[Mingw-users] How to build a library compatible with dlopen?

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Thu Dec 6 23:17:36 JST 2018

On 05/12/18 06:53, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
>> Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2018 10:40:04 +0800
>> From: Walter Zambotti <zambo****@iinet*****>
>> I am looking for a guide that will assist me with creating a
>> library that is compatible with dlopen.
>> I have already managed to create a shared library that links and
>> works as expected but  dlopen refuses to open this.
> There's nothing special about MinGW dlopen, ...

Actually, there is ...

> ... AFAICT: it is just a fancy way of calling LoadLibrary.

While you may consider it as such, this trite dismissal may serve to
denigrate the additional features it offers; e.g.:--

- Support for RTLD_ALL_GLOBAL and RTLD_DEFAULT symbol lookup, when
  GetProcAddress() is supplanted by MinGW's dlsym(): (DLLs loaded
  directly by LoadLibrary() will not be included in the search list
  for dlsym( RTLD_ALL_GLOBAL, ... ); dlopen() is required to make
  that work.

- Facility for marking any explicitly loaded module as RTLD_LOCAL,
  thus excluding its symbols from a dlsym( RTLD_ALL_GLOBAL, ... )
  search; (this may seem to be roughly the same as a direct call to
  LoadLibrary(), but failure to use dlopen() may cause the loaded
  DLL's symbols to appear in a dlsym( RTLD_DEFAULT, ... ) search,
  where they do not belong).

- Support for module path names specified with slashes, rather than
  backslashes; (Microsoft cautions against using the former style
  in LoadLibrary() call, in spite of their documented suitability
  in other contexts).

So yes, if you consider MinGW's dlopen() merely as a convenient porting
substitute for LoadLibrary(), (and you don't care for the convenience of
its slash vs. backslash handling), then maybe you could think in terms
of dlopen() as just a fancy way to call LoadLibrary(), but, when used in
conjunction with MinGW's dlsym(), (which is also more than just a fancy
way to call GetProcAddress()), it *does* offer more.

> So the question you should ask yourself is did you put the library in
> one of the directories where LoadLibrary looks for DLLs.  The
> Microsoft documentation of LoadLibrary describes those directories,
> as well as the order in which they are searched.

Yes, indeed.  Since dlopen() does, ultimately, call LoadLibrary(), any
DLL to be loaded by dlopen() must reside where LoadLibrary() will look
for it.


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