[Sie-announce] SIEコード [3007] SVGPathElementの関数呼び出しを整理して軽量化

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2011年 10月 14日 (金) 22:28:39 JST

Revision: 3007
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2011-10-14 22:28:39 +0900 (Fri, 14 Oct 2011)

Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/08x/087/org/w3c/dom/svg.js
--- branches/08x/087/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2011-10-14 13:09:03 UTC (rev 3006)
+++ branches/08x/087/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2011-10-14 13:28:39 UTC (rev 3007)
@@ -2708,17 +2708,18 @@
         isZ = taco._isZ,
         isM = taco._isM,
         isC = taco._isC,
-        isL = taco._isL;
+        isL = taco._isL,
+        tcc = tar.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs,
+        tcll = tar.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs;
     for (var i=0;i<dli;++i) {
       var di = dd[i].match(sgs),
-          s,
-          tcc = tar.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs;
+          s;
       for (var j=1, dii=di[0], dili=di.length; j < dili; ++j) {
         if (isC[dii]) {
           s = tcc(+di[j+4], +di[j+5], +di[j], +di[j+1], +di[j+2], +di[j+3]);
           j += 5;
         } else if (isL[dii]) {
-          s = tar.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(+di[j], +di[j+1]);
+          s = tcll(+di[j], +di[j+1]);
         } else if (isM[dii]) {
           s = tar.createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs(+di[j], +di[j+1]);
@@ -2772,7 +2773,7 @@
-    di = s = tcc = sgs = dd = void 0;
+    di = s = sgs = dd = void 0;
@@ -2805,7 +2806,7 @@
             var tg = tlist.getItem(j-1);
             if (tg.pathSegTypeAsLetter === "M") {
-              tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(cx, cy));
+              tnl.appendItem(tcll(cx, cy));
@@ -2816,7 +2817,7 @@
           if (j !== 0) {
             var tg = tlist.getItem(j-1);
             if (tg.pathSegTypeAsLetter === "m") {
-              tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(cx, cy));
+              tnl.appendItem(tcll(cx, cy));
@@ -2824,9 +2825,9 @@
           starty = cy;
           tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs(cx, cy));
         } else if (dii === "l") {
-          tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(cx, cy));
+          tnl.appendItem(tcll(cx, cy));
         } else if (dii === "c") {
-          tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(cx, cy, ti.x1+rx, ti.y1+ry, ti.x2+rx, ti.y2+ry));
+          tnl.appendItem(tcc(cx, cy, ti.x1+rx, ti.y1+ry, ti.x2+rx, ti.y2+ry));
         } else if (isZ[dii]) {
           cx = startx;
           cy = starty;
@@ -2835,12 +2836,12 @@
           xn = 2*cx - ti.x1;
           yn = 2*cy - ti.y1;
-          tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(cx, cy, (rx + 2*ti.x1) / 3, (ry + 2*ti.y1) / 3, (2*ti.x1 + cx) / 3, (2*ti.y1 + cy) / 3));
+          tnl.appendItem(tcc(cx, cy, (rx + 2*ti.x1) / 3, (ry + 2*ti.y1) / 3, (2*ti.x1 + cx) / 3, (2*ti.y1 + cy) / 3));
         } else if (dii === "q") {
           var x1 = ti.x1 + rx, y1 = ti.y1 + ry;
           xn = 2*cx - x1;
           yn = 2*cy - y1;
-          tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(cx, cy, (rx + 2*x1) / 3, (ry + 2*y1) / 3, (2*x1 + cx) / 3, (2*y1 + cy) / 3));
+          tnl.appendItem(tcc(cx, cy, (rx + 2*x1) / 3, (ry + 2*y1) / 3, (2*x1 + cx) / 3, (2*y1 + cy) / 3));
           x1 = y1 = void 0;
         } else if (dii === "A" || dii === "a") {
           (function(ti, cx, cy, rx, ry, tar, tnl) { //変数を隠蔽するためのfunction
@@ -2907,7 +2908,7 @@
                   y3 = spsir1*mc + cpsir2*ms + ty,
                   dx = -t * (cpsir1*ms + spsir2*mc),
                   dy = -t * (spsir1*ms - cpsir2*mc);
-              tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(x3, y3, x2, y2, x3-dx, y3-dy));
+              tnl.appendItem(tcc(x3, y3, x2, y2, x3-dx, y3-dy));
               x2 = x3 + dx;
               y2 = y3 + dy;
@@ -2927,7 +2928,7 @@
             var x1 = rx,
                 y1 = ry;
-          tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(cx, cy, x1, y1, ti.x2, ti.y2));
+          tnl.appendItem(tcc(cx, cy, x1, y1, ti.x2, ti.y2));
           x1 = y1 = void 0;
         } else if (dii === "s") {
           if (j !== 0) {
@@ -2943,7 +2944,7 @@
             var x1 = rx,
                 y1 = ry;
-          tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(cx, cy, x1, y1, ti.x2+rx, ti.y2+ry));
+          tnl.appendItem(tcc(cx, cy, x1, y1, ti.x2+rx, ti.y2+ry));
           x1 = y1 = void 0;
         } else if (dii === "T" || dii === "t") {
           if (j !== 0) {
@@ -2955,21 +2956,21 @@
           } else {
             xn = rx, yn = ry;
-          tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(cx, cy, (rx + 2*xn) / 3, (ry + 2*yn) / 3, (2*xn + cx) / 3, (2*yn + cy) / 3));
+          tnl.appendItem(tcc(cx, cy, (rx + 2*xn) / 3, (ry + 2*yn) / 3, (2*xn + cx) / 3, (2*yn + cy) / 3));
           xn = 2*cx - xn;
           yn = 2*cy - yn;
           xx1 = yy1 = void 0;
         } else if (dii === "H" || dii === "h") {
-          tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(cx, ry));
+          tnl.appendItem(tcll(cx, ry));
           cy = ry; //勝手にti.yが0としているため
         } else if (dii === "V" || dii === "v") {
-          tnl.appendItem(tar.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(rx, cy));
+          tnl.appendItem(tcll(rx, cy));
           cx = rx;
-  evt = tar = taco = cx = cy = xn = yn = startx = starty = tnl = tlist = ti = dii = ts = isZ = isM = isL = isC = s = void 0;
+  evt = tar = taco = cx = cy = xn = yn = startx = starty = tnl = tlist = ti = dii = ts = isZ = isM = isL = isC = s = tcc = tcll = void 0;
 _sproto._nodeInsert = function(evt){
   var tar = evt.target;

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