Rusty Keller
2004年 7月 15日 (木) 06:20:52 JST
**FCON****FCON****FCON****FCON****FCON***FCON** H.O.T New Issue - F.inancialContent, Inc. - T.ICKER: FCON H.UGE N.EWS: MediaNews Group Signs Network-Wide Licensing Agreement with F= inancialContent Dont sleep on this s.tock - get in today! FCON will e.xplode on 14th of Ju= ly and next week when even better news are e.xpected FCON j.ust r.eleased V.ery H.O.T news. Please read below, we expect that m= any newsle.tters will cover FCON in next 5 days and we believe the s.toc.k is headed to 2.50 If = you take a look at the chart of FCON for the last 1 year you will find this is one of the mos= t stable OTCBB stocks. --------------------------- Current P.rice : 1.45 Near-ter.m target: 2.70 Long-ter.m target: 3.50 --------------------------- +++ Our L.ast P.ick: XLPI ( we recemmended at 70 cents and now its $1.60) = +++ How many times have you seen new issues e.xplode but you couldn't get your= han.ds on t.hem? We are you to a spec.ial com.pany with a uniq.= ue bu.siness model that is set to expl.ode in next 1 -- this is y.o= ur chan.ce to get in at the very begi.nning! This is also a chan.ce to get in ea.rly, where only inst.itutiona= l i.nvestors get in, at the beginning. The average investor rarely gets th= e opport.unity to get new issue shares at the begin.ning because brokers g= ive them all to he.dge fun.ds and clients that do thou.sands of o= f commissi.on busin.ess with them, thereby leaving the small indi.vidual o= ut in the COLD! This is exc.iting bu.siness in an exci.ting place and time. Don't be the o= ne to look back and say, I had the chance to, but passed=85. __________________________________________________________________________= _______________________________________ Ch.eck out there n.ews here: MediaNews Group Signs Network-Wide = Licensing Agreement with FinancialContent SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Jul 13, 2004 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX= / -- FinancialContent, Inc. (FCON) , a leading provider of financial data = and business applications to online media and fin.ancial serv.ices compa.n= ies worl.dwide, today anno.unced that the Comp.any has entered into a majo= r licensing agree.ment with Group to deliver custo.mized online= fina.ncial channels across its network of media properties. MediaN.ews Group, Inc. is the nation's 7th-largest new.spaper company, wit= h headqu.arters in Denver, Colorado. MediaNews Group and its affi.liated c= omp.anies publish 50 daily newspapers and 115 non-daily public.ations in 1= 2 states, with daily and Sunday circulation of appro.ximately 2.1 million = and 2.4 million respectively. In addition, MediaNews Group owns a CBS affi= li.ate in Anchorage, Alaska and four radio stations in Texas. MediaNews will implement the first deployments on the websi.tes for the Co= nnecticut Post, the Denver Post, the Los Angeles Daily News and the Salt L= ake Tribune. Forty other daily online editions will add custom financial c= hannels over the next several weeks. "MediaNews represents the finest example to date of an enterprise customer= lev.eraging all the features and capab.ilities of our Studio 3.5 content = manage.ment platform," said Wing Yu, CEO of Fin.ancialContent. -------------------- D.i.s.c.l.a.i.m.e.r -------------------- Inform.ation within this email contains "f.orward state.ments" wi= thin the meaning of Sect.ion 27A of the Sec.urities Ac.t of 1933 and Sect.= ion 21B of the Securit.ies Exc.hange Ac.t of 1934. Any stat.ements that ex= press or involve discu.ssions with resp.ect to pre.dictions,, expec= tations, be.liefs, pl.ans, proje.ctions, object.ives, assu.mptions or fut= ure eve.nts or perform.ance are not stat.ements of histo.rical fact and m= ay be "forw.ard loo.king stat.ements." For.ward looking state.ments are based on expect.ations, estim.ates and pr= oject.ions at the time the statem.ents are made that involve a number of r= isks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to diffe= r materially from those prese.ntly anticipated. Forward statement= s in this action may be identified through the use of words as: "pro= jects", "for.esee", "expects", "est.imates," "be.lieves," "underst.ands" = "wil.l," "part of: "anticip.ates," or that by stat.ements indi.cating cert= ain actions "may," "cou.ld," or "might" occur. All information provided wi= thin this em.ail pertai.ning to inv.esting, st.ocks, securi.ties must be u= nder.stood as informa.tion provided and not investm.ent advice. Eme.rging = Equity Al.ert all re.aders and subscrib.ers to seek advice from a= registered profe.ssional secu.rities represent.ative before dec.iding to = trade in sto.cks featured within this None of the mate.rial within= this rep.ort shall be constr.ued as any kind of invest.ment advi.ce. Plea= se have in mind that the interpr.etation of the witer of this newsl.etter = about the news published by the company does not represent the com.pany of= ficial sta.tement and in fact may differ from the real meaning of what the= news rele.ase meant to say. Please read the news release by your.self and= judge by yourself about the in it. In compli.ance with Sec.tion 17(b), we discl.ose the hol.ding of FCON s.ha= res prior to the publi.cation of this report. Be aware of an inher.ent co.= nflict of interest res.ulting from such holdi.ngs due to our intent to pro= fit from the liqui.dation of these shares. Sh.ares may be s.old at any ti= me, even after posi.tive state.ments have been made the above c= ompany. Since we own sh.ares, there is an inher.ent conf.lict of in our statem.ents and opin.ions. Readers of this publi.cation are cauti.= oned not to place und.ue relia.nce on statements, which = are based on certain assump.tions and expectati.ons invo.lving various ris= ks and uncert.ainties, that could cause results to differ fro= m those set forth in the forw.ard- looking state.ments. Please be advi.sed that within this em.ail shall cons.titute a so= lic.itation or an offer to buy or sell any s.ecurity menti.oned her.ein. T= his news.letter is neither a regi.stered inves.tment ad.visor nor affil.ia= ted with any or dealer. All statements made are our express opinio= n only and should be treated as such. We may own, buy and sell any securi.= ties menti.oned at any time. This report includes stat.e= ments within the meaning of The Pri.vate Securi.ties Litig.ation Ref.orm A= c.t of 1995. These state.ments may include terms as "expe.ct", "bel.ieve",= "ma.y", "wi.ll", "","und.ervalued" and "inte.nd" or terms. = This news.letter was paid $7500 from th.ird p.arty to se.nd this report. P= L.EASE DO YOUR OWN D.UE DI.LIGENCE B.EFORE INVES.TING IN ANY PRO.FILED COM= P.ANY. You may mon.ey from inve.sting in Pen.ny St.ocks. To be remov= ed from further emails send email to --------------------- shelton hideaway northrup solicitation auspices belies bid deductible cons= tance bateman flyer imperceptible pram=20.