Hello. I am studiying Tomoyo Linux 2.5 and I would like to have some informations about what is catched and what is not. I have compared syscalls while executing vim with strace and what is catched by Tomoyo-queryd. And I would like to have the confirmation that Tomoyo checks if a file exists before to read through its policy? Because, for exemple, with vim: Tomoyo-queryd catch: file read /usr/share/vim/vim73/lang/fr/LC_MESSAGE/vim.mo But strace catch, juste before: open("/usr/share/vim/vim73/lang/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGE/vim.mo",O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (no such file or directory) And so, Tomoyo has not catched the attempt of opening (catched by strace). Thank you in advance and sorry for my english speaking.