Masato Taruishi
2004年 11月 19日 (金) 21:11:13 JST
=================================================================== RCS file: ultrapossum/README,v retrieving revision 1.4 retrieving revision diff -u -r1.4 -r1.4.2.1 --- ultrapossum/README 2004/06/01 05:40:19 1.4 +++ ultrapossum/README 2004/11/19 12:11:13 @@ -49,14 +49,13 @@ ${prefix} is /usr/local by default. you can specify this value in --prefix argument of configure. - This command prints the list of daemons executed to stdout. - or % /etc/init.d/ultrapossum-server start if you installed ultrapossum from package. - or you can copy the following scripts directly: + + If not, you can copy the following scripts directly: debian/ultrapossum-server.init.d ( for Debian ) redhat/ultrapossum.init ( for Fedora )