[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-txtw-itrsmrks

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 9月 15日 (土) 09:04:09 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-txtw-itrsmrks
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-    Pay attention to the spelling, namely Gtk::TextBuffer::selection_bound is singular, and returns a single Gtk::TextMark. There exists also Gtk::TextBuffer::selection_bounds - plural. The latter returns an array of two iters and the Boolean value in this order:((*[start, end, selected]!*))
+    Pay attention to the spelling, namely Gtk::TextBuffer::selection_bound is singular, and returns a single Gtk::TextMark. There exists also Gtk::TextBuffer::selection_bounds - plural. The latter returns an array of two iters and the Boolean value in this order:((*[start, end, selected]!*)), if some text is selected. In other words Gtk::TextBuffer::selection_bounds returns the bounds of the selection in "start" and "end" and true in the flag called "selected".
 == Editing the Text Buffer

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