[logaling-commit] logaling/logaling-command [master] add spec for dictionary option in lookup

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Wed Feb 22 20:34:51 JST 2012

SUZUKI Miho	2012-02-22 20:34:51 +0900 (Wed, 22 Feb 2012)

  New Revision: 1c52c59dd9881188455ce2aa78220f4aae5ae49f

  Merged 65d6d6b: Merge pull request #50 from logaling/improve-lookup

    add spec for dictionary option in lookup

  Modified files:

  Modified: spec/logaling/repository_spec.rb (+44 -0)
--- spec/logaling/repository_spec.rb    2012-02-22 19:06:02 +0900 (01a7f5a)
+++ spec/logaling/repository_spec.rb    2012-02-22 20:34:51 +0900 (a85cb81)
@@ -47,6 +47,50 @@ module Logaling
+      context 'with dictionary option' do
+        before do
+          glossary.add("user", "ユーザ", "ユーザーではない")
+          glossary.add("user-logaling", "ユーザ", "ユーザーではない")
+          glossary.add("user-logaling test", "ユーザーてすと", "")
+          glossary.add("ゆーざ", "test user-logaling test text", "")
+          File.stub!(:mtime).and_return(Time.now - 1)
+          repository.index
+          @terms = repository.lookup("user-logaling", glossary, true)
+          @result = [{
+            :glossary_name=>"spec",
+            :source_language=>"en",
+            :target_language=>"ja",
+            :source_term=>"user-logaling",
+            :snipped_source_term=>["", {:keyword=>"user-logaling"}],
+            :target_term=>"ユーザ",
+            :snipped_target_term=>[],
+            :note=>"ユーザーではない"},
+            {
+            :glossary_name=>"spec",
+            :source_language=>"en",
+            :target_language=>"ja",
+            :source_term=>"user-logaling test",
+            :snipped_source_term=>["", {:keyword=>"user-logaling"}, " test"],
+            :target_term=>"ユーザーてすと",
+            :snipped_target_term=>[],
+            :note=>""},
+            {
+            :glossary_name=>"spec",
+            :source_language=>"en",
+            :target_language=>"ja",
+            :source_term=>"ゆーざ",
+            :snipped_source_term=>[],
+            :target_term=>"test user-logaling test text",
+            :snipped_target_term=>["test", {:keyword=>" user-logaling"}, " test text"],
+            :note=>""}]
+        end
+        it 'succeed at find by term' do
+          @terms.size.should == 3
+          @terms.should == @result
+        end
+      end
       context 'when tsv file as glossary exists' do
         let(:tsv_path) { glossary_path.sub(/yml$/, 'tsv') }

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