Ticket #41367

Problems with upload speed since last maintenance

오픈 날짜: 2021-01-29 18:46 마지막 업데이트: 2021-05-04 19:21

Score: 2
100.0% (2/2)
0.0% (0/2)


Hi, Since the maintenance that was done on 18th Jan (https://osdn.net/projects/docs-en/news/26354) we are having problems with upload speed which decreased dramatically to (40-400 kBytes/s). This is affecting our deploy system and making it too hard to make new releases.

May we know if there's a problem on the website side or something that needs to be changed on our side? By the way, we use rclone (rsync) to upload files from our server to OSDN's sftp since the initiation of the project and never had any issues before the aforementioned maintenance.

Regards, yshalsager Xiaomi Firmware Updater Lead Developer

Ticket History (3/9 Histories)

2021-01-29 18:46 Updated by: yshalsager
  • New Ticket "Problems with upload speed since last maintenance" created
2021-01-29 20:56 Updated by: sado
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Is the only problem the slowdown?

OSDN's core system has been completely moved from the Japan's DC to AWS USA. As a result, response times may be slightly slower from Asia. If it is a regional problem, there is no way to resolve it at this time.

2021-01-29 21:12 Updated by: None
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Reply To sado

Is the only problem the slowdown? OSDN's core system has been completely moved from the Japan's DC to AWS USA. As a result, response times may be slightly slower from Asia. If it is a regional problem, there is no way to resolve it at this time.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah, this is the only problem that we have currently. Our server is located in Sunnyvale, USA so I think we should not have high response latency?

2021-01-29 22:20 Updated by: sado
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I see. Perhaps there is a problem with our AWS system design. We just migrated our completely original system to AWS, so we haven't been able to do any fine tuning. It may take some time to improve.

2021-01-30 00:24 Updated by: yshalsager
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Reply To sado

I see. Perhaps there is a problem with our AWS system design. We just migrated our completely original system to AWS, so we haven't been able to do any fine tuning. It may take some time to improve.

Alright! Thanks for the reply again.

Hopes things will be better soon. I am uploading with 50.6k/s now haha.

2021-04-18 00:53 Updated by: yshalsager
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Any update on this issue? I have to re-upload a large number of files that have a severe problem fixed as soon as possible. Right now I am getting 25KB/s and it's getting worse unfortunately.

2021-05-02 23:39 Updated by: hayao0819
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I am currently in great trouble with this issue. I hope for immediate action.

2021-05-04 18:37 Updated by: sado
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With yesterday's fix, the upload speed is now about 10 times faster than before.

2021-05-04 19:21 Updated by: yshalsager
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Reply To sado

With yesterday's fix, the upload speed is now about 10 times faster than before.

Indeed! Now I am getting approximately stable 700 KB/s. Thanks!

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