[Sie-announce] SIEコード [2492] SVGURIReferenceのvar文を整理

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2011年 3月 21日 (月) 20:03:59 JST

Revision: 2492
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2011-03-21 20:03:59 +0900 (Mon, 21 Mar 2011)

Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/07x/073/org/w3c/dom/svg.js
--- branches/07x/073/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2011-03-21 10:44:34 UTC (rev 2491)
+++ branches/07x/073/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2011-03-21 11:03:59 UTC (rev 2492)
@@ -684,7 +684,11 @@
 SVGColor.constructor = CSSValue;
 /*void*/ SVGColor.prototype.setRGBColor = function(/*DOMString*/ rgbColor ){
-  var tkr = this._keywords[rgbColor];
+  var tkr = this._keywords[rgbColor],
+      s,
+      _parseInt,
+      r, g, b,
+      c;
   if (tkr !== void 0) {
     rgbColor = tkr;
@@ -692,12 +696,15 @@
     rgbColor = rgbColor.replace(/[\d.]+%/g, function(s) {
       return Math.round((2.55 * parseFloat(s)));
-    var s = rgbColor.match(/\d+/g);
+    s = rgbColor.match(/\d+/g);
   } else if (rgbColor.indexOf("#") === 0) {  //#を含む場合
-    var s = [], _parseInt = parseInt;
-    var r = rgbColor.charAt(1), g = rgbColor.charAt(2), b = rgbColor.charAt(3)
+    s = [];
+    _parseInt = parseInt;
+    r = rgbColor.charAt(1);
+    g = rgbColor.charAt(2);
+    b = rgbColor.charAt(3)
     if (rgbColor.length < 5) {
-      var c = "#" + r + r + g + g + b + b;
+      c = "#" + r + r + g + g + b + b;
       rgbColor = c;
       c = null;
@@ -706,7 +713,7 @@
     s[2] = _parseInt(rgbColor.charAt(5)+rgbColor.charAt(6), 16)+ "";
     r = g = b = null;
   } else {
-    var s = rgbColor.match(/\d+/g);
+    s = rgbColor.match(/\d+/g);
     if (!!!s) { //数値が含まれていなければ強制的に終了
       rgbColor = null;
@@ -715,15 +722,16 @@
   this.rgbColor.red.cssText = s[0];
   this.rgbColor.green.cssText = s[1];
   this.rgbColor.blue.cssText = s[2];
-  rgbColor = tkr = s = null;
+  rgbColor = tkr = s = _parseInt = null;
 //                    raises( SVGException );
 /*void*/ SVGColor.prototype.setColor =function(/*unsigned short*/ colorType, /*DOMString*/ rgbColor, /*DOMString*/ iccColor ){
   this.colorType = colorType;
-  if ((colorType === SVGColor.SVG_COLORTYPE_RGBCOLOR) || (colorType === SVGColor.SVG_COLORTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR)) {
+  if ((colorType === /*SVGColor.SVG_COLORTYPE_RGBCOLOR*/ 1) || (colorType === /*SVGColor.SVG_COLORTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR*/ 3)) {
+  colorType = rgbColor = null;
 //                    raises( SVGException );
@@ -941,15 +949,18 @@
       return; //強制終了させる
     tar.addEventListener("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", function(evt){
-      var tar = evt.target;
+      var tar = evt.target,
+          base,
+          href = tar.href.baseVal,
+          egbase, ep, b, lh, uri, xmlhttp, ui, id, doc, ele, ev;
-      if (tar.href.baseVal !== "") { //xlink:href属性が指定されたとき
-        var base, href = tar.href.baseVal;
-        var egbase = tar.xmlbase;
+      if (href !== "") { //xlink:href属性が指定されたとき
+        egbase = tar.xmlbase;
         if (!egbase) {
-          var ep = tar.parentNode, b = null;
+          ep = tar.parentNode;
+          b = null;
           while (!b && ep) {
             b = ep.xmlbase;
             ep = ep.parentNode;
@@ -957,7 +968,7 @@
           base = b;
           if (!b) {                        //xml:baseの指定がなければ
             if (href.indexOf("#") !== 0) { //href属性において#が一番につかない場合
-              var lh = location.href;
+              lh = location.href;
               base = lh.replace(/\/[^\/]+?$/, "/"); //URIの最後尾にあるファイル名は消す。例: /n/sie.js -> /n/
             } else {
               base = location.href;
@@ -969,7 +980,8 @@
         if (href.indexOf(":") !== -1) { //絶対URIの場合
           base =  "";
-        var uri = base + href, show = tar.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "show") || "embed";
+        uri = base + href;
+        show = tar.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "show") || "embed";
         if (href.indexOf(".") === 0) {  //相対URIの場合
           uri = href;
@@ -979,18 +991,19 @@
           tar._tar.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
           tar._tar.setAttribute("href", uri);
         } else if (show === "embed") {
-          var xmlhttp = NAIBU.xmlhttp;
-          var ui = uri.indexOf("#");
+          xmlhttp = NAIBU.xmlhttp;
+          ui = uri.indexOf("#");
           if (ui > -1) {
-            var id = uri.substring(ui+1, uri.length);
+            id = uri.substring(ui+1, uri.length);
             uri = uri.replace(/#.+$/, "");
           } else {
-            var id = null;
+            id = null;
           if (href.indexOf("#") === 0) { //URIが#で始まるのであれば
-            var doc = tar.ownerDocument, ele = doc.getElementById(id);
+            doc = tar.ownerDocument;
+            ele = doc.getElementById(id);
             tar._instance = ele;
-            var ev = doc.createEvent("SVGEvents");
+            ev = doc.createEvent("SVGEvents");
             ev.initEvent("SVGLoad", false, false);
             ev = null;
@@ -1005,7 +1018,8 @@
             xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
             xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
               if (xmlhttp.readyState === 4  &&  xmlhttp.status === 200) {
-                var type = xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('Content-Type') || "text";
+                var type = xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('Content-Type') || "text",
+                    doc, str, ele, ev;
                 if ((type.indexOf("text") > -1) || (type.indexOf("xml") > -1) || (type.indexOf("script") > -1)) { //ファイルがtext形式である場合
@@ -1015,14 +1029,14 @@
                   if (tar.localName !== "script" && tar.localName !== "style") {
-                    var doc = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DomDocument");
+                    doc = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DomDocument");
                     str = xmlhttp.responseText.replace(/!DOCTYPE/,"!--").replace(/(dtd">|\]>)/,"-->");
                     NAIBU.doc.async = false;
                     NAIBU.doc.validateOnParse = false;
                     NAIBU.doc.resolveExternals = false;
                     NAIBU.doc.preserveWhiteSpace = false;
-                    var ele = doc.documentElement;
+                    ele = doc.documentElement;
                     tar._instance = tar.ownerDocument.importNode(ele, true);
                     if (id) {
                       tar._instance = tar._instance.ownerDocument.getElementById(id);
@@ -1033,10 +1047,10 @@
                 } else if (!!tar._tar) {
                   tar._tar.src = uri;
-                var ev = tar.ownerDocument.createEvent("SVGEvents");
+                ev = tar.ownerDocument.createEvent("SVGEvents");
                 ev.initEvent("SVGLoad", false, false);
-                ev = null;
+                type = doc = str = ev = null;
                 xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = NAIBU.emptyFunction;
@@ -1045,7 +1059,7 @@
-      evt = tar = null;
+      evt = tar = base = href = egbase = ep = b = lh = uri = xmlhttp = ui = id = doc = ele = ev = null;
     }, false);
     tar = evt = null;
   }, false);
@@ -5804,7 +5818,7 @@
     window.onscroll = NAIBU.emptyFunction;
     window.detachEvent("onload", NAIBU._main);
-    Element = SVGElement = Attr = NamedNodeMap = CSS2Properties = CSSValue = CSSPrimitiveValue = NAIBU.xmlhttp = Node = Event = NAIBU = stlog = STLog = null;
+    Element = SVGElement = Attr = NamedNodeMap = CSS2Properties = CSSValue = CSSPrimitiveValue = NAIBU.xmlhttp = Node = Event = NAIBU = stlog = STLog = SVGColor = SVGPaint = null;
     Array = ActiveXObject = null;
   } catch(e) {}

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