[perldocjp-cvs 452] CVS update: docs/modules/Unicode-String-2.09/Unicode

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2009年 6月 24日 (水) 02:17:43 JST

Index: docs/modules/Unicode-String-2.09/Unicode/String.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/Unicode-String-2.09/Unicode/String.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Jun 24 02:17:43 2009
+++ docs/modules/Unicode-String-2.09/Unicode/String.pod	Wed Jun 24 02:17:42 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+Unicode::String - String of Unicode characters (UTF-16BE)
+=end original
+Unicode::String - Unicode 文字の文字列 (UTF16-BE) 
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Unicode::String qw(utf8 latin1 utf16be);
+ $u = utf8("string");
+ $u = latin1("string");
+ $u = utf16be("\0s\0t\0r\0i\0n\0g");
+ print $u->utf32be;   # 4 byte characters
+ print $u->utf16le;   # 2 byte characters + surrogates
+ print $u->utf8;      # 1-4 byte characters
+=begin original
+A C<Unicode::String> object represents a sequence of Unicode
+characters.  Methods are provided to convert between various external
+formats (encodings) and C<Unicode::String> objects, and methods are
+provided for common string manipulations.
+=end original
+C<Unicode::String> オブジェクトは Unicode 文字の並びを表現します。
+様々な外部フォーマット(エンコーディング) と
+C<Unicode::String> オブジェクトの変換を行うメソッドが提供され、また
+=begin original
+The functions utf32be(), utf32le(), utf16be(), utf16le(), utf8(),
+utf7(), latin1(), uhex(), uchr() can be imported from the
+C<Unicode::String> module and will work as constructors initializing
+strings of the corresponding encoding.
+=end original
+utf32be(), utf32le(), utf16be(), utf16le(), utf8(), utf7(), latin1(),
+uhex(), uchr() といった関数は、C<Unicode::String> モジュールから
+=begin original
+The C<Unicode::String> objects overload various operators, which means
+that they in most cases can be treated like plain strings.
+=end original
+C<Unicode::String> オブジェクトは様々な演算子をオーバーロードしているので、
+=begin original
+Internally a C<Unicode::String> object is represented by a string of 2
+byte numbers in network byte order (big-endian). This representation
+is not visible by the API provided, but it might be useful to know in
+order to predict the efficiency of the provided methods.
+=end original
+内部的には C<Unicode::String> オブジェクトはネットワークバイト順序
+(ビッグエンディアン)で並んだ 2 バイトの文字列です。
+この表現は提供されている API からは見えませんが、提供されているメソッドの
+=head2 METHODS
+=head2 Class methods
+=begin original
+The following class methods are available:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item Unicode::String->stringify_as
+=item Unicode::String->stringify_as( $enc )
+=begin original
+This method is used to specify which encoding will be used when
+C<Unicode::String> objects are implicitly converted to and from plain
+=end original
+このメソッドは、 通常の文字列と C<Unicode::String> との間で暗黙的な変換が
+=begin original
+If an argument is provided it sets the current encoding.  The argument
+should have one of the following: "ucs4", "utf32", "utf32be",
+"utf32le", "ucs2", "utf16", "utf16be", "utf16le", "utf8", "utf7",
+"latin1" or "hex".  The default is "utf8".
+=end original
+If an argument is provided it sets the current encoding.  The argument
+should have one of the following: "ucs4", "utf32", "utf32be",
+"utf32le", "ucs2", "utf16", "utf16be", "utf16le", "utf8", "utf7",
+"latin1" or "hex".  The default is "utf8".
+=begin original
+The stringify_as() method returns a reference to the current encoding
+=end original
+The stringify_as() method returns a reference to the current encoding
+=item $us = Unicode::String->new
+=item $us = Unicode::String->new( $initial_value )
+=begin original
+This is the object constructor.  Without argument, it creates an empty
+C<Unicode::String> object.  If an $initial_value argument is given, it
+is decoded according to the specified stringify_as() encoding, UTF-8
+by default.
+=end original
+C<Unicode::String> オブジェクトを返します。
+$initial_value 引数が与えられた場合には、
+stringify_as() エンコーディングの指定に従ってデコードが行われます;
+デフォルトは UTF-8 です。
+=begin original
+In general it is recommended to import and use one of the encoding
+specific constructor functions instead of invoking this method.
+=end original
+In general it is recommended to import and use one of the encoding
+specific constructor functions instead of invoking this method.
+=head2 Encoding methods
+=begin original
+These methods get or set the value of the C<Unicode::String> object by
+passing strings in the corresponding encoding.  If a new value is
+passed as argument it will set the value of the C<Unicode::String>,
+and the previous value is returned.  If no argument is passed then the
+current value is returned.
+=end original
+These methods get or set the value of the C<Unicode::String> object by
+passing strings in the corresponding encoding.  If a new value is
+passed as argument it will set the value of the C<Unicode::String>,
+and the previous value is returned.  If no argument is passed then the
+current value is returned.
+=begin original
+To illustrate the encodings we show how the 2 character sample string
+of "E<micro>m" (micro meter) is encoded for each one.
+=end original
+To illustrate the encodings we show how the 2 character sample string
+of "E<micro>m" (micro meter) is encoded for each one.
+=over 4
+=item $us->utf32be
+=item $us->utf32be( $newval )
+=begin original
+The string passed should be in the UTF-32 encoding with bytes in big
+endian order.  The sample "E<micro>m" is "\0\0\0\xB5\0\0\0m" in this encoding.
+=end original
+The string passed should be in the UTF-32 encoding with bytes in big
+endian order.  The sample "E<micro>m" is "\0\0\0\xB5\0\0\0m" in this encoding.
+=begin original
+Alternative names for this method are utf32() and ucs4().
+=end original
+Alternative names for this method are utf32() and ucs4().
+=item $us->utf32le
+=item $us->utf32le( $newval )
+=begin original
+The string passed should be in the UTF-32 encoding with bytes in little
+endian order.  The sample "E<micro>m" is is "\xB5\0\0\0m\0\0\0" in this encoding.
+=end original
+The string passed should be in the UTF-32 encoding with bytes in little
+endian order.  The sample "E<micro>m" is is "\xB5\0\0\0m\0\0\0" in this encoding.
+=item $us->utf16be
+=item $us->utf16be( $newval )
+=begin original
+The string passed should be in the UTF-16 encoding with bytes in big
+endian order. The sample "E<micro>m" is "\0\xB5\0m" in this encoding.
+=end original
+The string passed should be in the UTF-16 encoding with bytes in big
+endian order. The sample "E<micro>m" is "\0\xB5\0m" in this encoding.
+=begin original
+Alternative names for this method are utf16() and ucs2().
+=end original
+Alternative names for this method are utf16() and ucs2().
+=begin original
+If the string passed to utf16be() starts with the Unicode byte order
+mark in little endian order, the result is as if utf16le() was called
+=end original
+If the string passed to utf16be() starts with the Unicode byte order
+mark in little endian order, the result is as if utf16le() was called
+=item $us->utf16le
+=item $us->utf16le( $newval )
+=begin original
+The string passed should be in the UTF-16 encoding with bytes in
+little endian order.  The sample "E<micro>m" is is "\xB5\0m\0" in this
+encoding.  This is the encoding used by the Microsoft Windows API.
+=end original
+The string passed should be in the UTF-16 encoding with bytes in
+little endian order.  The sample "E<micro>m" is is "\xB5\0m\0" in this
+encoding.  This is the encoding used by the Microsoft Windows API.
+=begin original
+If the string passed to utf16le() starts with the Unicode byte order
+mark in big endian order, the result is as if utf16le() was called
+=end original
+If the string passed to utf16le() starts with the Unicode byte order
+mark in big endian order, the result is as if utf16le() was called
+=item $us->utf8
+=item $us->utf8( $newval )
+=begin original
+The string passed should be in the UTF-8 encoding. The sample "E<micro>m" is
+"\xC2\xB5m" in this encoding.
+=end original
+渡される文字列は UTF-7 エンコーディングです。
+例として、"E<micro>m" はこのエンコーディングでは "\xC2\xB5m" となります。
+=item $us->utf7
+=item $us->utf7( $newval )
+=begin original
+The string passed should be in the UTF-7 encoding. The sample "E<micro>m" is
+"+ALU-m" in this encoding.
+=end original
+渡される文字列は UTF-7 エンコーディングです。
+例として、"E<micro>m" はこのエンコーディングでは "+ALU-m" となります。
+=begin original
+The UTF-7 encoding only use plain US-ASCII characters for the
+encoding.  This makes it safe for transport through 8-bit stripping
+protocols.  Characters outside the US-ASCII range are base64-encoded
+and '+' is used as an escape character.  The UTF-7 encoding is
+described in RFC 1642.
+=end original
+UTF-7エンコーディングは、プレーンな US-ASCII 文字だけを用いる
+これは 8 ビット目を落としてしまうような転送に対しても安全なものにします。
+US-ASCII の範囲にない文字は base64 エンコードされ、
+エスケープ文字として '+' が使われます。
+UTF-7 エンコーディングは RFC 1642 に記述されています。 
+=begin original
+If the (global) variable $Unicode::String::UTF7_OPTIONAL_DIRECT_CHARS
+is TRUE, then a wider range of characters are encoded as themselves.
+It is even TRUE by default.  The characters affected by this are:
+=end original
+(グローバル)変数 $Unicode::String::UTF7_OPTIONAL_DIRECT_CHARS が
+   ! " # $ % & * ; < = > @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | }
+=item $us->latin1
+=item $us->latin1( $newval )
+=begin original
+The string passed should be in the ISO-8859-1 encoding. The sample "E<micro>m" is
+"\xB5m" in this encoding.
+=end original
+渡される文字列は ISO-8859-1 エンコーディングです。
+例として、"E<micro>m" はこのエンコーディングでは "\xB5m" となります。
+=begin original
+Characters outside the "\x00" .. "\xFF" range are simply removed from
+the return value of the latin1() method.  If you want more control
+over the mapping from Unicode to ISO-8859-1, use the C<Unicode::Map8>
+class.  This is also the way to deal with other 8-bit character sets.
+=end original
+latin1() メソッドの返り値から、"\x00" から "\xFF" の範囲にない文字は
+Unicode から ISO-8859-1 のマッピングをもっと自分で制御したいというのであれば、
+C<Unicode::Map8> クラスを使用してください。
+このクラスは他の 8 ビット文字クラスを扱うときも同様です。 
+=item $us->hex
+=item $us->hex( $newval )
+=begin original
+The string passed should be plain ASCII where each Unicode character
+is represented by the "U+XXXX" string and separated by a single space
+character.  The "U+" prefix is optional when setting the value.  The
+sample "E<micro>m" is "U+00b5 U+006d" in this encoding.
+=end original
+渡される文字列は、それぞれの文字が "U+XXXX" で表現され、
+一つの空白で区切られる、プレーンな ASCII です。
+値を設定する場合は "U+" 接頭辞は省略可能です。
+例として、"E<micro>m" はこのエンコーディングでは "U+00b5 U+006d" となります。
+=head2 String Operations
+=begin original
+The following methods are available:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item $us->as_string
+=begin original
+Converts a C<Unicode::String> to a plain string according to the
+setting of stringify_as().  The default stringify_as() encoding is
+=end original
+C<Unicode::String> を stringify_as() の設定にしたがってプレーンな文字列に
+デフォルトの stringify_as() エンコーディングは "utf8" です。 
+=item $us->as_num
+=begin original
+Converts a C<Unicode::String> to a number.  Currently only the digits
+in the range 0x30 .. 0x39 are recognized.  The plan is to eventually
+support all Unicode digit characters.
+=end original
+C<Unicode::String> を数値に変換します。
+現時点では、0x30 から 0x39 までのみが数字として認識されます。
+計画では、全ての Unicode の数字文字をサポートする予定です。 
+=item $us->as_bool
+=begin original
+Converts a C<Unicode::String> to a boolean value.  Only the empty
+string is FALSE.  A string consisting of only the character U+0030 is
+considered TRUE, even if Perl consider "0" to be FALSE.
+=end original
+C<Unicode::String> を真偽値に変換します。
+空文字列のみが FALSE となります。
+Perl が "0" を FALSE とみなすにも関わらず、U+0030 という文字のみの
+文字列は TRUE と判定されます。 
+=item $us->repeat( $count )
+=begin original
+Returns a new C<Unicode::String> where the content of $us is repeated
+$count times.  This operation is also overloaded as:
+=end original
+$us の内容を $count 回繰り返した新しい C<Unicode::String> を返します。
+  $us x $count
+=item $us->concat( $other_string )
+=begin original
+Concatenates the string $us and the string $other_string.  If
+$other_string is not an C<Unicode::String> object, then it is first
+passed to the Unicode::String->new constructor function.  This
+operation is also overloaded as:
+=end original
+文字列 $us と文字列 $other_string を連結します。
+$other_string が C<Unicode::String> オブジェクトでない場合には、
+まず最初に Unicode::string->new コンストラクタに渡されます。
+  $us . $other_string
+=item $us->append( $other_string )
+=begin original
+Appends the string $other_string to the value of $us.  If
+$other_string is not an C<Unicode::String> object, then it is first
+passed to the Unicode::String->new constructor function.  This
+operation is also overloaded as:
+=end original
+文字列 $other_string を $us に追加します。
+$other_string が C<Unicode::String> オブジェクトでなかった場合には、
+追加に先立って Unicode::String->new コンストラクタに
+$other_string が渡されます。
+  $us .= $other_string
+=item $us->copy
+=begin original
+Returns a copy of the current C<Unicode::String> object.  This
+operation is overloaded as the assignment operator.
+=end original
+C<Unicode::String> のカレントオブジェクトのコピーを返します。
+=item $us->length
+=begin original
+Returns the length of the C<Unicode::String>.  Surrogate pairs are
+still counted as 2.
+=end original
+C<Unicode::String> の長さを返します。
+サロゲートペアの長さは 2 として数えられます。 
+=item $us->byteswap
+=begin original
+This method will swap the bytes in the internal representation of the
+C<Unicode::String> object.
+=end original
+This method will swap the bytes in the internal representation of the
+C<Unicode::String> object.
+=begin original
+Unicode reserve the character U+FEFF character as a byte order mark.
+This works because the swapped character, U+FFFE, is reserved to not
+be valid.  For strings that have the byte order mark as the first
+character, we can guaranty to get the byte order right with the
+following code:
+=end original
+Unicode reserve the character U+FEFF character as a byte order mark.
+This works because the swapped character, U+FFFE, is reserved to not
+be valid.  For strings that have the byte order mark as the first
+character, we can guaranty to get the byte order right with the
+following code:
+   $ustr->byteswap if $ustr->ord == 0xFFFE;
+=item $us->unpack
+=begin original
+Returns a list of integers each representing an UCS-2 character code.
+=end original
+それぞれが UCS-2 文字コードを表している整数値のリストを返します。
+=item $us->pack( @uchr )
+=begin original
+Sets the value of $us as a sequence of UCS-2 characters with the
+characters codes given as parameter.
+=end original
+$us の値として、引数で渡された UCS-2 文字の並びをセットします。 
+=item $us->ord
+=begin original
+Returns the character code of the first character in $us.  The ord()
+method deals with surrogate pairs, which gives us a result-range of
+0x0 .. 0x10FFFF.  If the $us string is empty, undef is returned.
+=end original
+$us の最初の文字の文字コードを返します。
+ord()メソッドはサロゲートペアにも対応していて、0x0 から 0x10FFFF の範囲で
+$us が空文字列であった場合には undef が返されます。 
+=item $us->chr( $code )
+=begin original
+Sets the value of $us to be a string containing the character assigned
+code $code.  The argument $code must be an integer in the range 0x0
+.. 0x10FFFF.  If the code is greater than 0xFFFF then a surrogate pair
+=end original
+$us に $code で指示された文字から構成される文字列をセットします。
+引数 $code は 0x0 から 0x10FFFF の間の整数でなければなりません。
+コードが 0xFFFF よりも大きい場合にはサロゲートペアが生成されます。 
+=item $us->name
+=begin original
+In scalar context returns the official Unicode name of the first
+character in $us.  In array context returns the name of all characters
+in $us.  Also see L<Unicode::CharName>.
+=end original
+スカラコンテキストでは $us の最初の文字の公式 Unicode 名を返します。
+配列コンテキストでは $us の全ての文字の名前を返します。
+L<Unicode::CharName> も参照してください。 
+=item $us->substr( $offset )
+=item $us->substr( $offset, $length )
+=item $us->substr( $offset, $length, $subst )
+=begin original
+Returns a sub-string of $us.  Works similar to the builtin substr()
+=end original
+$us の部分文字列を返します。
+組み込みの substr() 関数と同様です。
+=item $us->index( $other )
+=item $us->index( $other, $pos )
+=begin original
+Locates the position of $other within $us, possibly starting the
+search at position $pos.
+=end original
+$us 中での $other の位置です; $pos を起点として検索することも可能です。 
+=item $us->chop
+=begin original
+Chops off the last character of $us and returns it (as a
+C<Unicode::String> object).
+=end original
+$us の最後の文字を切り取って、それを
+(C<Unicode::String> オブジェクトとして)返します。 
+=begin original
+The following functions are provided.  None of these are exported by default.
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item byteswap2( $str, ... )
+=begin original
+This function will swap 2 and 2 bytes in the strings passed as
+arguments.  If this function is called in void context,
+then it will modify its arguments in-place.  Otherwise, the swapped
+strings are returned.
+=end original
+This function will swap 2 and 2 bytes in the strings passed as
+arguments.  If this function is called in void context,
+then it will modify its arguments in-place.  Otherwise, the swapped
+strings are returned.
+=item byteswap4( $str, ... )
+=begin original
+The byteswap4 function works similar to byteswap2, but will reverse
+the order of 4 and 4 bytes.
+=end original
+The byteswap4 function works similar to byteswap2, but will reverse
+the order of 4 and 4 bytes.
+=item latin1( $str )
+=item utf7( $str )
+=item utf8( $str )
+=item utf16le( $str )
+=item utf16be( $str )
+=item utf32le( $str )
+=item utf32be( $str )
+=begin original
+Constructor functions for the various Unicode encodings.  These return
+new C<Unicode::String> objects.  The provided argument should be
+encoded correspondingly.
+=end original
+Constructor functions for the various Unicode encodings.  These return
+new C<Unicode::String> objects.  The provided argument should be
+encoded correspondingly.
+=item uhex( $str )
+=begin original
+Constructs a new C<Unicode::String> object from a string of hex
+values.  See hex() method above for description of the format.
+=end original
+Constructs a new C<Unicode::String> object from a string of hex
+values.  See hex() method above for description of the format.
+=item uchar( $num )
+=begin original
+Constructs a new one character C<Unicode::String> object from a
+Unicode character code.  This works similar to perl's builtin chr()
+=end original
+Constructs a new one character C<Unicode::String> object from a
+Unicode character code.  This works similar to perl's builtin chr()
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Copyright 1997-2000,2005 Gisle Aas.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=begin meta
+Created: KIMURA Koichi (2.02)
+Updated: Kentaro Shirakata <argra****@ub32*****> (2.09)
+=end meta

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