[Senna-dev 422] mysql: sql_yacc.yy error on MacOSX

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Ryo Okamoto ryo****@aquah*****
2006年 12月 15日 (金) 03:51:02 JST


MacOSX に senna+mysql を入れようとしているのですが、
# CentOS では同じ条件でコンパイルできます

Making all in sql
bison -y -p MYSQL  -d --debug --verbose `test -f 'sql_yacc.yy' || echo './'`sql_yacc.yy
sql_yacc.yy:4019: type clash (`' `NONE') on default action
sql_yacc.yy:4044: type clash (`' `NONE') on default action
sql_yacc.yy:4383: type clash (`' `NONE') on default action
sql_yacc.yy:4383: type clash (`' `NONE') on default action
sql_yacc.yy:4384: type clash (`' `NONE') on default action
sql_yacc.yy:4384: type clash (`' `NONE') on default action
sql_yacc.yy:4386: type clash (`' `NONE') on default action
sql_yacc.yy:8040: type clash (`' `num') on default action
make[2]: *** [sql_yacc.cc] Error 1

patch -p1 < ../senna-0.8.2/bindings/mysql/mysql-5.0.24a.senna.diff

./configure \
	--prefix=/usr/local/mysql \
	--without-debug \
	--with-libwrap \
	--with-charset=ujis \
	--with-extra-charsets=ujis \
	--enable-assembler \
	--enable-thread-safe-client \
	--without-ndbcluster \
	--without-berkeley-db \
	--with-readline \

MacOSX 10.4.8

mysql 5.0.27
senna 0.8.2

automake 1.9.6
autoconf 2.60
gcc/g++ 4.0.1 (powerpc-apple-darwin8)
bison 1.28

R.Okamoto <ryo****@aquah*****>

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