[tomoyo-users-en 293] Re: domains: quota_exceeded

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Jamie Nguyen jamie****@tomoy*****
Thu Mar 24 06:28:37 JST 2011

Horvath Andras wrote:
> I'd like to ask some help regarding the following message in my domain
> config (domain_policy.conf) at the bottom of a few domains:
> quota_exceeded
> Why does it come back every time i run tomoyo-savepolicy? Does it mean
> there are too many ACLs already for the domain?
> Where can i set a limit to it?
> Tomoyo tools version 2.2, linux patch 1.7.2 (Debian 6.0.1 amd64)

Definition for quota_exceeded can be found here:


You can increase MAX_ACCEPT_ENTRY by going to the "Profile Editor"
screen in tomoyo-editpolicy. How many entries do you have for that
domain? If there are many, then it is better to reduce the number of
entries by tuning policy and using wildcard expressions (see chapter 4
of documentation). The more entries there are in a domain, the more
memory resources that TOMOYO will need to use. The MAX_ACCEPT_ENTRY
exists to provide some protection against the system running out of

Kind regards,

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