Ticket List (2 matches)

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  • MileStoneEqual: Ktai Entry 1.0 (closed)
  • SeverityEqual to 9 - Highest
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ID오픈 날짜마지막 업데이트요약소유자ReporterTypeMileStoneComponentPrioritySeverityStatusResolution
166352009-05-08 23:562009-09-03 18:11wp-cron による投稿処理yurikoyurikoPatchesKtai Entry 1.0 (closed)Ktai Entry9 - Highest9 - HighestClosedFixed
166372009-05-08 23:592009-09-30 15:46画像に対する CSS クラスを WP 標準のものにするyurikoyurikoPatchesKtai Entry 1.0 (closed)Ktai Entry79 - HighestClosedFixed