improved : Migrating to PHP 5.3
(1) ereg
(2) Assigning the return value of new by reference is now deprecated.

- Improved : Migrating to MySQL 5.5

- Added : Japanaese language pack
- Added : Japanaese UTF-8 (ja_uft8) in fpdf

- Improved : SmartObject 1.0.1 patch for XOOPS Cube Legacy ( Impresscms fourm )

(1) change "preferences" and "modules update" in admin memu.

- Fixed : SmartObject 1.0.1 bugs and patchs ( Impresscms fourm )

(1) not read other language file in xoops_version.php
(2) undifined table in xoops_version.php
(3) undefined constant in module manager
(4) Undefined variable in admin's link

- Fixed : SmartObject 1.0.1 bug and patch for PDF ( Impresscms fourm )

(1) not show the image
(2) Fatal error in specifing the image which doesn't exist
(3) undefined constant SRC
(4) undedined _MD_POSTEDON
(5) mojibake (character garble) in Japanese


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