[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gtk::Invisible

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2003年 8月 25日 (月) 09:45:44 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gtk%3A%3AInvisible
  = class Gtk::Invisible
  The Gtk::Invisible widget is used internally in GTK+, and is probably not useful for application developers.
  It is used for reliable pointer grabs and selection handling in the code for drag-and-drop
- == Super Class
- * Gtk::Widget
+ == Object Hierarchy
+ * Object
+   * GLib::Instantiatable
+     * GLib::Object
+       * Gtk::Object
+         * Gtk::Widget
+           * Gtk::Invisible
  == Class Methods
  --- Gtk::Invisible.new
      Creates a new Gtk::Invisible.
      * Returns: a new Gtk::Invisible.  
  == Instance Methods
  --- screen
      ((*Since 2.2*)) Returns the Gdk::Screen object associated with invisible
      * Returns: the associated Gdk::Screen.  
  --- screen=(screen)
      ((*Since 2.2*)) Sets the Gdk::Screen where the GtkInvisible object will be displayed.
      * screen: a Gdk::Screen
      * Returns: screen
  --- set_screen(screen)
      ((*Since 2.2*)) Same as screen=.
      * screen: a Gdk::Screen  
      * Returns: self
+ == Properties
+ --- screen: Gdk::Screen (Read/Write)
+     The screen where this window will be displayed
  - ((<Masao>))

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