[Ultrapossum-cvs 1086] ultrapossum/tools 1.8,1.9,ultramigration

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Masato Taruishi taru****@users*****
2004年 10月 31日 (日) 21:55:57 JST

RCS file: ultrapossum/tools/ultramigration,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
--- ultrapossum/tools/ultramigration	2004/06/16 05:02:43	1.8
+++ ultrapossum/tools/ultramigration	2004/10/31 12:55:57	1.9
@@ -55,12 +55,7 @@
 my ( $tmpfh, $tmp ) = tempfile();
-my ( $conffh, $conf ) = tempfile();
-my ( $addfh, $add ) = tempfile();
-my ( $modfh, $mod ) = tempfile();
-close( $addfh );
-close( $modfh );
+my ( $dirfh, $dirtmp ) = tempfile();
 my ( $master, $suffix, $rootdn, $rootpw );
@@ -86,72 +81,6 @@
 print STDERR "master: $master, suffix: $suffix, rootdn: $rootdn\n";
-print $conffh <<EOF;
-ldaphost: $master
-ldapport: 389
-rootdn: $rootdn
-rootpw: $rootpw
-modfile: $mod
-addfile: $add
-onlineupdate: no
-offlineupdate: yes
-onlineerrfatal: yes
-plugin: no
-#pluginfile: /usr/local/src/ldapdiff-0.7.0/plugins/ldapskeleton.so
-pluginfile: no
-pluginfunction: ldifskeleton
-iconv: yes
-ldifcharset: ISO-8859-1
-ldapcharset: UTF-8
-schemacheck: yes
-schemabase: cn=subschema
-schemafilter: objectClass=*
-schemaattribute: attributetypes
-schemahack: yes
-basedn: $suffix
-filter: ou
-group: objectClass=organizationalUnit
-ignore: none
-multi: none
-noequality: none
-mapalias: none=none
-deleteentry: no
-deleteattribute: no
-profilebasedn: none
-basedn: ou=People,$suffix
-filter: uid
-group: objectClass=posixAccount
-ignore: none
-multi: none
-noequality: none
-mapalias: none=none
-deleteentry: no
-deleteattribute: no
-basedn: none
-profilebasedn: none
-basedn: ou=Group,$suffix
-filter: cn
-group: objectClass=posixGroup
-ignore: none
-multi: none
-noequality: none
-mapalias: none=none
-deleteentry: no
-deleteattribute: no
-basedn: none
-profilebasedn: none
-close( $conffh );
 print $tmpfh <<EOF;
 dn: ou=People,$suffix
 objectClass: organizationalUnit
@@ -162,25 +91,17 @@
 ou: Group
-close( $tmpfh );
-sub modify
-  system( "cat $add | ldapadd -x -h $master -D $rootdn -w $rootpw" ) == 0 or die;
-  system( "cat $mod | ldapmodify -x -h $master -D $rootdn -w $rootpw" ) == 0 or die;
-system( "ldapdiff -f $tmp -p ou -c $conf" ) == 0 or die "ldapdiff error\n";
+close( $tmpfh );
+close( $dirfh );
 chdir "/usr/share/migrationtools";
 $ENV{LDAP_BASEDN} = $suffix;
+system( "./migrate_passwd.pl /etc/passwd >> $tmp ") == 0 or die;
+system( "./migrate_group.pl /etc/group >> $tmp" ) == 0 or die;
-system( "./migrate_passwd.pl /etc/passwd > $tmp ") == 0 or die;
-system( "ldapdiff -f $tmp -p passwd -c $conf" ) == 0 or die;
-system( "./migrate_group.pl /etc/group > $tmp" ) == 0 or die;
-system( "ldapdiff -f $tmp -p group -c $conf") == 0 or die;
+system( "ldapsearch -x -D $rootdn -w $rootpw -h $master -b ou=People,$suffix -LLL > $dirtmp" );
+system( "ldapsearch -x -D $rootdn -w $rootpw -h $master -b ou=Group,$suffix -LLL >> $dirtmp" );
+#system( "cat $dirtmp 1>&2 ");
+system( "ldifdiff $dirtmp $tmp | ldapmodify -x -h $master -D $rootdn -w $rootpw" );

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