[Pgbigm-hackers] Remove USE_WIDE_UPPER_LOWER dependency

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Beena Emerson memis****@gmail*****
2013年 10月 1日 (火) 14:23:01 JST

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Fujii Masao <masao****@gmail*****> wrote:

> Thanks to this patch, the fast-path seems to be more likely to be
> executed. So I think it's better to improve CPBIGM() which is
> executed in the fast-path. What I'm thinking is to change CPBIGM()
> as CPTRGM(), i.e.,
> #define CPBIGM(a,b) do {                \
>     *(((char*)(a))+0) = *(((char*)(b))+0);    \
>     *(((char*)(a))+1) = *(((char*)(b))+1);    \
>     bptr->bytelen = len;            \
>     bptr->pmatch = false;            \
> } while(0);
> and then move what CPBIGM() is now doing to compact_bigram().
> I'm not sure whether the above change really increase the performance,
> but it seems to be worth trying that because avoiding memcpy()
> basically gives us better performance. Of course, performance test
> is required before applying the patch, though. Thought?

The attached patch edits the CPBIGM and  compact_bigram code as discussed.

I performed some pgbench tests with custom queries on table with around 2MB
data and found that there was around 5% increase in throughput after the
patch was applied.

Scenario 1: Vanilla pg_bigm
Scenario 2: pg_bigm with the attached patch applied.

query1 : search string 'postgresql.conf'
query2 : search string 'database'
query3 : search string ' bigm'

The following table gives the average tps (excl connection establishing) of
four runs for each query in each scenario

 Average->           query1                  query2                  query3
Scenario 1:           51.80787              95.12354              492.0916
Scenario 2:           54.79781              100.8324              514.0516
% increase          5.77                        6.0

Beena Emerson
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$B%U%!%$%kL>(B: change_CPBIGM.patch
$B7?(B:         application/octet-stream
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URL:        http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/pgbigm-hackers/attachments/20131001/5b79b45a/attachment.obj 

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