[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] create - Gnome::PrintUnit

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 10月 15日 (金) 19:15:58 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp//?Gnome%3A%3APrintUnit
= class Gnome::PrintUnit

== Class Methods

--- get_identify(base)
     * base: a Gnome::PrintUnitBase object.
     * Returns: the identified unit which has ((|base|)), or nil.

--- default()
     * Returns: the default unit, it's Gnome::PrintUnit object.

--- get_by_name(name)
     * name: the name of unit.
     * Returns: specified unit, or nil.

--- get_by_abbreviation(abbreviation)
     * abbreviation: the abbreviation of unit.
     * Returns: specified unit, or nil.

--- get_list(bases)
     * bases: the bases of unit. Base can be composited by
     * Returns: an array of specified units.

== Instance Methods

--- name()
     * Returns: the name of unit.

--- base()
     * Returns: the Gnome::PrintUnitBase of unit.

--- unit_to_base()
     * Returns: the value of unit to base.

--- abbr()
     * Returns: the abbreviation of unit.

--- plural()
     * Returns: the plural of unit.

--- abbr_plural()
     * Returns: the plural of abbreviation of unit.

--- convert_distance(distance, to)
     * distance: the target distance.
     * to: the unit to convert.
     * Returns: the converted distance, nil on error.

--- convert_distance_full(distance, to, ctm_scale, device_scale)
     * distance: the target distance.
     * to: the unit to convert.
     * ctm_scale: uses device scale when
       ((|self|))/((|to|))'s base is Gnome::PrintUnitBase::USERSPACE.
     * device_scale: uses device scale when
       ((|self|))/((|to|))'s base is Gnome::PrintUnitBase::DEVICE.
     * Returns: the converted distance, nil on errror.

== Constants

     The unit of PS.

== See Also


- kou

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