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프로젝트 설명

A free computer-aided translation / computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool to align and converter bitext into TMX translation memory format to be used in other CAT tools by translators and other language professionals.

System Requirements

운영 체제: OS Portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms), OS Independent

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Latest 5 files
Name 크기 날짜 Download count 2.4 MB 2014-01-20 05:43 75
bitext2tmx-1.0M0-080229.dmg 530.9 KB 2008-03-03 01:23 32
bitext2tmx-1.0M0-080229-src.7z 2.5 MB 2008-03-02 05:25 48
bitext2tmx-1.0M0-080229.noarch.rpm 472.0 KB 2008-03-02 04:58 27
bitext2tmx-1.0M0-080229.7z 452.3 KB 2008-03-01 09:42 10
All Files
1.0 Milestone 0.1 (M0.1)
bitext2tmx-1.0M0.1-140117.zip2.4 MB2014-01-20 05:4375
1.0 Milestone 0 (M0)
bitext2tmx-1.0M0-080229.dmg530.9 KB2008-03-03 01:2332
bitext2tmx-1.0M0-080229-src.7z2.5 MB2008-03-02 05:2548
bitext2tmx-1.0M0-080229.noarch.rpm472.0 KB2008-03-02 04:5827
bitext2tmx-1.0M0-080229.7z452.3 KB2008-03-01 09:4210
bitext2tmx-0.9.tar.bz275.9 KB2006-06-28 21:2112
bitext2tmx-0.9.7z72.5 KB2006-06-28 21:2155
bitext2tmx.zip102.5 KB2006-01-23 19:1738
bitext2tmx.tgz100.8 KB2006-01-23 19:1796