[Molds-dev] [molds] #32650: Makefile_GNU depend target calls main Makefile

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SourceForge Ticket System norep****@sourc*****
2013年 12月 23日 (月) 07:22:09 JST

#32650: Makefile_GNU depend target calls main Makefile

  Open Date: 2013-12-22 23:14
Last Update: 2013-12-23 07:22

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Last Changes/Comment for this Ticket:
2013-12-23 07:22 Update by: mbanck


I think the problem happens when one runs "make depend" explicitly, rather than implicitly via "make".  I have now removed this explicit "make depend" command, and then I no longer see this bug.

Nevertheless, I believe this could be made more robust.

Ticket Status:

      Reporter: mbanck
         Owner: (None)
          Type: Bugs
        Status: Open
      Priority: 5 - Medium
     MileStone: (None)
     Component: (None)
      Severity: 5 - Medium
    Resolution: None

Ticket details:

The depend target in src/Makefile_GNU has been reworked since 0.2.0, probably to make sure it is always run.  However, it is now setup to run "make depend", and at least sometimes t first runs depend, then removes the file and creates it again, this time calling the "regular" src/Makefile, which specifies "mpiicpc" as CC, so it fails:

(cd src; make -f Makefile_GNU depend)
make[2]: Entering directory `/?PKGBUILDDIR?/src'
g++ -MM base/Enums.cpp                   base/PrintController.cpp base/MolDSException.cpp                                     base/MallocerFreer.cpp              mpi/MpiProcess.cpp mpi/AsyncCommunicator.cpp wrappers/Blas.cpp wrappers/Lapack.cpp base/Utilities.cpp base/MathUtilities.cpp base/EularAngle.cpp base/Parameters.cpp base/atoms/Atom.cpp base/atoms/Hatom.cpp base/atoms/Liatom.cpp base/atoms/Catom.cpp base/atoms/Natom.cpp base/atoms/Oatom.cpp base/atoms/Satom.cpp base/atoms/mm/EnvironmentalPointCharge.cpp base/factories/AtomFactory.cpp base/Molecule.cpp base/InputParser.cpp base/GTOExpansionSTO.cpp base/RealSphericalHarmonicsIndex.cpp base/loggers/MOLogger.cpp base/loggers/DensityLogger.cpp base/loggers/HoleDensityLogger.cpp base/loggers/ParticleDensityLogger.cpp                            cndo/Cndo2.cpp                                    indo/Indo.cpp zindo/ZindoS.cpp mndo/Mndo.cpp am1/Am1.cpp am1/Am1D.cpp pm3/Pm3.cpp pm3/Pm3D.cpp pm3/Pm3Pddg.cpp base/factories/Electro
 nicStructureFactory.cpp md/MD.cpp mc/MC.cpp rpmd/RPMD.cpp nasco/NASCO.cpp optimization/Optimizer.cpp optimization/ConjugateGradient.cpp optimization/SteepestDescent.cpp optimization/BFGS.cpp optimization/GEDIIS.cpp base/factories/OptimizerFactory.cpp  base/MolDS.cpp     Main.cpp -I/usr//include/ -I/usr/lib/openblas-base//include/ | sed 's/^\([^ ]\)/obj\/\1/g' | sed 's/\($*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o : /g'  > obj/objfile.dep
make[2]: Leaving directory `/?PKGBUILDDIR?/src'
make[2]: Entering directory `/?PKGBUILDDIR?/src'
rm obj/objfile.dep
make obj/objfile.dep
make[3]: Entering directory `/?PKGBUILDDIR?/src'
mpiicpc -MM base/Enums.cpp                   base/PrintController.cpp base/MolDSException.cpp                                     base/MallocerFreer.cpp              mpi/MpiProcess.cpp mpi/AsyncCommunicator.cpp wrappers/Blas.cpp wrappers/Lapack.cpp base/Utilities.cpp base/MathUtilities.cpp base/EularAngle.cpp base/Parameters.cpp base/RealSphericalHarmonicsIndex.cpp base/atoms/Atom.cpp base/atoms/Hatom.cpp base/atoms/Liatom.cpp base/atoms/Catom.cpp base/atoms/Natom.cpp base/atoms/Oatom.cpp base/atoms/Satom.cpp base/atoms/mm/EnvironmentalPointCharge.cpp base/factories/AtomFactory.cpp base/Molecule.cpp base/InputParser.cpp base/GTOExpansionSTO.cpp base/loggers/MOLogger.cpp base/loggers/DensityLogger.cpp base/loggers/HoleDensityLogger.cpp base/loggers/ParticleDensityLogger.cpp                            cndo/Cndo2.cpp                                    indo/Indo.cpp zindo/ZindoS.cpp mndo/Mndo.cpp am1/Am1.cpp am1/Am1D.cpp pm3/Pm3.cpp pm3/Pm3D.cpp pm3/Pm3Pddg.cpp base/factories/Ele
 ctronicStructureFactory.cpp md/MD.cpp mc/MC.cpp rpmd/RPMD.cpp nasco/NASCO.cpp optimization/Optimizer.cpp optimization/ConjugateGradient.cpp optimization/SteepestDescent.cpp optimization/BFGS.cpp optimization/GEDIIS.cpp base/factories/OptimizerFactory.cpp  base/MolDS.cpp     Main.cpp -I/usr/local/boost//include/ | sed 's/^\([^ ]\)/obj\/\1/g' | sed 's/\($*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o : /g' > obj/objfile.dep
/bin/sh: 1: mpiicpc: not found
make[3]: Leaving directory `/?PKGBUILDDIR?/src'

Running regular make then fails like this:

(cd src; make -f Makefile_GNU)
make[2]: Entering directory `/?PKGBUILDDIR?/src'
g++ -I/usr//include/ -I/usr/lib/openblas-base//include/ -o obj/Enums.o  -g -Wall -fopenmp -O2 -fopenmp -c
g++: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [obj/Enums.o] Error 4

This is unfortunately not very well reproducible, but it should be made more robust I think

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