[Svardos-users] Simple File Browser/Manager

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Mateusz Viste mateu****@viste*****
Mon Mar 21 17:22:23 JST 2022

On 21/03/2022 08:46, Carsten Strotmann via Svardos-users wrote:
> In the 1990ies I've worked on MicroEmacs (uemacs, mostly on OS/2). uemacs compiles to DOS (without extender), and it is C-Code. I could adapt it, e.g. in addition to the emacs keybindings have keybindings more common with recent editors and localisation.
> An other option would be the "wt" editor (WordTurbo) from the FAST language distribution. That is a very nice editor in around 40K, I've used a modified version for several years writing FAST code. "wt" is not written in C (in FAST, which is a high-level assembler with C-like syntax). "wt" is GPLv3 now and I would be able to adapt it for SvarDOS (keybindings and localisation).

All options are worth looking into, absolutely. At some point I looked 
at available editors and could not find any that would fit the bill 
right away, ie:
- localizable
- small (at least smaller than the 67K FreeDOS edit)
- fast (usable on a 4 MHz 8086 with 256K of RAM)
- at least vaguely similar to MS-EDIT (both in look and ease of use that 
do not require to learn any keybinding)
- able to copy/paste content between two files
- libre (MIT, BSD, GPL, Public Domain, etc)

If one of the editors you mentioned could work with some slight changes, 
then of course it's a very good idea to adapt it.

The need here is to have a very small (hence possibly limited) text 
editor that could be used for basic text editing without taking too much 
space on the install diskettes. Demanding users can always install more 
powerful solutions from the repo once the system is set up.


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