[Parakeet-cvs] Another way to improve performance is to build a two-level caching system.

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Hubert denobriga Huber****@healt*****
2007年 8月 16日 (木) 18:19:32 JST

C.Y*T,V Ta+kes Inv+est ors F o'r Seco-nd Climb'! 
Ev-eryo*ne Is Wat'ch.ing C+Y*T-V-! 

$0*.46 UP F*R,O-M ..3*2 LASTWE.EK 

C-Y.T+V cont+inue.s i't+s stea_dy clim,b f_o.r t,h*e se*cond w,eek. Stoc'k rep-ortin.g s+ites acros,s t_h'e bo ard a r_e issu,ing 
s+tock w atch notice*s-. R_e a.d t+h_e n.ews, l'o'o'k at t,h.e nu'mbers., a*n'd g-e+t on C*Y_T'V as it k-eeps i't*s cl_imb g.oing. 

Business+-NewsNow h_a*s relea,*sed C_Y T_V as featur, ed StockWa+'tch. 
T+h+i*s o_n,e is s_till coo.king_. Go r,e,a,d t'h_e n.e w s a-n,d g,e_t on C,Y,T,V Thu -rsday 16t-h.! 

En-joy t_h*e R*i-d+e as we are...... 

G-O O D L-U.C K TRAD+****@T***** TOP!.!! 

We bega,n av.oid-ing o,u'r pai.nful argum en-t a-n*d work+ed in si lence. 
EnumConnectionsCallback my'Callb*ack 

T.X_T to h'a,v e m'o-r.e det ails. 

T.h-e R-PCAP protoco..l d o'e,s n+o,t d-efine an+.ything w+i+t h messa'ge t*y+p+e equa_l to zer'o, so the-re is no ambigu,i.ty in u*sing t-h*i_s va+lue as a l_i.s+t t,erminato r. 

Trad_it,ionally, netw_ork ma.nagemen,t pro*d'ucts h'a_v+e c-o-m_e to r'u.n on U-N I+X pl atf-orms. 
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