[Mutt-j-users 378] Re: Gmailで送信ができない

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Satoshi Yoshida syosh****@gmail*****
2016年 8月 24日 (水) 17:08:28 JST

2016年8月24日 16:37 User Ribbon <ribbo****@ns*****>:
>> 「smtp-url は不明な変数」はやはり出ます。
> smtp_url ですけど? (ハイフンじゃなくてアンダーバー)


「smtp-url は不明な変数」は出なくなり、送信しようとしたら、
--with-sasl をつけてconfigureしてみると
configure: error: could not find sasl lib

root @ FreeBSD:/home/satoshi/mutt-1.7.0 # pkg search sasl
ap22-mod_authn_sasl-1.2_1      Allows user authentication based on
libsasl2 mechanisms on apache 2.2
argus-clients-sasl-     Client programs for the argus IP
network transaction auditing tool
argus-sasl-             Generic IP network transaction auditing tool
cyrus-sasl-2.1.26_12           RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication
and Security Layer)
cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.26_7     SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
cyrus-sasl-ldapdb-2.1.26_5     SASL LDAPDB auxprop plugin
cyrus-sasl-saslauthd-2.1.26_3  SASL authentication server for cyrus-sasl2
cyrus-sasl-srp-2.1.26          SASL SRP authentication plugin
gsasl-1.8.0_8                  GNU SASL Library
hs-gsasl-0.3.6                 Bindings for GNU libgsasl
linux-c6-cyrus-sasl2-2.1.23_3  RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication
and Security Layer) (Linux CentOS 6.8)
linux-f10-cyrus-sasl2-2.1.22_3 RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication
and Security Layer) (Linux Fedora 10)
nss-pam-ldapd-sasl-0.8.14_3    Advanced fork of nss_ldap with sasl support
openldap-sasl-client-2.4.44    Open source LDAP client implementation
with SASL2 support
p5-Authen-CyrusSASL-0.01_1     Perl5 module for accessing the SASL
authentication daemon
p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1          Perl5 module for SASL authentication
p5-Authen-SASL-Cyrus-0.13_1    XS SASL Authentication
p5-Authen-SASL-SASLprep-1.01.1 Stringprep Profile for User Names and
Passwords (RFC 4013)
pear-Auth_SASL-1.0.6           PEAR abstraction of various SASL
mechanism responses
postfix-current-sasl-3.2.20160625,4 Experimental Postfix version
postfix-sasl-3.1.1,1           Secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
postfix211-sasl-2.11.8,1       Secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
rubygem-pyu-ruby-sasl-  Simple Authentication and Security Layer
sendmail+tls+sasl2-8.15.2_1    Reliable, highly configurable mail
transfer agent with utilities
tclsasl-1.0_3                  Tcl interface to the Cyrus SASLv2 library



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