[Ttssh2-commit] [4973] * SFTP: コマンドラインヘルプを追加した。

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2012年 8月 6日 (月) 19:41:43 JST

Revision: 4973
Author:   yutakapon
Date:     2012-08-06 19:41:42 +0900 (Mon, 06 Aug 2012)
Log Message:
* SFTP: コマンドラインヘルプを追加した。

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/sftp.c
--- trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/sftp.c	2012-07-25 11:29:28 UTC (rev 4972)
+++ trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/sftp.c	2012-08-06 10:41:42 UTC (rev 4973)
@@ -54,13 +54,96 @@
 #define WM_USER_CONSOLE (WM_USER + 1)
+/* Separators for interactive commands */
+#define WHITESPACE " \t\r\n"
+/* Commands for interactive mode */
+#define I_CHDIR     1
+#define I_CHGRP     2
+#define I_CHMOD     3
+#define I_CHOWN     4
+#define I_DF        24
+#define I_GET       5
+#define I_HELP      6
+#define I_LCHDIR    7
+#define I_LINK      25
+#define I_LLS       8
+#define I_LMKDIR    9
+#define I_LPWD      10
+#define I_LS        11
+#define I_LUMASK    12
+#define I_MKDIR     13
+#define I_PUT       14
+#define I_PWD       15
+#define I_QUIT      16
+#define I_RENAME    17
+#define I_RM        18
+#define I_RMDIR     19
+#define I_SHELL     20
+#define I_SYMLINK   21
+#define I_VERSION   22
+#define I_PROGRESS  23
+/* Type of completion */
+#define NOARGS  0
+#define REMOTE  1
+#define LOCAL   2
+struct CMD {
+	char *c;
+	int n;
+	int t;
+static const struct CMD cmds[] = {
+    { "bye",    I_QUIT,     NOARGS  },
+    { "cd",     I_CHDIR,    REMOTE  },
+    { "chdir",  I_CHDIR,    REMOTE  },
+    { "chgrp",  I_CHGRP,    REMOTE  },
+    { "chmod",  I_CHMOD,    REMOTE  },
+    { "chown",  I_CHOWN,    REMOTE  },
+    { "df",     I_DF,       REMOTE  },
+    { "dir",    I_LS,       REMOTE  },
+    { "exit",   I_QUIT,     NOARGS  },
+    { "get",    I_GET,      REMOTE  },
+    { "help",   I_HELP,     NOARGS  },
+    { "lcd",    I_LCHDIR,   LOCAL   },
+    { "lchdir", I_LCHDIR,   LOCAL   },
+    { "lls",    I_LLS,      LOCAL   },
+    { "lmkdir", I_LMKDIR,   LOCAL   },
+    { "ln",     I_LINK,     REMOTE  },
+    { "lpwd",   I_LPWD,     LOCAL   },
+    { "ls",     I_LS,       REMOTE  },
+    { "lumask", I_LUMASK,   NOARGS  },
+    { "mkdir",  I_MKDIR,    REMOTE  },
+    { "mget",   I_GET,      REMOTE  },
+    { "mput",   I_PUT,      LOCAL   },
+    { "progress",   I_PROGRESS, NOARGS  },
+    { "put",    I_PUT,      LOCAL   },
+    { "pwd",    I_PWD,      REMOTE  },
+    { "quit",   I_QUIT,     NOARGS  },
+    { "rename", I_RENAME,   REMOTE  },
+    { "rm",     I_RM,       REMOTE  },
+    { "rmdir",  I_RMDIR,    REMOTE  },
+    { "symlink",    I_SYMLINK,  REMOTE  },
+    { "version",    I_VERSION,  NOARGS  },
+    { "!",      I_SHELL,    NOARGS  },
+    { "?",      I_HELP,     NOARGS  },
+    { NULL,     -1,     -1  }
+static PTInstVar g_pvar;
+static Channel_t *g_channel;
 static void sftp_console_message(PTInstVar pvar, Channel_t *c, char *fmt, ...)
 	char tmp[1024];
 	va_list arg;
 	va_start(arg, fmt);
-	_vsnprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), fmt, arg);
+	_vsnprintf_s(tmp, sizeof(tmp), _TRUNCATE, fmt, arg);
 	SendMessage(c->sftp.console_window, WM_USER_CONSOLE, 0, (LPARAM)tmp);
@@ -73,7 +156,7 @@
 	va_list arg;
 	va_start(arg, fmt);
-	_vsnprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), fmt, arg);
+	_vsnprintf_s(tmp, sizeof(tmp), _TRUNCATE, fmt, arg);
 	notify_verbose_message(pvar, tmp, level);
@@ -85,7 +168,7 @@
 	va_list arg;
 	va_start(arg, fmt);
-	_vsnprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), fmt, arg);
+	_vsnprintf_s(tmp, sizeof(tmp), _TRUNCATE, fmt, arg);
 	notify_verbose_message(pvar, tmp, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
@@ -344,6 +427,384 @@
+sftp_proto_version(struct sftp *conn)
+    return conn->version;
+static void
+	sftp_console_message(g_pvar, g_channel, 
+		"Available commands:\r\n"
+	    "bye                                Quit sftp\r\n"
+	    "cd path                            Change remote directory to 'path'\r\n"
+	    "chgrp grp path                     Change group of file 'path' to 'grp'\r\n"
+	    "chmod mode path                    Change permissions of file 'path' to 'mode'\r\n"
+	    "chown own path                     Change owner of file 'path' to 'own'\r\n"
+	    "df [-hi] [path]                    Display statistics for current directory or\r\n"
+	    "                                   filesystem containing 'path'\r\n"
+	    "exit                               Quit sftp\r\n"
+	    "get [-Ppr] remote [local]          Download file\r\n"
+	    "help                               Display this help text\r\n"
+	    "lcd path                           Change local directory to 'path'\r\n"
+	    "lls [ls-options [path]]            Display local directory listing\r\n"
+	    "lmkdir path                        Create local directory\r\n"
+	    "ln [-s] oldpath newpath            Link remote file (-s for symlink)\r\n"
+	    "lpwd                               Print local working directory\r\n"
+	    "ls [-1afhlnrSt] [path]             Display remote directory listing\r\n"
+	    "lumask umask                       Set local umask to 'umask'\r\n"
+	    "mkdir path                         Create remote directory\r\n"
+	    "progress                           Toggle display of progress meter\r\n"
+	    "put [-Ppr] local [remote]          Upload file\r\n"
+	    "pwd                                Display remote working directory\r\n"
+	    "quit                               Quit sftp\r\n"
+	    "rename oldpath newpath             Rename remote file\r\n"
+	    "rm path                            Delete remote file\r\n"
+	    "rmdir path                         Remove remote directory\r\n"
+	    "symlink oldpath newpath            Symlink remote file\r\n"
+	    "version                            Show SFTP version\r\n"
+	    "!command                           Execute 'command' in local shell\r\n"
+	    "!                                  Escape to local shell\r\n"
+	    "?                                  Synonym for help\r\n");
+ * Split a string into an argument vector using sh(1)-style quoting,
+ * comment and escaping rules, but with some tweaks to handle glob(3)
+ * wildcards.
+ * The "sloppy" flag allows for recovery from missing terminating quote, for
+ * use in parsing incomplete commandlines during tab autocompletion.
+ *
+ * Returns NULL on error or a NULL-terminated array of arguments.
+ *
+ * If "lastquote" is not NULL, the quoting character used for the last
+ * argument is placed in *lastquote ("\0", "'" or "\"").
+ * 
+ * If "terminated" is not NULL, *terminated will be set to 1 when the
+ * last argument's quote has been properly terminated or 0 otherwise.
+ * This parameter is only of use if "sloppy" is set.
+ */
+#define MAXARGS 	128
+#define MAXARGLEN	8192
+static char **
+makeargv(const char *arg, int *argcp, int sloppy, char *lastquote,
+    u_int *terminated)
+	int argc, quot;
+	size_t i, j;
+	static char argvs[MAXARGLEN];
+	static char *argv[MAXARGS + 1];
+	*argcp = argc = 0;
+	if (strlen(arg) > sizeof(argvs) - 1) {
+ args_too_longs:
+		sftp_syslog(g_pvar, "string too long");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (terminated != NULL)
+		*terminated = 1;
+	if (lastquote != NULL)
+		*lastquote = '\0';
+	state = MA_START;
+	i = j = 0;
+	for (;;) {
+		if (isspace(arg[i])) {
+			if (state == MA_UNQUOTED) {
+				/* Terminate current argument */
+				argvs[j++] = '\0';
+				argc++;
+				state = MA_START;
+			} else if (state != MA_START)
+				argvs[j++] = arg[i];
+		} else if (arg[i] == '"' || arg[i] == '\'') {
+			q = arg[i] == '"' ? MA_DQUOTE : MA_SQUOTE;
+			if (state == MA_START) {
+				argv[argc] = argvs + j;
+				state = q;
+				if (lastquote != NULL)
+					*lastquote = arg[i];
+			} else if (state == MA_UNQUOTED) 
+				state = q;
+			else if (state == q)
+				state = MA_UNQUOTED;
+			else
+				argvs[j++] = arg[i];
+		} else if (arg[i] == '\\') {
+			if (state == MA_SQUOTE || state == MA_DQUOTE) {
+				quot = state == MA_SQUOTE ? '\'' : '"';
+				/* Unescape quote we are in */
+				/* XXX support \n and friends? */
+				if (arg[i + 1] == quot) {
+					i++;
+					argvs[j++] = arg[i];
+				} else if (arg[i + 1] == '?' ||
+				    arg[i + 1] == '[' || arg[i + 1] == '*') {
+					/*
+					 * Special case for sftp: append
+					 * double-escaped glob sequence -
+					 * glob will undo one level of
+					 * escaping. NB. string can grow here.
+					 */
+					if (j >= sizeof(argvs) - 5)
+						goto args_too_longs;
+					argvs[j++] = '\\';
+					argvs[j++] = arg[i++];
+					argvs[j++] = '\\';
+					argvs[j++] = arg[i];
+				} else {
+					argvs[j++] = arg[i++];
+					argvs[j++] = arg[i];
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (state == MA_START) {
+					argv[argc] = argvs + j;
+					state = MA_UNQUOTED;
+					if (lastquote != NULL)
+						*lastquote = '\0';
+				}
+				if (arg[i + 1] == '?' || arg[i + 1] == '[' ||
+				    arg[i + 1] == '*' || arg[i + 1] == '\\') {
+					/*
+					 * Special case for sftp: append
+					 * escaped glob sequence -
+					 * glob will undo one level of
+					 * escaping.
+					 */
+					argvs[j++] = arg[i++];
+					argvs[j++] = arg[i];
+				} else {
+					/* Unescape everything */
+					/* XXX support \n and friends? */
+					i++;
+					argvs[j++] = arg[i];
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (arg[i] == '#') {
+			if (state == MA_SQUOTE || state == MA_DQUOTE)
+				argvs[j++] = arg[i];
+			else
+				goto string_done;
+		} else if (arg[i] == '\0') {
+			if (state == MA_SQUOTE || state == MA_DQUOTE) {
+				if (sloppy) {
+					state = MA_UNQUOTED;
+					if (terminated != NULL)
+						*terminated = 0;
+					goto string_done;
+				}
+				sftp_syslog(g_pvar, "Unterminated quoted argument");
+				return NULL;
+			}
+ string_done:
+			if (state == MA_UNQUOTED) {
+				argvs[j++] = '\0';
+				argc++;
+			}
+			break;
+		} else {
+			if (state == MA_START) {
+				argv[argc] = argvs + j;
+				state = MA_UNQUOTED;
+				if (lastquote != NULL)
+					*lastquote = '\0';
+			}
+			if ((state == MA_SQUOTE || state == MA_DQUOTE) &&
+			    (arg[i] == '?' || arg[i] == '[' || arg[i] == '*')) {
+				/*
+				 * Special case for sftp: escape quoted
+				 * glob(3) wildcards. NB. string can grow
+				 * here.
+				 */
+				if (j >= sizeof(argvs) - 3)
+					goto args_too_longs;
+				argvs[j++] = '\\';
+				argvs[j++] = arg[i];
+			} else
+				argvs[j++] = arg[i];
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+	*argcp = argc;
+	return argv;
+static int parse_args(const char **cpp, int *pflag, int *rflag, int *lflag, int *iflag,
+    int *hflag, int *sflag, unsigned long *n_arg, char **path1, char **path2)
+    const char *cmd, *cp = *cpp;
+    char *cp2 = NULL, **argv;
+    int base = 0;
+    long l = 0;
+    int i, cmdnum, optidx, argc;
+    /* Skip leading whitespace */
+    cp = cp + strspn(cp, WHITESPACE);
+    /* Check for leading '-' (disable error processing) */
+    *iflag = 0;
+    if (*cp == '-') {
+        *iflag = 1;
+        cp++;
+        cp = cp + strspn(cp, WHITESPACE);
+    }
+    /* Ignore blank lines and lines which begin with comment '#' char */
+    if (*cp == '\0' || *cp == '#')
+        return (0);
+    if ((argv = makeargv(cp, &argc, 0, NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
+        return -1;
+	/* Figure out which command we have */
+	for (i = 0; cmds[i].c != NULL; i++) {
+		if (_strcmpi(cmds[i].c, argv[0]) == 0)
+			break;
+	}
+	cmdnum = cmds[i].n;
+	cmd = cmds[i].c;
+	/* Special case */
+	if (*cp == '!') {
+		cp++;
+		cmdnum = I_SHELL;
+	} else if (cmdnum == -1) {
+		sftp_syslog(g_pvar, "Invalid command.");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* Get arguments and parse flags */
+	*lflag = *pflag = *rflag = *hflag = *n_arg = 0;
+	*path1 = *path2 = NULL;
+	optidx = 1;
+	switch (cmdnum) {
+#if 0
+	case I_GET:
+	case I_PUT:
+		if ((optidx = parse_getput_flags(cmd, argv, argc,
+		    pflag, rflag)) == -1)
+			return -1;
+		/* Get first pathname (mandatory) */
+		if (argc - optidx < 1) {
+			error("You must specify at least one path after a "
+			    "%s command.", cmd);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		*path1 = xstrdup(argv[optidx]);
+		/* Get second pathname (optional) */
+		if (argc - optidx > 1) {
+			*path2 = xstrdup(argv[optidx + 1]);
+			/* Destination is not globbed */
+			undo_glob_escape(*path2);
+		}
+		break;
+	case I_LINK:
+		if ((optidx = parse_link_flags(cmd, argv, argc, sflag)) == -1)
+			return -1;
+	case I_SYMLINK:
+	case I_RENAME:
+		if (argc - optidx < 2) {
+			error("You must specify two paths after a %s "
+			    "command.", cmd);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		*path1 = xstrdup(argv[optidx]);
+		*path2 = xstrdup(argv[optidx + 1]);
+		/* Paths are not globbed */
+		undo_glob_escape(*path1);
+		undo_glob_escape(*path2);
+		break;
+	case I_RM:
+	case I_MKDIR:
+	case I_RMDIR:
+	case I_CHDIR:
+	case I_LCHDIR:
+	case I_LMKDIR:
+		/* Get pathname (mandatory) */
+		if (argc - optidx < 1) {
+			error("You must specify a path after a %s command.",
+			    cmd);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		*path1 = xstrdup(argv[optidx]);
+		/* Only "rm" globs */
+		if (cmdnum != I_RM)
+			undo_glob_escape(*path1);
+		break;
+	case I_DF:
+		if ((optidx = parse_df_flags(cmd, argv, argc, hflag,
+		    iflag)) == -1)
+			return -1;
+		/* Default to current directory if no path specified */
+		if (argc - optidx < 1)
+			*path1 = NULL;
+		else {
+			*path1 = xstrdup(argv[optidx]);
+			undo_glob_escape(*path1);
+		}
+		break;
+	case I_LS:
+		if ((optidx = parse_ls_flags(argv, argc, lflag)) == -1)
+			return(-1);
+		/* Path is optional */
+		if (argc - optidx > 0)
+			*path1 = xstrdup(argv[optidx]);
+		break;
+	case I_LLS:
+		/* Skip ls command and following whitespace */
+		cp = cp + strlen(cmd) + strspn(cp, WHITESPACE);
+	case I_SHELL:
+		/* Uses the rest of the line */
+		break;
+	case I_LUMASK:
+	case I_CHMOD:
+		base = 8;
+	case I_CHOWN:
+	case I_CHGRP:
+		/* Get numeric arg (mandatory) */
+		if (argc - optidx < 1)
+			goto need_num_arg;
+		errno = 0;
+		l = strtol(argv[optidx], &cp2, base);
+		if (cp2 == argv[optidx] || *cp2 != '\0' ||
+		    ((l == LONG_MIN || l == LONG_MAX) && errno == ERANGE) ||
+		    l < 0) {
+ need_num_arg:
+			error("You must supply a numeric argument "
+			    "to the %s command.", cmd);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		*n_arg = l;
+		if (cmdnum == I_LUMASK)
+			break;
+		/* Get pathname (mandatory) */
+		if (argc - optidx < 2) {
+			error("You must specify a path after a %s command.",
+			    cmd);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		*path1 = xstrdup(argv[optidx + 1]);
+		break;
+	case I_QUIT:
+	case I_PWD:
+	case I_LPWD:
+	case I_HELP:
+	case I_VERSION:
+	case I_PROGRESS:
+		break;
+	default:
+		//fatal("Command not implemented");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	*cpp = cp;
+	return(cmdnum);
  * SFTP \x83R\x83}\x83\x93\x83h\x83\x89\x83C\x83\x93\x83R\x83\x93\x83\\x81[\x83\x8B
@@ -351,24 +812,266 @@
 static LRESULT CALLBACK EditProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+	char buf[512];
+	char *cmd;
+    char *path1, *path2, *tmp = NULL;
+    int pflag = 0, rflag = 0, lflag = 0, iflag = 0, hflag = 0, sflag = 0;
+    int cmdnum, i = 0;
+    unsigned long n_arg = 0;
+	//Attrib a, *aa;
+	char path_buf[1024] = {0};
+	int err = 0;
+	//glob_t g;
+	int err_abort;
 	switch (uMsg) {
 		case WM_KEYDOWN:
 		if ((int)wParam == VK_RETURN) {
-			char buf[512];
 			GetWindowText(hwnd, buf, sizeof(buf));
 			SetWindowText(hwnd, "");
 			if (buf[0] != '\0') {
 				SendDlgItemMessage(GetParent(hwnd), IDC_SFTP_CONSOLE, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM) buf);
 				SendDlgItemMessage(GetParent(hwnd), IDC_SFTP_CONSOLE, EM_REPLACESEL, 0,
 								   (LPARAM) (char FAR *) "\r\n");
+				goto cmd_parsed;
 		return (CallWindowProc(hEditProc, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam));
+	return 0L;
+	// \x83R\x83}\x83\x93\x83h\x83\x89\x83C\x83\x93\x89\xF0\x90\xCD
+	path1 = path2 = NULL;
+	cmd = buf;
+	cmdnum = parse_args(&cmd, &pflag, &rflag, &lflag, &iflag, &hflag,
+		&sflag, &n_arg, &path1, &path2);
+	if (iflag != 0)
+		err_abort = 0;
+	//memset(&g, 0, sizeof(g));
+	/* Perform command */
+	switch (cmdnum) {
+	case 0:
+		/* Blank line */
+		break;
+	case -1:
+		/* Unrecognized command */
+		err = -1;
+		break;
+#if 0
+	case I_GET:
+		err = process_get(conn, path1, path2, *pwd, pflag, rflag);
+		break;
+	case I_PUT:
+		err = process_put(conn, path1, path2, *pwd, pflag, rflag);
+		break;
+	case I_RENAME:
+		path1 = make_absolute(path1, *pwd);
+		path2 = make_absolute(path2, *pwd);
+		err = do_rename(conn, path1, path2);
+		break;
+	case I_SYMLINK:
+		sflag = 1;
+	case I_LINK:
+		path1 = make_absolute(path1, *pwd);
+		path2 = make_absolute(path2, *pwd);
+		err = (sflag ? do_symlink : do_hardlink)(conn, path1, path2);
+		break;
+	case I_RM:
+		path1 = make_absolute(path1, *pwd);
+		remote_glob(conn, path1, GLOB_NOCHECK, NULL, &g);
+		for (i = 0; g.gl_pathv[i] && !interrupted; i++) {
+			printf("Removing %s\n", g.gl_pathv[i]);
+			err = do_rm(conn, g.gl_pathv[i]);
+			if (err != 0 && err_abort)
+				break;
+		}
+		break;
+	case I_MKDIR:
+		path1 = make_absolute(path1, *pwd);
+		attrib_clear(&a);
+		a.perm = 0777;
+		err = do_mkdir(conn, path1, &a, 1);
+		break;
+	case I_RMDIR:
+		path1 = make_absolute(path1, *pwd);
+		err = do_rmdir(conn, path1);
+		break;
+	case I_CHDIR:
+		path1 = make_absolute(path1, *pwd);
+		if ((tmp = do_realpath(conn, path1)) == NULL) {
+			err = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+		if ((aa = do_stat(conn, tmp, 0)) == NULL) {
+			xfree(tmp);
+			err = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+		if (!(aa->flags & SSH2_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS)) {
+			error("Can't change directory: Can't check target");
+			xfree(tmp);
+			err = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+		if (!S_ISDIR(aa->perm)) {
+			error("Can't change directory: \"%s\" is not "
+			    "a directory", tmp);
+			xfree(tmp);
+			err = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+		xfree(*pwd);
+		*pwd = tmp;
+		break;
+	case I_LS:
+		if (!path1) {
+			do_ls_dir(conn, *pwd, *pwd, lflag);
+			break;
+		}
+		/* Strip pwd off beginning of non-absolute paths */
+		tmp = NULL;
+		if (*path1 != '/')
+			tmp = *pwd;
+		path1 = make_absolute(path1, *pwd);
+		err = do_globbed_ls(conn, path1, tmp, lflag);
+		break;
+	case I_DF:
+		/* Default to current directory if no path specified */
+		if (path1 == NULL)
+			path1 = xstrdup(*pwd);
+		path1 = make_absolute(path1, *pwd);
+		err = do_df(conn, path1, hflag, iflag);
+		break;
+	case I_LCHDIR:
+		if (chdir(path1) == -1) {
+			error("Couldn't change local directory to "
+			    "\"%s\": %s", path1, strerror(errno));
+			err = 1;
+		}
+		break;
+	case I_LMKDIR:
+		if (mkdir(path1, 0777) == -1) {
+			error("Couldn't create local directory "
+			    "\"%s\": %s", path1, strerror(errno));
+			err = 1;
+		}
+		break;
+	case I_LLS:
+		local_do_ls(cmd);
+		break;
+	case I_SHELL:
+		local_do_shell(cmd);
+		break;
+	case I_LUMASK:
+		umask(n_arg);
+		printf("Local umask: %03lo\n", n_arg);
+		break;
+	case I_CHMOD:
+		path1 = make_absolute(path1, *pwd);
+		attrib_clear(&a);
+		a.perm = n_arg;
+		remote_glob(conn, path1, GLOB_NOCHECK, NULL, &g);
+		for (i = 0; g.gl_pathv[i] && !interrupted; i++) {
+			printf("Changing mode on %s\n", g.gl_pathv[i]);
+			err = do_setstat(conn, g.gl_pathv[i], &a);
+			if (err != 0 && err_abort)
+				break;
+		}
+		break;
+	case I_CHOWN:
+	case I_CHGRP:
+		path1 = make_absolute(path1, *pwd);
+		remote_glob(conn, path1, GLOB_NOCHECK, NULL, &g);
+		for (i = 0; g.gl_pathv[i] && !interrupted; i++) {
+			if (!(aa = do_stat(conn, g.gl_pathv[i], 0))) {
+				if (err_abort) {
+					err = -1;
+					break;
+				} else
+					continue;
+			}
+			if (!(aa->flags & SSH2_FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID)) {
+				error("Can't get current ownership of "
+				    "remote file \"%s\"", g.gl_pathv[i]);
+				if (err_abort) {
+					err = -1;
+					break;
+				} else
+					continue;
+			}
+			aa->flags &= SSH2_FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID;
+			if (cmdnum == I_CHOWN) {
+				printf("Changing owner on %s\n", g.gl_pathv[i]);
+				aa->uid = n_arg;
+			} else {
+				printf("Changing group on %s\n", g.gl_pathv[i]);
+				aa->gid = n_arg;
+			}
+			err = do_setstat(conn, g.gl_pathv[i], aa);
+			if (err != 0 && err_abort)
+				break;
+		}
+		break;
+	case I_PWD:
+		printf("Remote working directory: %s\n", *pwd);
+		break;
+	case I_LPWD:
+		if (!getcwd(path_buf, sizeof(path_buf))) {
+			error("Couldn't get local cwd: %s", strerror(errno));
+			err = -1;
+			break;
+		}
+		printf("Local working directory: %s\n", path_buf);
+		break;
+	case I_QUIT:
+		/* Processed below */
+		break;
+	case I_HELP:
+		help();
+		break;
+	case I_VERSION:
+		printf("SFTP protocol version %u\n", sftp_proto_version(&g_channel->sftp));
+		break;
+#if 0
+	case I_PROGRESS:
+		showprogress = !showprogress;
+		if (showprogress)
+			printf("Progress meter enabled\n");
+		else
+			printf("Progress meter disabled\n");
+		break;
+	default:
+		//fatal("%d is not implemented", cmdnum);
+		err = -1;
+	}
+#if 0
+	if (g.gl_pathc)
+		globfree(&g);
+	if (path1)
+		xfree(path1);
+	if (path2)
+		xfree(path2);
+	/* If an unignored error occurs in batch mode we should abort. */
+	if (err_abort && err != 0)
+		return (-1);
+	else if (cmdnum == I_QUIT)
+		return (1);
 	return 0L;
@@ -462,6 +1165,10 @@
 	sftp_get_msg(pvar, c, data, buflen, &msg);
 	if (c->sftp.state == SFTP_INIT) {
+		// \x83O\x83\x8D\x81[\x83o\x83\x8B\x95ϐ\x94\x82ɕۑ\xB6\x82\xB7\x82\xE9\x81B
+		g_pvar = pvar;
+		g_channel = c;
 		sftp_do_init_recv(pvar, c, msg);
 		// \x83R\x83\x93\x83\\x81[\x83\x8B\x82\xF0\x8BN\x93\xAE\x82\xB7\x82\xE9\x81B

Ttssh2-commit メーリングリストの案内
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