2004年 10月 18日 (月) 07:14:26 JST
Dear Friend, I write you in good faith, hoping that you will treat this letter as a desperate search for assistance. I am Oliver Aristide, the half brother of the recently ousted president of Haiti Rev. Aristide, who has just been granted asylum in South Africa. Because of the hurried nature of my brothers exit from Haiti, he left the country with the money he could and all his life savings has remained in Haiti while he left in a hurry in order to safeguard his dear life. I am in possession of Deposit documents, with which my brothers personal business associate Scott D. Morton, Deposited the sum of USD137,500,000 (One Hundred and Thirty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand U.S Dollars) in a bank on behalf of my brother. This money was fixed by his associate in order to beat any probing eyes in the country and when my brother had to leave hurriedly, this money remained untouched because the associate of his died in a plane crash, with this money lying in the Bank. We now wish to have a Next of Kin who must be a foreigner, to stand as beneficiary of this money so we can move the money to any of the developed countries. My brother quickly and desprately needs to send money to the flood victims without anyone knowing the donation is from him.This is why we seek your assistance to stand as the beneficiary of this money. All necessary modalities have been put in place to have the money moved very quickly without attracting attention. If you agree to work with us to secure this money, we will be willing to allow you keep 20 percent, 30 percent will go towards humanitarian relief efforts for the flood victims back home and 50 percent will be kept for my brother until he is able to get a permanent place for his asylum, by then all the tension will also have died down. I can be contacted alternatively at the following Email address: arist****@dakwa***** Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and assistance. Regards, Oliver Aristide