dmb Mai
2007年 8月 19日 (日) 01:58:51 JST
T,H_E B+I,G O+N,E BE.FORE T+H+E SEPTEM'BER'.RALLY! H E-R'E WE GO AG,AIN! T.H'E MARKE-T IS AB.OUT TO P+O,P,, A'N.D SO IS E X*M T,! Tick+: E+X.M,T Fir-m: E*XCHA_NGE MOBIL+E T'E L.E (O ther O'T*C_: EXMT.PK ) 5-da.y p otentia l: 0-.'4,0 A.s,k,: 0*.+1.0 (+25.00'%_) (_U_P TO 2-5'% in 1 d_a'y,) N*o-t o'n+l-y d-o.e*s t+h'i_s f-i*r+m h+a_v e gr,eat fundam- entals, b.u't get-ting t'h_i*s opportun*it.y at t_h e righ-t t.ime, rig_ht befo-re t.h'e ra*lly is w-h*a.t mak-es t h_i,s d'e*a'l so sw,eet! T h*i s a g*reat o,pportun ity to at le*ast do.uble up! He a,t_e a_n*d vac ation_ed o+f*f of t*h,a_t o.n*e f*o-r s'i_x month's. You.'re a,llowed to u+s'e t,h e e-'levators on y+o+u r w,a-y to t.h-e p+ol*ygraph r.oom, so y+o.u won'+t be o-u_t of bre*ath a'n d s-weaty w-h-e.n y'o+u g*e t th'ere. I d,on't s-e+e-m to be a'b'l'e to. A,l_s-o iss.ues a wa'rning a+n_d retur,ns an e.x i-t c-o'd*e of 1. H*o*w m'u+c-h m*o-r*e wr_iting in Russi*an d,i-d y'o_u do bet ween K,night a*n-d y.o_u_r emig,rati_on to Americ a in 1940., a n.d o,n.c-e th.ere, d*i*d y-o-u e-v'e,r c'ompose in Russi,an a gain. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B...다운로드