[macemacsjp-english 243] Re: ispell no longer works in the latestversion

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Clemens Wittinger enxio****@gmail*****
Wed Sep 28 20:41:15 JST 2005


On 28.09.2005, at 13:20, Zenitani Seiji wrote:
> I think so, too. Calling without ispell-extra-arg is doubtful. Has  
> anyone feedbacked this issue to the ispell maintainer or the emacs- 
> devel list? If not, I'll write an email later.

I didn't. :)

> It's also possible to set aspell-options via environment variables.  
> Try one of the below two.
> ;; relocatable path (for Carbon Emacs Package)
> (setenv "ASPELL_CONF"
>     (concat "prefix " carbon-emacs-package-prefix ";"
>         "data-dir " carbon-emacs-package-prefix "/lib/aspell-0.60;"
>         "dict-dir " carbon-emacs-package-prefix "/lib/aspell-0.60;"
>         "conf-dir " carbon-emacs-package-prefix "/etc"
>     ))

This one really does look like the right thing(tm). Thanks very much!

>> aspell still thinks it has to use dictionaries from inside Carbon  
>> Emacs
>> with a somehow different setup in which it can't find the german8
>> dictionary.
> What is "german8"? Is it better german dictionary?

In the August version, with the older ispell.el this was present,  
IIRC. I used to use "deutsch8" -- 8 because of 8-bit? Don't know, but  
it worked :)


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