Kita should set the bugtracker address properly.
I forgot to add my email address if you need support: andresbajotierra Plugin Error: Load Denied: at gmail [[[dot]]] com
We haven't released the KDE4 version yet and AFAIK the latest development version sets the address.;a=blob;f=kita/src/main.cpp;h=7c0e5e62970d466e6b30ac05bc974fbbfe01b7c7;hb=HEAD#l31
In KDE4.3, the crash handler dialog allows the user to report the crashes automatically. If the application do not set a custom bugtracker URL, the crash reports are sent to We recently got some Kita reports in our bugtracker, but you are using another address to track this bugs.
You should call KAboutData->setBugAddress("bugtracker url"); after the KAboutData object creating and before running the KApplication.
Thanks in advance
Darío A. (