[macemacsjp-english 182] Re: Carbon Emacs on non-commercial CD or DVD

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Seiji Zenitani zenit****@tkg*****
Sun Sep 11 01:03:07 JST 2005


On 2005/09/10, at 20:00, Peter Dyballa wrote:
> Some users of TeX on Macs are releasing a teTeX 3 based TeX
> distribution for Mactels, augmented by some other applications (LyX,
> LaTeXiT, Excalibur ...). One of these can be this Carbon Emacs, both
> for Panther and for Tiger.
I'm pleased to hear that.

> Is it available as an Universal Binary?

I don't have a mactel at my hand and so currently I don't know  
whether emacs can be built as a universal application. It might be  
difficult because emacs is a 'dump'-ed image of temacs application.  
If impossible, I will provide a dmg file for mactels soon after I got  
a mactel.
ref. http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/elisp-manual/html_node/ 

If you have a mactel (for apple developers), you may easily build  
another Carbon Emacs Package by following the below wiki page (sorry,  
in Japanese language).


> Is it available for CD/DVD release?

Yes. Please remember that Emacs is distributed under the GPL. Attach  
source codes as well as the dmg files. You can obtain the source  
codes from the following URL:


> What have the copyright owners of the packages outside the
> normal GNU Emacs distributions decided upon their own software?
I have chosen GPL-ed or GPL-compatible elisp packages and so I think  
there is no problem.

Elisp packages that are incompatible with the GPL (such as yatex) are  
not bundle by default. They are only available via not-install. (That  
is why I have added net-install feature to my emacs distribution.)

> I cannot i-search for words with or for the characters ö or ß: is  
> this
> a known bug? And ispell does not launch: is this a known bug too?
> The AUCTeX variables TeX-lisp-directory or TeX-auto-global are wrong:
> there is probably no-one that has something at
> /Volumes/Emacs/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/...!
Yes, I know. The above variables are usually overwritten by the below
lines in site-start.el or side-start.d/*.el files.

(setq TeX-lisp-directory
        (concat carbon-emacs-package-prefix "/site-lisp/auctex")
        (concat carbon-emacs-package-prefix "/var/auctex"))

The carbon-emacs-package-prefix variable is the prefix path of the
relocatable application bundle; for example,

> Which fontset can display the whole set of ISO 8859-15 (ISO Latin-9)
> glyphs?
I'm not sure but 'carbon-font' 1.2.0 or later suppports ISO latin-9  
characters according to its release note. How about using fontsets  
such as 'hiraginokaku', 'hiraginomaru', 'hiraginomin' or 'osaka'?

-- Seiji

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