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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2011年 4月 30日 (土) 21:11:07 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.10.0/perlopentut.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.10.0/perlopentut.pod:1.9 docs/perl/5.10.0/perlopentut.pod:1.10
--- docs/perl/5.10.0/perlopentut.pod:1.9	Mon Apr  4 16:14:26 2011
+++ docs/perl/5.10.0/perlopentut.pod	Sat Apr 30 21:11:07 2011
@@ -142,10 +142,9 @@
 =end original
-Note also that the first example uses the C<||> logical operator, and the
-second uses C<or>, which has lower precedence. 
+最初の例は C<||> 論理演算子を使っていて、二つめの例はより優先順位の低い
+C<or> を使っていることにも注意してください。
 後者の例で  C<||> を使うと、実際には以下のような意味になり
     open INFO, ( "<  datafile"  || die "can't open datafile: $!" );
@@ -415,12 +414,12 @@
 =end original
-If minus can be used as the default input or default output, what happens
-if you open a pipe into or out of minus?  What's the default command it
-would run?  The same script as you're currently running!
 これは実際には C<open> 呼び出し内で隠れた C<fork> が行われます。
 詳しくは L<perlipc/"Safe Pipe Opens"> を参照してください。
 =head2 Mixing Reads and Writes
@@ -440,13 +439,12 @@
 必要なことはリダイレクトの前に "+" の文字を加えるだけです。
-But as in the shell,
-using a less-than on a file never creates a new file; it only opens an
-existing one.  On the other hand, using a greater-than always clobbers
-(truncates to zero length) an existing file, or creates a brand-new one
-if there isn't an old one.  Adding a "+" for read-write doesn't affect
-whether it only works on existing files or always clobbers existing ones.
+作成されることはありません; すでにあるファイルを開くだけです。
+(長さ 0 に切り詰め)られ、ファイルがない場合は新しいファイルが作成されます。
+読み書き用に "+" を追加しても、既にあるファイルにだけ動作するか
     open(WTMP, "+< /usr/adm/wtmp") 
         || die "can't open /usr/adm/wtmp: $!";
@@ -475,12 +473,10 @@
-In short,
-the first case is substantially more common than the second and third
-cases, which are almost always wrong.  (If you know C, the plus in
-Perl's C<open> is historically derived from the one in C's fopen(3S),
-which it ultimately calls.)
+(もし C を知っているなら、Perl の C<open> で使われるプラス記号が
+歴史的には (最終的に呼ばれることになる) C の fopen(3S) に由来しています。)
 =begin original
@@ -496,8 +492,9 @@
 実際、when it comes to updating a file, unless you're working on
 a binary file as in the WTMP case above, you probably don't want to
-use this approach for updating.  Instead, Perl's B<-i> flag comes to
-the rescue.  The following command takes all the C, C++, or yacc source
+use this approach for updating.
+代わりに、Perl の B<-i> フラグが助けになります。
+The following command takes all the C, C++, or yacc source
 or header files and changes all their foo's to bar's, leaving
 the old version in the original filename with a ".orig" tacked
 on the end:
@@ -751,13 +748,11 @@
 =end original
-If you want the convenience of the shell, then Perl's C<open> is
-definitely the way to go.  On the other hand, if you want finer precision
-than C's simplistic fopen(3S) provides you should look to Perl's
-C<sysopen>, which is a direct hook into the open(2) system call.
-That does mean it's a bit more involved, but that's the price of 
+シェルの便利さを求めているなら、Perl の  C<open> はまさにぴったりです。
+一方、C の単純な fopen(3S) が提供しているものより高い精度を求めているなら、
+open(2) システムコールへの直接的なフックである、Perl の
+C<sysopen> を見るべきです。
 =begin original
@@ -782,15 +777,15 @@
 =end original
-The HANDLE argument is a filehandle just as with C<open>.  The PATH is
-a literal path, one that doesn't pay attention to any greater-thans or
-less-thans or pipes or minuses, nor ignore whitespace.  If it's there,
-it's part of the path.  The FLAGS argument contains one or more values
-derived from the Fcntl module that have been or'd together using the
-bitwise "|" operator.  The final argument, the MASK, is optional; if
-present, it is combined with the user's current umask for the creation
-mode of the file.  You should usually omit this.
+HANDLE 引数は C<open> と同様のファイルハンドルです。
+PATH はリテラルなパスで、大なりや小なりやパイプやマイナスや空白の
+FLAGS 引数は、ビット単位 "|" 演算子で結合できる、Fcntl モジュールに
+最後の引数である MASK はオプションです; もしあれば、これは
+ファイルの作成モードのためのユーザーの現在の umask と組み合わされます。
 =begin original
@@ -801,11 +796,11 @@
 =end original
-Although the traditional values of read-only, write-only, and read-write
-are 0, 1, and 2 respectively, this is known not to hold true on some
-systems.  Instead, it's best to load in the appropriate constants first
-from the Fcntl module, which supplies the following standard flags:
+それぞれ 0, 1, 2 ですが、これが正しくないシステムもあることが
+代わりに、以下の標準フラグを提供している Fcntl モジュールから
     O_RDONLY            Read only
     O_WRONLY            Write only
@@ -908,10 +903,8 @@
 =end original
-And here are things you can do with C<sysopen> that you cannot do with
-a regular C<open>.  As you'll see, it's just a matter of controlling the
-flags in the third argument.
+そしてここでは普通の C<open> では出来ないことを C<sysopen> でしています。
+見てきたように、これは単に 3 番目の引数のフラグの制御の問題です。
 =begin original
@@ -991,11 +984,11 @@
 =end original
-Why so permissive?  Well, it isn't really.  The MASK will be modified
-by your process's current C<umask>.  A umask is a number representing
-I<disabled> permissions bits; that is, bits that will not be turned on
-in the created files' permissions field.
+MASK はプロセスの現在の C<umask> で修正されます。
+umask は I<無効にする> 許可ビットを表現する数値です; つまり、
 =begin original
@@ -1010,9 +1003,8 @@
 例えば、C<umask> が 027 の場合、020 の部分はグループによる書き込みと
 実行を無効にし、007 の部分は他のユーザーによる読み込み、書き込み、
-この条件では、C<sysopen> に 0666 を渡すとwould create a file with mode 0640, since C<0666 & ~027>
-is 0640.
+この条件では、C<sysopen> に 0666 を渡すとモード 0640 でファイルを作ります;
+C<0666 & ~027> は 0640 だからです。
 =begin original
@@ -1052,15 +1044,15 @@
 =end original
-Sometimes you already have a filehandle open, and want to make another
-handle that's a duplicate of the first one.  In the shell, we place an
-ampersand in front of a file descriptor number when doing redirections.
-For example, C<< 2>&1 >> makes descriptor 2 (that's STDERR in Perl)
-be redirected into descriptor 1 (which is usually Perl's STDOUT).
-The same is essentially true in Perl: a filename that begins with an
-ampersand is treated instead as a file descriptor if a number, or as a
-filehandle if a string.
+例えば C<< 2>&1 >> は、記述子 2 (これは Perl では STDERR) を
+記述子 1 (これは Perl では普通は STDOUT) にリダイレクトします。
+同じことは Perl でも基本的には真です: アンパサンドで始まるファイル名は、
     open(SAVEOUT, ">&SAVEERR") || die "couldn't dup SAVEERR: $!";
     open(MHCONTEXT, "<&4")     || die "couldn't dup fd4: $!";
@@ -1075,12 +1067,11 @@
 =end original
-That means that if a function is expecting a filename, but you don't
-want to give it a filename because you already have the file open, you
-can just pass the filehandle with a leading ampersand.  It's best to
-use a fully qualified handle though, just in case the function happens
-to be in a different package:
@@ -1093,11 +1084,11 @@
 =end original
-This way if somefunction() is planning on opening its argument, it can
-just use the already opened handle.  This differs from passing a handle,
-because with a handle, you don't open the file.  Here you have something
-you can pass to open.
+この方法により、somefunction() が引数の値を開いた場合、
+これはハンドルを渡すのとは違います; なぜならハンドルではファイルを
 =begin original
@@ -1166,7 +1157,7 @@
 =end original
-If you're using magic C<< <ARGV> >>, you could even pass in as a
+もしマジカルな C<< <ARGV> >> を使っているなら、you could even pass in as a
 command line argument in @ARGV something like C<"<&=$MHCONTEXTFD">,
 but we've never seen anyone actually do this.
@@ -1207,12 +1198,12 @@
 もしマジカルな C<open> があなたにとってちょっとマジカルすぎるとしても、
 C<sysopen> にまで戻る必要はありません。
-To open a file with arbitrary weird characters in
-it, it's necessary to protect any leading and trailing whitespace.
-Leading whitespace is protected by inserting a C<"./"> in front of a
-filename that starts with whitespace.  Trailing whitespace is protected
-by appending an ASCII NUL byte (C<"\0">) at the end of the string.
+先頭の空白は、空白で始まるファイル名の前に C<"./"> を挿入することで
+末尾の空白は、文字列の末尾に ASCII NUL バイト (C<"\0">) を
     $file =~ s#^(\s)#./$1#;
     open(FH, "< $file\0")   || die "can't open $file: $!";
@@ -1229,14 +1220,16 @@
 =end original
-This assumes, of course, that your system considers dot the current
-working directory, slash the directory separator, and disallows ASCII
-NULs within a valid filename.  Most systems follow these conventions,
-including all POSIX systems as well as proprietary Microsoft systems.
-The only vaguely popular system that doesn't work this way is the
-"Classic" Macintosh system, which uses a colon where the rest of us
-use a slash.  Maybe C<sysopen> isn't such a bad idea after all.
+これはもちろん、あなたのシステムが "." をカレントディレクトリ、
+"/" をディレクトリの区切りとして扱い、ASCII NUL をファイル名として
+全ての POSIX システムとプロプリエタリの Microsoft システムを含む、
+"Classic" Macintosh システムです; これは他のシステムが "/" を
+使っているところで ":" を使います。
+おそらく、とにかく C<sysopen> を使うということはそれほど悪い考えでは
 =begin original
@@ -1245,9 +1238,8 @@
 =end original
-If you want to use C<< <ARGV> >> processing in a totally boring
-and non-magical way, you could do this first:
+もし、C<< <ARGV> >> の処理を、本当に退屈かつマジカルでない方法で
     #   "Sam sat on the ground and put his head in his hands.  
     #   'I wish I had never come here, and I don't want to see 
@@ -1267,12 +1259,14 @@
 =end original
-But be warned that users will not appreciate being unable to use "-"
-to mean standard input, per the standard convention.
+但し、ユーザーは、標準入力を意味するために "-" を使うという一般的な
 =head2 Paths as Opens
+(open にパスを)
 =begin original
 You've probably noticed how Perl's C<warn> and C<die> functions can
@@ -1337,12 +1331,12 @@
 =end original
-Remember how we said that Perl's open took two arguments?  That was a
-passive prevarication.  You see, it can also take just one argument.
-If and only if the variable is a global variable, not a lexical, you
-can pass C<open> just one argument, the filehandle, and it will 
-get the path from the global scalar variable of the same name.
+Perl の open は 2 引数を取ると言ったことを覚えていますか?
+ほら、単に 1 引数を取ることもできます。
+変数がレキシカルではなくグローバルな変数の場合にのみ、C<open> に
+1 引数だけ(ファイルハンドル)を渡すことができます; こうすると、
     $FILE = "/etc/motd";
     open FILE or die "can't open $FILE: $!";
@@ -1358,7 +1352,8 @@
 =end original
-Why is this here?  Someone has to cater to the hysterical porpoises.
+Someone has to cater to the hysterical porpoises.
 It's something that's been in Perl since the very beginning, if not
@@ -1609,12 +1604,13 @@
 =end original
-You pretend they're regular files,
-but their opens will normally block until there is both a reader and
-a writer.  You can read more about them in L<perlipc/"Named Pipes">.
-Unix-domain sockets are rather different beasts as well; they're
-described in L<perlipc/"Unix-Domain TCP Clients and Servers">.
+これらは普通のファイルのように振る舞いますが、この open は普通
+これらについては L<perlipc/"Named Pipes"> でより多くのことを
+Unix ドメインソケットは同様にやや違うものです;
+これらは L<perlipc/"Unix-Domain TCP Clients and Servers"> に
 =begin original
@@ -1627,13 +1623,14 @@
 =end original
-When it comes to opening devices, it can be easy and it can be tricky.
-We'll assume that if you're opening up a block device, you know what
-you're doing.  The character devices are more interesting.  These are
-typically used for modems, mice, and some kinds of printers.  This is
-described in L<perlfaq8/"How do I read and write the serial port?">
-It's often enough to open them carefully:
+これは L<perlfaq8/"How do I read and write the serial port?"> に
     sysopen(TTYIN, "/dev/ttyS1", O_RDWR | O_NDELAY | O_NOCTTY)
 		# (O_NOCTTY no longer needed on POSIX systems)
@@ -1653,9 +1650,8 @@
 =end original
-With descriptors that you haven't opened using C<sysopen>, such as
-sockets, you can set them to be non-blocking using C<fcntl>:
+ソケットのように、C<sysopen> を使わずに開いた記述子の場合は、
+C<fcntl> を使って非ブロックモードに設定できます:
     use Fcntl;
     my $old_flags = fcntl($handle, F_GETFL, 0) 
@@ -1679,11 +1675,13 @@
 Rather than losing yourself in a morass of twisting, turning C<ioctl>s,
 all dissimilar, if you're going to manipulate ttys, it's best to
 make calls out to the stty(1) program if you have it, or else use the
-portable POSIX interface.  To figure this all out, you'll need to read the
-termios(3) manpage, which describes the POSIX interface to tty devices,
-and then L<POSIX>, which describes Perl's interface to POSIX.  There are
-also some high-level modules on CPAN that can help you with these games.
-Check out Term::ReadKey and Term::ReadLine.
+portable POSIX interface.
+これらのこと全てを理解するには、まず tty デバイスへの POSIX
+インターフェースについて記述している termios(3) man ページを読んで、次に
+POSIX への Perl のインターフェースについて記述している L<POSIX> を
+これらのものを扱う助けになるような高レベルモジュールも CPAN にあります。
+Term::ReadKey と Term::ReadLine を調べてください。
 =head2 Opening Sockets
@@ -1774,11 +1772,10 @@
 =end original
-Passing C<sysopen> a non-standard flag option will also open the file in
-binary mode on those systems that support it.
+C<sysopen> に非標準フラグオプションを渡すことでも、そのような
 これは、ファイルを普通に開いてから、ハンドルに対して C<binmode> を
     sysopen(BINDAT, "records.data", O_RDWR | O_BINARY)
         || die "can't open records.data: $!";
@@ -1792,11 +1789,10 @@
 =end original
-Now you can use C<read> and C<print> on that handle without worrying
-about the non-standard system I/O library breaking your data.  It's not
-a pretty picture, but then, legacy systems seldom are.  CP/M will be
-with us until the end of days, and after.
+これで、非標準システム I/O ライブラリがデータを壊す心配なしに
+ハンドルに対して C<read> と C<print> を使えるようになりました。
+CP/M は世界が終わるまで(そしてその後も)我々と共にあるでしょう。
 =begin original
@@ -1823,10 +1819,10 @@
 =end original
-Depending on the vicissitudes of your runtime system, even these calls
-may need C<binmode> or C<O_BINARY> first.  Systems known to be free of
-such difficulties include Unix, the Mac OS, Plan 9, and Inferno.
+最初に C<binmode> や C<O_BINARY> が必要かもしれません。
+このような問題がないと分かっているシステムには Unix, Mac OS, Plan 9,
+Inferno などがあります。
 =head2 File Locking

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