[Rubycocoa-devel 542] New APIs: objc_send and objc_export

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Laurent Sansonetti lsans****@apple*****
Wed Jan 3 03:24:28 JST 2007

Hi guys,

As discussed with Hisa-san, I just added 2 new APIs in SVN.

1) objc_send

This is a convenience facility to send messages to an Objective-C  
object in a symbol/value/... like syntax. You may know that using this  
syntax directly on the object (like foo.doSomething(x, :withObject,  
y)) has been deprecated. objc_send is a new method that still let you  
to do that. As it is a separate method it is now less dangerous.


NSURL.alloc.objc_send(:initWithScheme, 'http', :host,  
'localhost', :path, '/foo')

2) objc_export

This is again a convenience facility to register Ruby methods to the  
Objective-C runtime. Users may not find addRubyMethod_withType  
convenient as first you need to convert the Ruby method name as an  
Objective-C selector, and 2) you need to pass the Objective-C encoding  
type of the method (everybody do not know the runtime constants).

So, objc_export takes 2 arguments. First is the Ruby name of the  
method, and second is an array that contains the C types.


class Foo < OSX::NSObject
   def foo1
   objc_export :foo1, %w{id}
   # - (id)foo1;

   def foo2(integer)
     integer + 2
   objc_export :foo2, %w{int int}
   # - (int)foo2:(int)integer;

   def foo3_obj(ary, obj)
   objc_export :foo3, %w{void id id}
   # -(void)foo3:(id)ary obj:(id)obj;

As you can see objc_export is definitely easier to use than  

Test cases have been added for both objc_send and objc_export. Please  
check them out :)

# I will update doc/unstable for the next release.


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