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xoops2-ja-eucjp (tar.gz)
xoops2-ja-eucjp (zip)

Released at 2006-09-25 23:43
xoopscube2_1 XOOPSCube_2_1_Alpha_5 (2 files Hide)

Release Notes

We would like to first thank you all for the tests, reviews, and reports so far. The XOOPS Cube project team is proud to announce the release of Alpha5.
For smoother development in the beta status, this release is still in alpha status. The first beta release had been scheduled in this September, but it is postponed to early October. We are aiming to release the RC version till end of October.

Current development and coming release schedule
Alpha5 includes many bug fixes such as, with help of your reports, XoopsForm templates and a new cache mechanism. Users can modify the display of XoopsForm by the template manager. And, the new cache mechanism makes it easy to tune up cache policy by a preload file.
These two feature are added to Legacy in this release, so you may encounter new troubles around XoopsForm and the cache feature.

The project team has started to check new XCube layer. Then, the team will merge the new XCube layer with the latest Legacy. It will be the Beta version. Major alteration is difficult since Beta. So we have to complete the specification of Legacy 2.1.0 in Alpha5.
This release is still in Alpha status, but that's the final stage for Legacy which emulates XOOPS2 JP.

We thank you all for your understandings to the delay.

* Upgrade
From Alpha4-e / Alpha4-f
1) Overwrite all the files of Alpha4 with all files included in Alpha4 -d.
2) Go to the module administratoin section, update the base(Legacy), the user and the legacyRender modules.

Other cases (Alpha4-d or prior)
Please refer to this article.

* Next Archive
The project team will release next release within next Monday.
However, if any fatal bug is found in the Alpha5, we are ready to release a fixed version anytime.

This is alpha release which may includes some serious bugs and its specification may be changed in future. Please use it at your own risk.

We appreciate your experiments use and feedbacks. At this time, your comments and report really help us for future development.

Best regards,
The XOOPS Cube Project Team


- Renders XoopsForm by the template mechanism.
- Reform the cache mechanism.
- Fix bugs that the user module doesn't check a permission correctly.
- Fix the bug that the module administrator can't find the link to the control panel.
- Fix the bug that the administrator can't access to the preference in the control panel.
- Display the link to the control panel in any pages for the module administrator group, because there are modules which doesn't have the main page.
- Fix the bug about the message catalog of the old system module.
- Fix the bug that users can't reply in PM.
- Fix the bug that the sort button in user-search doesn't work correctly.
- Implement user-search by groups.
- Remove extra image files and remake the default banner image.
- Adjust the module compatibility.
- Fix bugs about URL for redirect.
- Fix bugs and TYPOs.
- Adjust templates.