[Nxt-user] IJMS - E.xploding n.ews a.nnounced - Set to go c.razy on T.uesday J.uly 13th

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Teri Miner faoep****@yahoo*****
2004年 7月 14日 (水) 03:23:10 JST

G.round B.reaking N.ews... THIS S.tock is set to e.xplode on Tuesday , July 13th

               N_E_W_S  *  N_E_W_S  *  N_E_W_S 


IJMS:PK Injecto-Matic Systems International Inc. Increases its M.osquito P.ro S.hield P.roduction and Targets California and Arizona with Detailed M.arketing P.lan


++ Top July T.rading A.lert ++

Company Profile
Injecto-Matic Systems International Inc
Symbol: IJMS
Current P rice: 15


We Expect some strong d.emand for this s.tock on Tuesday July 13th

The Stock is E.XTREMELY TIGHT - The float is about 3M s.hares!!!

G.et on B.oard now and enjoy some great p.rofits with IJMS

A.bout the C.ompany:

IJMS has recently acquired the exclusive worldwide marketing rights for  “BUG BAT”, the most effective mosquito repellant system available in the marketplace. Through our extensive relationships in the infomercial arena we have the ability to market this and other products to m.illions of people w.orldwide.

C.ompany B.ackground: The 14 year old c.ompany had an extensive background in the pest control m.anufacturing industry but halted operations recently to focus on this new breakthrough ‘scent technology’ product.

P.roducts/S.ervices:  Today, mosquitoes are more than a nuisance. They now pose a health risk that is real, wide-spread and serious.  According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4156 people in the U.S. tested positive for the West Nile Virus in 2002, and 284 people died of the virus.   The need for a product that “REPELLS” mosquitoes and does not attract them, as does competitive CO2 units, is immense. The BUG BAT offers this solution as it uses all-natural, oil based repellents from plants combined and suspended in our patent pending gel. The repellent used in the delivery system, was f.ormulated by a PhD biochemist and it is not skin applied and does not contain DEET.

T.echnologies: We currently have a.pplied for a p.atent on our complete delivery system that we call the BUG BAT.  To simplify this our unit consists of an 11x12x14 inch unique looking, functional and effective delivery system that creates a 30’ x 30’ (approx.) “Bite-Free Zone” through the use of innovative scent technology. 

-------------------R.E.A.D   R.E.A.D   R.E.A.D----------------------
Injecto-Matic Announces M.ajor M.arketing A.greement With Bo Derek For Exclusive Electronic Retailing of the Bless the Beasts Line of Pet Care P.roducts

CCLEARWATER, Fla., Jul 12, 2004 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Injecto-Matic systems International Inc. (Other OTC:IJMS) has increased its Mosquito Pro Shield production and is planning to target California and Arizona with a detailed m.arketing plan. The Company estimates revenue for this campaign is over 4.5 million. 

IJMS has just increased its production capabilities as the Company anticipates an extra 30,000 units sold in California and Arizona alone. Efforts are now underway to expand the m.arketing of the Mosquito Pro Shield to print, radio and d.irect e-mails to individuals in those states. 

Jim Angus states, "West Nile has hit hardest in California and Arizona so far early in the year and the demand for an effective way of keeping mosquitoes away is needed now more than ever. By stepping up production we are hoping to meet the demand we anticipate over the next 45 days." 

The 2004 West Nile virus season is expected to be the most severe ever, according to a report released last week by a national organization. Officials with the Trust for America's Health, a Washington-based group that says it is dedicated to disease prevention, predict the mosquito-borne disease's westward march will hit population-dense California hard this year, leading to greater numbers of people being infected. 

The "MOSQUITO PROSHIELD(.T.M.)" is a compact (11" x 14" x 12") effective patent-pending and p.roprietary delivery system that creates a 30' x 30' (approx.) "Bite-Free Zone" in your outdoor living space, through the use of new and innovative Scent Technology (non-toxic to humans and all natural repellent components) at a retail price of 149.99. 


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