[xoops-cvslog 2079] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/comment/class

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Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 2月 2日 (木) 18:29:00 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/comment/class/comments.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/comment/class/comments.php: xoops2jp/html/modules/comment/class/comments.php:removed
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/comment/class/comments.php:	Thu Nov 24 18:40:01 2005
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/comment/class/comments.php	Thu Feb  2 18:29:00 2006
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-if (!defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH'))
-	exit();
-class CommentCommentsObject extends XoopsObject
-	function CommentCommentsObject()
-	{
-		parent::XoopsObject();
-		$this->initVar('id', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false);
-		$this->initVar('pid', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false);
-		$this->initVar('root_id', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false);
-		$this->initVar('obj_id', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false);
-		$this->initVar('icon', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, null, false);
-		$this->initVar('created_time', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, time(), false);
-		$this->initVar('modified_time', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, time(), false);
-		$this->initVar('uid', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, true);
-		$this->initVar('title', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, null, true, 255, true);
-		$this->initVar('message', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTAREA, null, true, null, true);
-		$this->initVar('status', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false);
-		//
-		// Compatibility flags.
-		//
-		$this->initVar('ip', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, null, false);
-		$this->initVar('sig', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false);
-		$this->initVar('exparams', XOBJ_DTYPE_OTHER, null, false, 255);
-		$this->initVar('dohtml', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false);
-		$this->initVar('dosmiley', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 1, false);
-		$this->initVar('doxcode', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 1, false);
-		$this->initVar('doimage', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false);
-		$this->initVar('dobr', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 1, false);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Create a responce comment object, and return it.
-	 * @return XoopsComment
-	 */
-    function createChild()
-    {
-		$ret=new CommentCommentsObject();
-		$ret->setNew();
-		$ret->setVar('pid',$this->getVar('id'));
-		$ret->setVar('root_id',$this->getVar('root_id'));
-		$ret->setVar('obj_id',$this->getVar('obj_id'));
-		$ret->setVar('exparams',$this->getVar('exparams'));
-		return $ret;
-	}
-class CommentCommentsHandler extends XoopsObjectHandler
-	function &create($isNew=true)
-	{
-		$ret=new CommentCommentsObject();
-		if($isNew)
-			$ret->setNew();
-		return $ret;
-	}
-	function &get($id)
-	{
-		$ret=false;
-		$sql="SELECT * FROM ".$this->db->prefix("comment_comments")." WHERE id=".intval($id);
-		$result=$this->db->query($sql);
-		if(!$result)
-			return $ret;
-		if($this->db->getRowsNum($result)==1) {
-			$ret = new CommentCommentsObject();
-			$ret->assignVars($this->db->fetchArray($result));
-			return $ret;
-		}
-		return $ret;
-	}
-	function insert(&$comment,$force=false)
-	{
-		if(!is_a($comment,"CommentCommentsObject"))
-			return false;
-		if(!$comment->isDirty())
-			return true;
-		if(!$comment->cleanVars())
-			return false;
-		$fields=array(
-			"id"            => $comment->getProperty('id'),
-			"pid"           => $comment->getProperty('pid'),
-			"root_id"       => $comment->getProperty('root_id'),
-			"obj_id"        => $comment->getProperty('obj_id'),
-			"icon"          => $this->db->quoteString($comment->getProperty('icon')),
-			"created_time"  => $comment->getProperty('created_time'),
-			"modified_time" => $comment->getProperty('modified_time'),
-			"uid"           => $comment->getProperty('uid'),
-			"title"         => $this->db->quoteString($comment->getProperty('title')),
-			"message"       => $this->db->quoteString($comment->getProperty('message')),
-			"status"        => $comment->getProperty('status'),
-			"ip"            => $this->db->quoteString($comment->getProperty('ip')),
-			"sig"           => $comment->getProperty('sig'),
-			"exparams"      => $this->db->quoteString($comment->getProperty('exparams')),
-			"dohtml"        => $comment->getProperty('dohtml'),
-			"dosmiley"      => $comment->getProperty('dosmiley'),
-			"doxcode"       => $comment->getProperty('doxcode'),
-			"doimage"       => $comment->getProperty('doimage'),
-			"dobr"          => $comment->getProperty('dobr')
-		);
-		//
-		// Generate SQL
-		//  Because XoopsObject Handler is deprecated, we keep this helper to base class.
-		//
-		$sql=null;
-		$isNewFlag=$comment->isNew();
-		if($isNewFlag) {
-			$sql="INSERT INTO ".$this->db->prefix("comment_comments").
-			      " ( ".implode(",",array_keys($fields))." ) ".
-			      " VALUES ( ".implode(",",array_values($fields))." )";
-		}
-		else {
-			$set=array();
-			foreach($fields as $key=>$value) {
-				$set[]= $key . "=" . $value;
-			}
-			$sql="UPDATE ".$this->db->prefix("comment_comments").
-			      " SET ".implode(",",$set)." WHERE id=".$fields['id'];
-		}
-		if($force) {
-			$result=$this->db->queryF($sql);
-		}
-		else {
-			$result=$this->db->query($sql);
-		}
-		if(!$result)
-			return false;
-		if($isNewFlag) {
-			$comment->setVar('id',$this->db->getInsertId());
-			$comment->unsetNew();
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	function delete(&$comment)
-	{
-		if(!is_a($comment,"CommentCommentsObject"))
-			return false;
-		$sql="DELETE FORM ".$this->db->prefix("comment_comments")." WHERE id=".$comment->getVar('id');
-		$result=$this->db->query($sql);
-		return $result ? true : false;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * This function does not impletement about 'is_as_key'.
-	 */
-	function &getObjects($criteria=null,$id_as_key=false)
-	{
-		$ret=array();
-		$start = 0;
-		$limit = 0;
-		$sql="SELECT * FROM ".$this->db->prefix("comment_comments");
-		if(isset($criteria)&&is_a($criteria,"CriteriaElemenet")) {
-			$sql.=" ".$$criteria->renderWhere();
-			$sort = ($criteria->getSort() != null) ? $criteria->getSort() : "id";
-			$sql.=" ORDER BY ".$sort." ".$criteria->getOrder();
-			$start=$criteria->getStart();
-			$limit=$criteria->getLimit();
-		}
-		$result=$this->db->query($sql,$limit,$start);
-		if(!$result)
-			return $ret;
-		while($row=$this->db->fetchArray($result)) {
-			$comment=new CommentCommentsObject();
-			$comment->assignVars($row);
-			$ret[]=&$comment;
-			unset($comment);
-		}
-		return $ret;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns comment objects by object id.
-	 * @param $objectId int
-	 * @param $start int
-	 * @param $limit int
-	 */
-	function getObjectsByObjId($objectId,$start=0,$limit=0)
-	{
-		$ret=array();
-		// TODO SORT!!
-		$sql="SELECT * FROM ".$this->db->prefix("comment_comments")." WHERE obj_id=".intval($objectId);
-		$result=$this->db->query($sql,$limit,$start);
-		if(!$result)
-			return $ret;
-		while($row=$this->db->fetchArray($result)) {
-			$comment=new CommentCommentsObject();
-			$comment->assignVars($row);
-			$ret[]=&$comment;
-			unset($comment);
-		}
-		return $ret;
-	}
-	function getCount($criteria=null)
-	{
-		$sql="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$this->db->prefix("comment_comments");
-		if(isset($criteria)&&is_a($criteria,"CriteriaElement")) {
-			$sql.=" ".$criteria->renderWhere();
-		}
-		$result=$this->db->query($sql);
-		if(!$result)
-			return 0;
-		list($count)=$this->db->fetchRow($result);
-		return $count;
-	}
-	function getChildObjects(&$comment)
-	{
-		$ret=array();
-		$table=$this->db->prefix("comment_comments");
-		$sql="SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE pid=" . $comment->getVar("id") .
-		      " AND id<>".$comment->getVar("id");
-		$result=$this->db->query($sql);
-		while($row=$this->db->fetchArray($result)) {
-			$comment=new CommentCommentsObject();
-			$comment->assignVars($row);
-			$ret[]=&$comment;
-			unset($comment);
-		}
-		return $ret;
-	}
-	function deleteWithChild(&$comment)
-	{
-		foreach($this->getChildObjects($comment) as $child) {
-			$this->deleteWithChild($child);
-		}
-		$this->delete($comment);
-		return true;	// TODO
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/comment/class/CommentActionFrame.class.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/comment/class/CommentActionFrame.class.php: xoops2jp/html/modules/comment/class/CommentActionFrame.class.php:removed
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/comment/class/CommentActionFrame.class.php:	Fri Nov 25 00:19:50 2005
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/comment/class/CommentActionFrame.class.php	Thu Feb  2 18:29:00 2006
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: CommentActionFrame.class.php,v 2005/11/24 15:19:50 minahito Exp $
-//  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
-//                XOOPS - PHP Content Management System                      //
-//                  Copyright (c) 2005 XOOPS Cube.org                        //
-//                     <http://www.xoopscube.org/>                           //
-//  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
-//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     //
-//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     //
-//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or        //
-//  (at your option) any later version.                                      //
-//                                                                           //
-//  You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits       //
-//  of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting         //
-//  source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the          //
-//  original comment or credit authors.                                      //
-//                                                                           //
-//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          //
-//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           //
-//  GNU General Public License for more details.                             //
-//                                                                           //
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        //
-//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software              //
-//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA //
-//  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
-require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/XCube_ActionStrategy.class.php";
- * This is simple frame work for misc page controller.
- * @package user
- */
-class CommentActionFrame extends XCube_ActionStrategy
-	var $mActionName="";
-	var $mAction;
-	var $mAdminFlag=false;
-	function CommentActionFrame($admin=false)
-	{
-		$this->mAdminFlag=$admin;
-	}
-	function setActionName($name)
-	{
-		$this->mActionName=$name;
-	}
-	function execute(&$controller)
-	{
-		if(!preg_match("/^\w+$/",$this->mActionName))
-			die();
-		//
-		// Create action object by mActionName
-		//
-		$className="Comment".ucfirst($this->mActionName)."Action";
-		$fileName=null;
-		if($this->mAdminFlag) {
-			$fileName=XOOPS_MODULE_PATH."/comment/admin/actions/${className}.class.php";
-		}
-		else {
-			$fileName=XOOPS_MODULE_PATH."/comment/actions/${className}.class.php";
-		}
-		if(!file_exists($fileName))
-			die();	// TODO
-		require_once $fileName;
-		if(class_exists($className))
-				$this->mAction=new $className();
-		if(!is_object($this->mAction))
-			die();	// TODO
-		$this->mAction->prepare($controller,$controller->getXoopsUser());
-		if(xoops_getenv("REQUEST_METHOD")=="POST") {
-			$viewStatus=$this->mAction->execute($controller,$controller->getXoopsUser());
-		}
-		else {
-			$viewStatus=$this->mAction->getDefaultView($controller,$controller->getXoopsUser());
-		}
-		switch($viewStatus) {
-				$this->mAction->executeViewSuccess($controller,$controller->getXoopsUser(),$controller->mRenderSystem);
-				break;
-				$this->mAction->executeViewError($controller,$controller->getXoopsUser(),$controller->mRenderSystem);
-				break;
-				$this->mAction->executeViewIndex($controller,$controller->getXoopsUser(),$controller->mRenderSystem);
-				break;
-				$this->mAction->executeViewInput($controller,$controller->getXoopsUser(),$controller->mRenderSystem);
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-class CommentAction
-	var $mClient;
-	function CommentAction()
-	{
-	}
-	function prepare(&$controller,&$xoopsUser)
-	{
-		$controller->mRoot->mLanguageManager->loadModuleLanguage("comment");
-		$this->_processService($controller);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param $controller Base_Controller
-	 * @param $xoopsUser XoopsUserObject
-	 */
-	function getDefaultView(&$controller,&$xoopsUser)
-	{
-	}
-	function execute()
-	{
-	}
-	function _processService($controller)
-	{
-		$service=&$controller->mRoot->mServiceManager->searchXCubeService('Comment');
-		if($service==null) {
-			die();	// FIXME
-		}
-		$this->mClient=new XCube_ServiceClient($service);
-		$parameters=array('rule'=>$controller->mModuleController->getConfig('com_rule'));
-		$result=&$this->mClient->call("setConfig",$parameters);
-	}
-	function executeViewSuccess(&$controller,&$xoopsUser,&$renderSystem)
-	{
-	}
-	function executeViewError(&$controller,&$xoopsUser,&$renderSystem)
-	{
-	}
-	function executeViewIndex(&$controller,&$xoopsUser,&$renderSystem)
-	{
-	}
-	function executeViewInput(&$controller,&$xoopsUser,&$renderSystem)
-	{
-	}
\ No newline at end of file

xoops-cvslog メーリングリストの案内
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