[Macemacsjp-users 1267] Re: Fw: RFE: Carbon Emacs パッケージにおけるファイルの関連付け

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Seiji Zenitani zenit****@mac*****
2006年 12月 18日 (月) 11:08:04 JST


Carbon Emacs がダブルクリックに反応する拡張子の一欄に
*.yml (YAML document) を追加しました。
一方、XCode でよく使う *.strings ファイルに
Emacs のアイコンが付いてしまうのは気持ち悪いので



On 2006/11/08, at 9:59, Takanori Yamamoto wrote:
>>> #== Plain Text ==
>>> Plain text document,  text, txt
>>> #== Tagged Text ==
>>> HTML document,                html, HTML, htm, HTM, shtm, SHTM,  
>>> shtml, SHTML, jsp, JSP, asp, ASP
>>> CSS style sheet,      css, CSS
>>> XHTML document,               xhtml, xhtm
>>> XML document,         xml, xsl, xslt, xbl, xul, rdf, dtd
>>> SGML document,                sgml, sgm
>>> #== Script ==
>>> JavaScript script,    js, JS
>>> PHP script,           php, PHP, php3, PHP3
>>> Tcl script,           tcl
>>> Ruby script,          rb
>>> Python script,                py
>>> Perl script,          pl, pm
>>> Shell script,         sh, csh
>>> #== Program Source ==
>>> C Header Source File, h
>>> C Source File,                c
>>> C++ Header Source File,       hh, hp, hpp, hxx, h++
>>> C++ Source File,      cc, cp, cpp, cxx, c++
>>> Objective-C Source File,      m
>>> Objective-C++ Source File,    mm
>>> Assembly Source File,         s, asm
>>> Rez Source File,      r
>>> Java Source File,     java, jav
>>> Lex Source File,      l, lm, lmm, lpp, lxx
>>> Yacc Source File,     y, ym, ymm, ypp, yxx
>>> Fortran Source File,  f, for, f77, f99
>>> Pascal Source file,   pas
>>> Ada Source File,      ada, adb, ads
>>> Strings File,         strings
>>> Emacs Lisp Source File,       el
>>> Haskell Source File,  hs, lhs
>>> #== TeX ==
>>> BibTeX Source File,   bib
>>> TeX Source File,      tex, TEX, ltx, LTX, ctx, CTX, latex, texi

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