[macemacsjp-english 193] Buggy fontset?

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Peter Dyballa Peter_Dybal****@Web*****
Mon Sep 12 20:35:12 JST 2005


In .emacs I set:

            (font . "fontset-hiraginomin")

How can I choose the 10pt version?

In *Calendar* I've chosen this customisation (X11 client, another 
Carbon Emacs):

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but in this Carbon Emacs it looks like this in Calendar or that in 

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Brown is the [font-lock-constant-face], italic grey is the 
[font-lock-comment-face], and the month name is in 
[font-lock-function-name-face] (not changed from defaults).

  '(font-lock-constant-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "IndianRed4"))))
  '(font-lock-comment-face ((t (:italic t :foreground 

In LaTeX mode (AUCTeX) I see:

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The purple LaTeX names are in [(font-lock-keyword-face 
font-latex-sedate-face)], the red ones are in  
[(font-latex-warning-face font-latex-sedate-face)], the brown argument 
of \input{} is in [(font-lock-constant-face)], none changed from the 

When I'm in mini-buffer after having invoked repeat-complex-command 
(C-x Esc Esc) at the Redo: prompt I can't type C-a to go to the 
beginning of the line. Carbon Emacs tells me: read-from-minibuffer: 
Wrong type argument: commandp, (font-lock-variable-name-face append t).

Does this Carbon Emacs support as Aquamacs Emacs

	(setq mac-pass-option-to-system t)
	(setq mac-command-key-is-meta t)
	(setq mac-option-modifier nil)
	(setq mac-command-modifier nil)
	(setq mac-control-modifier nil)

to have the usual Mac OS X shortcuts available in Carbon Emacs, i.e. 
M-v paste, M-c copy?



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