SbK Mate-Compiz 21.2.0 release
2021-11-23 01:19 (by kilz)

I am pleased to announce the release of SbK Mate-Compiz 21.2.0. A spin based on Manjaro.

The Mate desktop had theme work on the Caja file manager to match the rest of the applications. The places sidebar is now the same color as the top of the window. Hover and select highlights now work correctly on the places sidebar.

Both iso's in this release include:
1. The 5.10.79 LTS kernel.
2. Compiz 9 with the rotating cube for virtual desktops, faded windows in the background, wobbly windows, and other effects.
3. The New FlatRemixSpin-Orange icon theme with light and dark versions of the control icons.
4. The new KvSpinDarkOrange2 matching Gtk and Kvantum themes in one package.
5. The new Usplash-21.2.0 desktop wallpapers. One of them is the background for the grub, desktop, and login screen backgrounds.
6. A basic Conky with matching color theme.
7. Lots of updates since the 21.1.5 release. The iso's are up to date as of 11/21/2021.

Both iso's also contain the standard SbK features.

1. The latest LTS kernel.
2. A Manjaro stable install that is also AUR compatible. In the full iso there are also a lot of packages used to build packages installed.
3. It is multiarch by default to make running wine games and other 32bit software you may run easier.
4. The Spins by Kilz signed repository is enabled for SbK project packages.
5. A signed iso. For information on checking signed iso's visit
6. Bloatware has been removed (HP printer software and others).
7. Flat packs and snaps are not installed. The back ends are also not installed but can be installed by the user.
8. All SbK iso's contain Manjaro Architect script in case you want to do a custom install. Sadly to get any SbK packages like themes, icons, and other goodies you will have to add the SbK Repository after install.
9. Timeshift autosnap installed. It takes a snapshot before upgrading so any bad upgrades can be easily reversed.
10. A basic Conky with a color scheme to match the other themes.

Click here for a screenshot.
A full and very minimal iso can be found here.

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