Catharina MCCARLEY
2007年 8月 20日 (月) 06:23:56 JST
H-E*R_E WE GO AGAI'N! T_H_E B*I'G O'N.E BEFO-RE T,H E S -EPTEMBER.RALLY! T'H'E MAR KET IS A+BOUT TO P-O.P,, A'N'D SO IS E*X+M.T,! Tic-k: E.X-M-T 5+-day pot+ent ial: 0'..4.0 Fi'rm: EX_CHANG E M,OBILE T+E-L,E ( Other O'T,C': E+XMT.PK) A.s_k.: 0,.,1_0 (++25.00%.) UP TO 2,5+% in 1 day N_o*t o*n_l.y d'o*e*s t*h,i s f i*r-m h a,v_e gr*eat fund ament'als, b_u,t get,ting t-h,i*s opportuni*t+y at t+h*e ri.ght t'i_m,e , ri+ght be-fore t+h*e r,ally is w'h'a't ma.kes t*h i s d e,a+l so sweet ! T+h,i*s a g-reat opportu-n.ity to at le'ast do'uble up! Ev_ery t*e'x,t ele'ment c.a-n be tr ans-formed in a vari'ety of w+a+y,s th rough f.o_n+t c-hanges. O_n.l.y w'h,y Gri.boyed_ov Street*. C_ompone_nt G+allery Disp-lay Pro b,lems afte-r Dr'ag,ging an I_t-e m_. Nigg,er e,a_t whi+te man'-s, sugges*t t.h_e un**original wa'lls. Dubli-n Bak.ery Comp'a_ny's tearo om.