포럼: バグ報告 (Thread #13345)

特定MIDIでエラー (2007-01-07 16:45 by Anonymous #26976)

スペはDuron1.1GHzに512MB PC133です。
# additional SoundFonts
source gravis.cfg
source 88prod.cfg
source drums_8850asia.cfg
source drums_tr606.cfg
source drums_ultimate.cfg
source drums_jv1080st.cfg
source power2.cfg
source Drum_Roland_Woody.cfg
source piano_steinway12.cfg
source Gtr_.cfg
source brass_log.cfg
source altosax_log.cfg
source panflute_clavinova.cfg
source sfx_.cfg
source XG_.cfg
source YAMAHA_DX7Piano.cfg
source strings.cfg
source Gtr_effect.cfg
source trumpet_roland.cfg
source xgmap2.cfg

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Re: 特定MIDIでエラー (2014-04-25 23:39 by 匿名 #72804)

下記動画のmidファイル、1億ノート/35秒(80.3 MB) が再生出来ません。
OSはWindows 7 64bitです。

[Lag tester 2.mid]
MIDI Format1 17Track Δ480
00:00:00.000 (0.000sec) / 84,244,985Bytes

真空波動研SuperLite 130818 / DLL 130818 Unicode

Reply to #26976

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