[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - GLib::Type

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2003年 4月 7日 (月) 21:24:10 JST

= class GLib::Type

The GLib Runtime type identification and management system

The GLib::Type API is the foundation of the GObject system. It provides the facilities for registering and managing all fundamental data types, user-defined object and interface types. 

== class methods

--- GLib::Type.new(key)
--- GLib::Type[key]
    Get a GLib::Type for the key.
    * key: type identifier. should be String or Integer.
    * Returns: a new GLib::Type

== public instance methods

--- to_i
    * Returns: integer valued type identifier

--- to_s
--- name
    * Returns: type name

--- fundamental
    * Returns: the fundamental type which is the ancestor of type. Fundamental types are types that serve as fundaments for the derived types, thus they are the roots of distinct inheritance hierarchies.

--- parent
    * Returns: 

--- depth
    * Returns: 

--- next_base
    * Returns: 

--- type_is_a?(type)
    * type:
    * Returns: 

--- children
    * Returns: 

--- interfaces
    * Returns: 

--- class_size
    * Returns: 

--- instance_size
    * Returns: 

--- fundamental?
    * Returns: true if the instance is a fundamental type.

--- derived?
    * Returns:

--- interfaced?
    * Returns:

--- classed?
    * Returns:

--- instantiatable?
    * Returns:

--- derivable?
    * Returns:

--- deep_derivable?
    * Returns:

--- abstract?
    * Returns: 

--- value_abstract?
    * Returns: 

--- value_type?
    * Returns: 

--- has_value_table
    * Returns: 

= class GLib::Type

The GLib Runtime type identification and management system

The GLib::Type API is the foundation of the GObject system. It provides the facilities for registering and managing all fundamental data types, user-defined object and interface types. 

== class methods
--- GLib::Type[](key)
    Get a GLib::Type for the key.
    * key: type identifier. should be String or Integer.
    * Returns: a new GLib::Type

== public instance methods
--- to_i
    integer valued type identifier

--- to_s
--- name
    type name

--- fundamental
    Returnsthe fundamental type which is the ancestor of type. Fundamental types are types that serve as fundaments for the derived types, thus they are the roots of distinct inheritance hierarchies.

--- parent

--- depth

--- next_base

--- type_is_a?(type)

--- children

--- interfaces

--- class_size

--- instance_size

--- fundamental?
    true if the instance is a fundamental type.

--- derived?

--- interfaced?

--- classed?

--- instantiatable?

--- derivable?

--- deep_derivable?

--- abstract?

--- value_abstract?

--- value_type?

--- has_value_table?

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