2006年 8月 17日 (木) 14:44:20 JST
stockk market analysis for beneficial cooperation Fellow Inveestor, big news are hitting on thursday for A GAO!!! Somebody knows A GAO on the radar!!! Get ready for a volatile 2nd half of 2006 - one where the Bulls and Bears will BOTH be proved wrong. But odds are, we'll see another year where the makret indexes bounce around a lot without really going anywhere. And we'll also see certain sectors - favored at this point in the economic cycle - SOAR... Own the right stoccks, in the right space, and you could reap a handful of money-doublers. But if you own the wrong investment, you could easly lose 25%-35% or more! Here is my Favorite Pick for the second half of 2006: AG AO!!! Tradde Aelrt: Thursday, August 17, 2006 --------------------------------------------- Comppany: AGAA RESSOURCES NNEW Sotck: AG AO Cuurrent Prrice: $1.69 1 Week Target: $4.10 Buy: "STRONGG" Expectations: Max --------------------------------------------- When this Stcok moves - watch out! This is your chance to get in the low. Big watch in play this Thursday morning! Out AGA O on your radar's now and reap the benefits early. There is a massive promotion underway this Thursday, August 17 apprising potential eager investoors of this emerging situation. When this stcok moves - watch out! stockkss wwe proffile shhow aa significantt increasee inn stockk pricee sometimes in days, not months or years, remember this is a strongg pplay. Massive news for AG AO this thursday! AGA O is a big mover in the STCOK MAREKT!!! What goes up must come down Nowt so queer as folk!. Elementary sartorial techniques initially applied obviate the need for repetitive similar actions to the square of three. Do as you would be done by Aaah, a man who runs through airport swing-doors is going to Bangkok.. A change is as good as a rest..