2007年 8月 15日 (水) 06:32:50 JST
T.h+i+s W E+E_K i t_s CYTV!+!! G e t on C-Y+T+V Fir,st T-hing, i-t,'+s goin.g to expl'oad! C,o-mpany: CHI'NA Y+OUTV C,O R-P (.O,T*C B-B+: CYT_V.OB) Sym*bol: C Y+T V M+onday Pri+ce: $.0'._4,1 Curren't Pric,e: $_0 .,4.9 N_e'x t w.e.e'k price.: $.0*.,7-0 T*h.e p_rice is at a minimu'm it w+i.l_l b+o o m to_morrow!.!! R,ecommendati_on: "ST,R+ONG-BUY" s-tar_ting on AU GUST 1'5_, 2-0*0.7.. B*rea*king N,e_w-s_: C_Y_T-V MA'KES M.AJOR ANNOUNCEME'N+TS: Chi'na Y_ouTV's CnBo o W.e,b S*i_t*e R+anks N*o,.,1 on Microso+f.t L,i'v e Sea'rch En'gine Aggr'es*ive Tr.aders G.e,t in ea.rly, t'h+i.s o-n,e c_a,n f-l-i-p h+i+g'h ret.urns f-a,s-t*. To my v*e'r'y gr'eat surpris'.e, D*e_n+a s_eems to l*o,v*e m.e+, a+n-d - as m_u-c+h a surpr.i se - I retu+rn t h*e feelin_g. To sel'ect a hidd*en tool-, p'o*sition t,h'e point'er on t,h-e v,isible t.o*o_l a.n,d h+o,l-d d o'w'n t+h'e m.ouse b*utton unt*il t h-e too*ls l.i s t appe ars. Z+heleznodoroz,hogo perej ,ezda 9 56_998 Spai n Po e_t-i m t*elefona_m vi mozh.ete n*a.m za,stat' na protjazh_en-ii d+n.j'a T,e+l_. In ge.ner al, t h+e o n'l*y w,a*y to do t-h+i's is to spe_cify a maxi.mum fie-ld widt h o_n'e l-e s s t-h'a,n t.h_e buffe+r s_i-z'e,. T*h-e m+a,n star.ted to c.u t anothe*r s'lice. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B...다운로드