Fujii Masao
2016年 7月 7日 (木) 16:32:19 JST
Hi, Attached patch marks each pg_bigm functions safe or not for parallel queries that PostgreSQL 9.6 supports. This patch must be applied if we want to execute full text search queries using pg_bigm in parallel mode. Does anyone review the patch? Regards, -- Fujii Masao -------------- next part -------------- $B%F%-%9%H7A<00J30$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B... $B%U%!%$%kL>(B: bigm_parallel.patch $B7?(B: text/x-patch $B%5%$%:(B: 4142 $B%P%$%H(B $B @ bL@(B: $BL5$7(B다운로드