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프로젝트 설명

WiiRemote access Library for Proce55ing

  • If you are Japanese see here


Pakages for Proce55ing

  • Wrj4P5 : WiiRemote access Library
  • Loc : 3Dgeom., Vector, Matrix, Equation System, parametric vector function, having solvers
  • l4P5 : (static) methods drawing objects in the pakage Loc on the Processing

The sample sketches are Classiclll's Proce55ing Test Page.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

wrj4p5 (11 items Hide)

Released at 2009-05-05 20:41
alpha-011 (2 files Hide)

Released at 2009-03-01 13:56
alpha-010 (2 files Show)

Released at 2008-10-25 21:10
alpha-009 (2 files Show)

Released at 2008-09-20 23:26
alpha-008 (2 files Show)

Released at 2008-08-24 01:17
alpha-007 (2 files Show)

Released at 2008-08-07 02:53
alpha-006 (2 files Show)

Released at 2008-06-15 01:20
alpha-005 (2 files Show)

Released at 2008-01-17 23:40
alpha-004 (2 files Show)

Released at 2008-01-05 14:44
alpha-003 (2 files Show)

Released at 2007-10-07 00:37
alpha-002 (2 files Show)

Released at 2007-08-12 01:50
alpha-001 (2 files Show)