[PRb-cvs] I knew it

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Bart Fox debor****@c8p*****
2006年 11月 1日 (水) 16:00:26 JST

In business theres no word more powerful than the word.  And what 
is the word?  P-R-O-F-I-T!!!  And thats what our next feature is all 

EverGlory International (EGLY) is involved in one of the most lucrative 
areas of business these days, production in China. Quarter after quarter 
they get to use the word in BIG ways!  Some recent quarterly postings:

1mil$ P-R-O-F-I-T in the first quarter
778k$  P-R-O-F-I-T in the second quarter 
August 8th 2mil$ order from Matalan
July 25th 500k$ order from Debenhams
July 10th - 1mil$ order from OTTO

Please check all these figures with your favorite source.  EGLY is the real 
deal!  We are expecting third quarter numbers to be out soon and are 
telling all of our members to take a position in EGLY before the data is 
out.  These fortuitous figures are going to shock the market and send this 
one way up!

Current: 0.68
Projected: 1.30
Rating: 5/5
Inve st date: Wednesday, 1 oct 2006.
Call your broker now.
Give yourself the chance to come out WAY ahead here.  Fortune favors 
the bold!
DARLINGTON, South Carolina (AP) -- The mother of a teenage girl who was kidnapped, raped and locked up in a crypt-like space says the accused "needs to be locked up in a hole" for the rest of his life.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush on Tuesday welcomed an agreement to bring North Korea back to six-party arms talks and said the United States will insist the communist regime abandon its nuclear weapons program in a verifiable fashion.
DALLAS (Reuters) -- Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Richard Fisher said Monday he was encouraged inflation slowed last month and the U.S. economy appeared to be recovering after a weak third quarter.

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