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프로젝트 설명

RebornOS is a distribution based on Arch Linux

It starts as an Antergos bifurcation, offering more options during its installation, based on the Antergos cnchi installer, using the latter's repository, and one of its own.

Once the development of Antergos is finished, RebornOS becomes an independent distribution, no longer depending on the Antergos repository, but on its own repository (besides, of course, the Arch Linux repositories).

It currently offers a calamares-based installer.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Released at 2020-06-05 08:21
RebornOS 2020.06.04 (2 files Hide)

Release Notes

NOTE 1: This version is an update of RebornOS-2020.05.25-x86_64.iso to fix the startup problem of several of the desktops due to a change in the Qt libraries that Arch Linux made.

NOTE 2: From this version on, the installer uses the new cosmic file format implemented by RebornOS. It is important to note that the rest of the installers will no longer be operational once the old cosmic files are removed from our repositories, so it is recommended to download this one.
The cosmic files of RebornOS are the tool that allows the installer to know what to use and, in addition, once in the final systems, allows the user to count on the improvements that RebornOS adds from now on, since they are in charge of maintaining the system updated with the last added modifications.
If you have RebornOS already installed and you want to use these new files, you can read how to proceed in the following document in our Wiki.
If you wish to continue without the changes, your system will continue to work, but you will not get the improvements and changes that RebornOS implements.

NOTE 3: If you have upgraded and come across a black screen, you can recover your installation as follows:
Press the following combination of keys: Ctrl + Alt + F2
You will come across a text terminal, which you will expect to be accessed by your user. Enter your username, press Enter, enter your password, press Enter, and type the following (end each line with Enter, and type your user password each time you are prompted for one):

sudo systemctl disable sddm
sudo pacman -S gdm
sudo systemctl enable gdm
sudo reboot

The problem is that access via sddm has been broken. With this we will make the change to gdm (GNOME access) and, once the system has been restarted, you will be able to access it (remember to click on the wheel located at the bottom right of the gdm access screen to verify that you are accessing your desk).


This version is an update of RebornOS-2020.05.25-x86_64.iso to fix the startup problem of several of the desktops due to a change in the Qt libraries that Arch Linux made.