[macemacsjp-english 605] MacEmacs Aesthetics?

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Dr. Ernie Prabhakar drern****@opend*****
Sat Jul 1 05:47:31 JST 2006

Hi all,

I'm new to the list, so please forgive me if this is off-topic.

I've been lobbying several people at Apple to bundle a GUI version of  
Emacs in Mac OS X.  They've rejected the current builds as not being  
"Aqua" enough.  Specifically, they had four complaints:

1.  The menu items use emacs-style parenthesized "C-X" and "S-X"  
keyboard shortcuts, instead of the canonical, right-justified "^X"  
and "[up arrow]S"

2.  The toolbar is in a different color than the window bar (not  
integral, like modern apps)

3.  The toolbar icons looks more like Mac OS 9 than Mac OS X

4.  The default font looks more like something from Windows than,  
say, Terminal.app

These all seem like they should be simple to fix, but I have no idea  
how.  Is anyone here familiar with how to modify those aspects of Emacs?

Would anyone like to help work on this, in order to get this bundled  
in Mac OS X?

Many thanks,
-- Dr. Ernie
Ernest N. Prabhakar, Ph.D. <drern****@opend*****>
Ex-Physicist, Marketing Weenie, and Dilettante Hacker
Probe-Hacker blog: http://www.opendarwin.org/~drernie/

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