How to install RufasCube

The single *.7z archive contains all documents, source code, executables & resources for 3 systems: OSX, Windows, Linux.

Mac users see "osx-setup.txt".
Windows users see "windows-setup.txt".

Unzip the archive.  On Windows, 7z [] works well for this.

Open a commandline terminal, and cd to the install directory.

Windows users may type either

* binw32\cube32.exe, or
* binw64\cube64.exe

Linux users type "cube_gnu" to start the game.  You may also double click the icon for cube_gnu in file manager.

Mac users note that this game may be initiated in two ways also.  First, by opening a terminal, navigating to the install-directory, and typing "cube_osx" on the command line.  Second by navigating to the installation directory in Finder and clicking the "" icon named "RufasCube".  Note also that a 2-finger-swipe simulates the mouse wheel on a MacBook.

**Likewise for "seven"**
EG: binw32\seven32.exe or seven_osx or seven_gnu.

The install-directory should contain a subdirectory named "data".  It contains shaders and sound data.