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Sparky Bonsai is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian/Sparkylinux in a portable form. Taking advantage of the experience of portable distros such as Slax, Porteus, Puppy and DebianDog, we made a remix of our favor Debian-based distro SparkyLinux. The idea was to make a portable version of the linux distro having already installed at home, in cases we can’t, don’t need or wish to install it properly.

Sparky Bonsai lives in a USB flash 4GB minimum and run with 512 MB of RAM on x86 processors. At the moment it’s only available in 64bit version. It fits on a DVD or CD optical disk and runs in ext2/3/4, fat32, xfs, exFAT file systems. In order to load it to RAM, 1GB is recommended.

It is a minimal Debian Buster file system using Debian linux kernel v. with the BusterDog’s modules for porteus boot, live-boot-3x and aufs support. Kernel updates are not available the way they are on a properly installed linux system. As you may know, BusterDog uses the Antix Linux init system. Sparky Bonsai uses systemd as pure Debian and Sparky Linux. If you don’t wish to use systemd, check the BusterDog (based on Antix) or Beowolf (based on Devuan).

Sparky Bonsai use PCmanFM as file/desktop manager and JWM as windows manager. JWM’s menu construction is based on sparkybonsai menumaker. It comes with Pale Moon as the default web browser, Mousepad as the default text editor and LXterminal as default terminal emulator. All DebianDog’s module and remaster scripts are included as well.

Synaptic package manager is present and you can install all Debian and Sparkylinux packages. The BusterDog’s repository is inactive because of some Antix packets incompatible with Debian. You can use some packets if you’re sure they are compatible but DONT update your system with this repository enabled.

We’ve test it in Debian Stretch version on troubleshooting and repairing other systems, booting diskless machines, checking used PCs for buying, hacking windows-locked office PCs, using machines with no traces and many more. We found it useful, we enjoyed it a lot and we decide to distribute the new Debian Buster based version.

Hope to enjoy this floral pup as we did. If you do, consider sending a donation to our favor Debian distribution, Sparkylinux.

Forum threads:,5143.0.html

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Released at 2021-04-16 11:17
Sparkybonsai 2.1 Sparkybonsai 2.1 (8 files Hide)

Release Notes

The latest Sparkybonsai version 2.1 is available to download in x86-64 and x86 pae/non-pae.


root 0000

puppy 0000

(four zeroes)

What's new:

1.Better localization with "locales" and IPAP fonts (supporting CJK characters). Find "Setup Locales" in the Menu-System or run:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

Check your preferred language (recommended UTF-8 encoding) and choose it as default.

To change your keyboard layout edit ~/Startup/services file and modify the "keyboard layout" line. (i.e. to toggle between English-US and Russian using Alt+Shift):

setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout us,ru -option_grp:alt_shift_toggle

To configure redshift for your location, edit ~/.config/redshift.conf to modify the local dimensions (find out the absolute ones in google map or something). Edit the following (i.e. for Madrid):




Reboot and done.

2.Bluetooth support. To start blueman tray icon on next reboot edit ~/Startup/services file to un-comment "#blueman-applet &" to "blueman-applet &". To use it with a bluetooth sound device such as a speaker/headphones, you have to redirect alsa output to bluetooth, a tricky procedure as there is no suitable packet available on Debian repositories. An easy way is to use Pulseaudio. There is a module including pulseaudio, pavucontrol and pulseaudio bluetooth plugin in the "optional" directory (in the fat Sparkybonsai ISO). It is recommended to load it on startup (not activate it on the fly) and just redirect the sound output to your bluetooth device using pavucontrol.

3.Pre-installed Ristretto image viewer.

4.Qalculate is replaced by Galculator.

5.Pre-installed cifs-utils and nfs-common in order to access network shares, samba or nfs, out of the box. Create a new folder as mount point:

mkdir </what/ever/mountpoint>

and mount your samba shares:

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=<samba-username>,password=<samba-password> //<<shares/directory> </what/ever/mountpoint>

or nfs:

sudo mount -t nfs <>:/<shares/directory> </what/ever/mountpoint>

Now browse your shares at </what/ever/mountpoint>. If you wish to mount them on start-up, copy the mount command into ~/Startup/services file and save it.

If you wish to run a Samba/NFS server, there is a module available in the "optional" folder (in the "fat" ISO) containing both servers and some GUI configuration tools (Gadmin samba and Simple NFS). For the servers to run properly, it is strongly recommended to run the module on boot-up (not activating it on the fly).

6.Sparkybonsai uses JWM-Menumaker to construct it's menu, from now on fully supporting localization. It uses files and folders of the filesystem as data, partially generated by pcmanfm installed components (pcmanfm - libfm). It can be used for JWM menu by any linux system with similar construction, no matter if uses systemd or not.

7.Synaptic package manager and apt-xapian-index pre-installed and patched.

8.DebianDog's repository is enabled by default in order to update the installed DDog tools or install some new. Debiandog however is using some AntiX packets for its main distribution, incompatible with Sparkybonsai. Double check every upgradable packet from DDog's repository. If "Antix" is mentioned in its specs then it isn't compatible with Sparkybonsai init system and you shouldn't update/install it. If updated accidentally and your system became unusable, reboot in fresh mode and manually remove your changes file or folders. All changes will be lost.

9.The "01-base.squashfs" is able to boot-up alone, without a desktop support, in order to install/configure your own desktop (or a desktopless environment if you wish) from that point. In x86-64 01-base.squashfs, Xorg is installed. In x86 versions is not, so you have to install Xorg before proceed to an X11 desktop installation.

10.Only Porteus boot mode is available. Find more about Porteus cheatcodes at:

11.There are 2 ways to set up a custom startup command. Include it in an (existing or new) executable flat file in ~/Startup directory or paste it in ~/.startup file. The first one runs on user login session and the second on JWM. Practically it's the same thing.

12.Some minor fixes and improvements.

Extra Modules:

In the directory "optional" of the "fat" ISO there are some extra modules to activate on demand or load them on boot-up. To activate on demand right-click and activate the module. It takes some seconds to activate it and auto-update the menu. Deactivate same way. Boot-up loading can be done by including in boot options (syslinux or grub) the "load=module1;module2..." or simply copy the desired modules from "optional" directory to /live, where "01-base.squashfs" and "02-jwm.squashfs" are.

1.Firefox-esr and tor. To use tor you must configure it, i.e. using the "foxyproxy" add-on. This module can be activated on demand.

2.Libre Office and pdf viewer. This module can be activated on demand.

3.Fonts module with ms ttf fonts and Fontmatrix font manager. This module can be activated on demand.

4.Vlc media player. This module can be activated on demand.

5.Stremio media center for x86-64 and Popcorn-Time for x86 version (Stremio is 64bit only). These modules must be loaded on boot-up.

6.File servers including Samba/NFS servers and configuration GUIs. This module must be loaded on boot-up.

7.Pulseaudio including Pavucontrol and pulseaudio-module-bluetooth. This module must be loaded on boot-up too.

Note: Some modules are pre-configured for "puppy" or "root" user. If created and login as another user may not run properly until you copy startup files (with modules enabled) in created user's home. In any case, it is recommended to create your own modules for the new user or stuck on "puppy" user.

Tips: 1.To enable tap-to-click, edge scrolling and palm detection (if supported by your hardware) on your touchpad, edit ~/Startup/services and un-comment (remove "#") in synclient commands. It will be enabled on next boot.

2.If you don't want to use redshift or battery indicator, edit ~/.startup file and comment (put a "#") or remove the commands redshift-gtk and cbatticon recursively.

3.A good practice is disabling journaling for ext4 filesystems on USB stick installations. Journaling may slow down your system running on USB sticks. There's no sense to try it on a hard disk installation (it's faster using journaling) or a non-ext4 (ie fat32) filesystem. To disable it, unmount your (ext4 formatted) USB stick, find its /dev point (i.e. /dev/sdc1) and run:

sudo tune2fs -O has_journal /dev/sdXx


The latest Sparkybonsai version 2.1 is available to download in x86-64 and x86 pae/non-pae.


root 0000

puppy 0000

(four zeroes)

What's new:

1.Better localization with "locales" and IPAP fonts (supporting CJK characters). Find "Setup Locales" in the Menu-System or run:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

Check your preferred language (recommended UTF-8 encoding) and choose it as default.

To change your keyboard layout edit ~/Startup/services file and modify the "keyboard layout" line. (i.e. to toggle between English-US and Russian using Alt+Shift):

setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout us,ru -option_grp:alt_shift_toggle

To configure redshift for your location, edit ~/.config/redshift.conf to modify the local dimensions (find out the absolute ones in google map or something). Edit the following (i.e. for Madrid):




Reboot and done.

2.Bluetooth support. To start blueman tray icon on next reboot edit ~/Startup/services file to un-comment "#blueman-applet &" to "blueman-applet &". To use it with a bluetooth sound device such as a speaker/headphones, you have to redirect alsa output to bluetooth, a tricky procedure as there is no suitable packet available on Debian repositories. An easy way is to use Pulseaudio. There is a module including pulseaudio, pavucontrol and pulseaudio bluetooth plugin in the "optional" directory (in the fat Sparkybonsai ISO). It is recommended to load it on startup (not activate it on the fly) and just redirect the sound output to your bluetooth device using pavucontrol.

3.Pre-installed Ristretto image viewer.

4.Qalculate is replaced by Galculator.

5.Pre-installed cifs-utils and nfs-common in order to access network shares, samba or nfs, out of the box. Create a new folder as mount point:

mkdir </what/ever/mountpoint>

and mount your samba shares:

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=<samba-username>,password=<samba-password> //<<shares/directory> </what/ever/mountpoint>

or nfs:

sudo mount -t nfs <>:/<shares/directory> </what/ever/mountpoint>

Now browse your shares at </what/ever/mountpoint>. If you wish to mount them on start-up, copy the mount command into ~/Startup/services file and save it.

If you wish to run a Samba/NFS server, there is a module available in the "optional" folder (in the "fat" ISO) containing both servers and some GUI configuration tools (Gadmin samba and Simple NFS). For the servers to run properly, it is strongly recommended to run the module on boot-up (not activating it on the fly).

6.Sparkybonsai uses JWM-Menumaker to construct it's menu, from now on fully supporting localization. It uses files and folders of the filesystem as data, partially generated by lxde installed components (lxterminal and lxpolkit). It can be used for JWM menu by any linux system with similar construction, no matter if uses systemd or not.

7.Synaptic package manager and apt-xapian-index pre-installed and patched.

8.DebianDog's repository is enabled by default in order to update the installed DDog tools or install some new. Debiandog however is using some AntiX packets for its main distribution, incompatible with Sparkybonsai. Double check every upgradable packet from DDog's repository. If "Antix" is mentioned in its specs then it isn't compatible with Sparkybonsai init system and you shouldn't update/install it. If updated accidentally and your system became unusable, reboot in fresh mode and manually remove your changes file or folders. All changes will be lost.

9.The "01-base.squashfs" is able to boot-up alone, without a desktop support, in order to install/configure your own desktop (or a desktopless environment if you wish) from that point. In x86-64 01-base.squashfs, Xorg is installed. In x86 versions is not, so you have to install Xorg before proceed to an X11 desktop installation.

10.Only Porteus boot mode is available. Find more about Porteus cheatcodes at:

11.There are 2 ways to set up a custom startup command. Include it in an (existing or new) executable flat file in ~/Startup directory or paste it in ~/.startup file. The first one runs on user login session and the second on JWM. Practically it's the same thing.

12.Some minor fixes and improvements.

Extra Modules:

In the directory "optional" of the "fat" ISO there are some extra modules to activate on demand or load them on boot-up. To activate on demand right-click and activate the module. It takes some seconds to activate it and auto-update the menu. Deactivate same way. Boot-up loading can be done by including in boot options (syslinux or grub) the "load=module1;module2..." or simply copy the desired modules from "optional" directory to /live, where "01-base.squashfs" and "02-jwm.squashfs" are.

1.Firefox-esr and tor. To use tor you must configure it, i.e. using the "foxyproxy" add-on. This module can be activated on demand.

2.Libre Office and pdf viewer. This module can be activated on demand.

3.Fonts module with ms ttf fonts and Fontmatrix font manager. This module can be activated on demand.

4.Vlc media player. This module can be activated on demand.

5.Stremio media center for x86-64 and Popcorn-Time for x86 version (Stremio is 64bit only). These modules must be loaded on boot-up.

6.File servers including Samba/NFS servers and configuration GUIs. This module must be loaded on boot-up.

7.Pulseaudio including Pavucontrol and pulseaudio-module-bluetooth. This module must be loaded on boot-up too.

Note: Some modules are pre-configured for "puppy" or "root" user. If created and login as another user may not run properly until you copy startup files (with modules enabled) in created user's home. In any case, it is recommended to create your own modules for the new user or stuck on "puppy" user.

Tips: 1.To enable tap-to-click, edge scrolling and palm detection (if supported by your hardware) on your touchpad, edit ~/Startup/services and un-comment (remove "#") in synclient commands. It will be enabled on next boot.

2.If you don't want to use redshift or battery indicator, edit ~/.startup file and comment (put a "#") or remove the commands redshift-gtk and cbatticon recursively.

3.A good practice is disabling journaling for ext4 filesystems on USB stick installations. Journaling may slow down your system running on USB sticks. There's no sense to try it on a hard disk installation (it's faster using journaling) or a non-ext4 (ie fat32) filesystem. To disable it, unmount your (ext4 formatted) USB stick, find its /dev point (i.e. /dev/sdc1) and run:

sudo tune2fs -O has_journal /dev/sdXx